More than 270 medical experts call out Spotify, Joe Rogan for spreading COVID-19 misinformation

Yep, it's another attempt to say "see Dems are just as bad" and it's completely baseless. Anyone paying attention understands this movement is strictly on the right.

Jimmy Dore is a little too extreme left for my taste usually, but having said that.

Jimmy Dore Show - 945,000 YouTube subscribers

Secular Talk - 973,00 YouTube subscribers

Breaking Points - 704,000 YouTube subscribers

All Progressive content creators. All fully vaccinated. All saying people should get vaccinated. All questioning mandates and the information given and not given by the establishment.

So while you probably don't agree with them (on Covid), with those numbers this isn't a "strictly right movement".
Jimmy Dore is a little too extreme left for my taste usually, but having said that.

Jimmy Dore Show - 945,000 YouTube subscribers

Secular Talk - 973,00 YouTube subscribers

Breaking Points - 704,000 YouTube subscribers

All Progressive content creators. All fully vaccinated. All saying people should get vaccinated. All questioning mandates and the information given and not given by the establishment.

So while you probably don't agree with them (on Covid), with those numbers this isn't a "strictly right movement".
All outliers and not even a drop in the bucket compared to the mainstream. Just like Trump saying "there are good people on both sides" to muddy the water, not only is the movement strictly on the right, you're using right wing talking points to refute it.
All outliers and not even a drop in the bucket compared to the mainstream. Just like Trump saying "there are good people on both sides" to muddy the water, not only is the movement strictly on the right, you're using right wing talking points to refute it.

Let me see if I get this straight and you can correct me if I’m wrong. I offered evidence that it’s not “strictly” a right wing movement and just by doing that makes it a right wing talking point?
Let me see if I get this straight and you can correct me if I’m wrong. I offered evidence that it’s not “strictly” a right wing movement and just by doing that makes it a right wing talking point?
You offered YouTube links to a shows while explaining their talking points, I would hardly call that "evidence". It's no different than saying "Only 10.1 billion vaccines have been given but look at this influencer who is questioning it, AND HE'S A LIBERAL".

Frankly, with your history of these posts trying to make the good guys out to be just as evil as the bad guys here I just don't give it much credibility, even if what you say is true they're still outliers in the bigger picture.
All outliers and not even a drop in the bucket compared to the mainstream. Just like Trump saying "there are good people on both sides" to muddy the water, not only is the movement strictly on the right, you're using right wing talking points to refute it.
Let me see if I get this straight and you can correct me if I’m wrong. I offered evidence that it’s not “strictly” a right wing movement and just by doing that makes it a right wing talking point?
I‘d say the rare “liberal” who jumps on the anti-COVID vaccine/mask thing is the exception that proves the rule. Like the person who smokes 2 packs of unfiltered Camels a day and lives to be 100…
Do some of you all realize Anti-vaxxers existed before COVID? Before vaccines became a Left-Right thing?
Do some of you all realize Anti-vaxxers existed before COVID? Before vaccines became a Left-Right thing?
Yeah it's funny, being a fashionable soccer mom antivaxxer Liberal was a thing before COVID, then came hundreds of thousands of deaths and that's when Trump his ilk took that moniker over and even the Liberal moms were left saying WTF is wrong with those people.
You offered YouTube links to a shows while explaining their talking points, I would hardly call that "evidence". It's no different than saying "Only 10.1 billion vaccines have been given but look at this influencer who is questioning it, AND HE'S A LIBERAL".

Frankly, with your history of these posts trying to make the good guys out to be just as evil as the bad guys here I just don't give it much credibility, even if what you say is true they're still outliers in the bigger picture.

I know in these forums it's extremely difficult to expect people to watch long videos or listen to long audio clips. Most of the time I'm listening to podcasts while I'm driving. So I don't really know how else to share things other than concise generalities. I suppose looking at comments in specific YouTube videos by the presenters might also help to give a broader picture. I'll try to point in that direction later.

As far as equal evils, if you are talking about my Fauci comment earlier in this thread. I did remove that and stated that it was guided by misinformation, or at least made by sources that could have ulterior motives. As far as my general statements across the forum on equal evils, there are plenty of issues, especially on economics where both parties voted in lockstep, that only helps those at the top while hurting everybody else. A most recent example of lockstep, actions in Ukraine. No debate. No critical thinking.

We're at where we are at, not because of Trump, but because of decades of Democrats either agreeing with Republicans or letting Republicans steamroll over them when it comes to actual passed policy. It's one or the other. Democrats failed to pass policy nationally that should have kept Trump as the joke of a loser that he always has been instead of the leader of the country. And after 4 years of him Congress should be nowhere near a 50/50 split. But some people would rather believe half the country is racist than look at decades of a failed collective establishment government.
I‘d say the rare “liberal” who jumps on the anti-COVID vaccine/mask thing is the exception that proves the rule. Like the person who smokes 2 packs of unfiltered Camels a day and lives to be 100…

To be clear, it's not anti-vaccine. It's anti-mandate and related government tracking. The whole "be careful of what you wish for because someday it could be used against you" thing.
I know in these forums it's extremely difficult to expect people to watch long videos or listen to long audio clips. Most of the time I'm listening to podcasts while I'm driving. So I don't really know how else to share things other than concise generalities. I suppose looking at comments in specific YouTube videos by the presenters might also help to give a broader picture. I'll try to point in that direction later.

As far as equal evils, if you are talking about my Fauci comment earlier in this thread. I did remove that and stated that it was guided by misinformation, or at least made by sources that could have ulterior motives. As far as my general statements across the forum on equal evils, there are plenty of issues, especially on economics where both parties voted in lockstep, that only helps those at the top while hurting everybody else. A most recent example of lockstep, actions in Ukraine. No debate. No critical thinking.

We're at where we are at, not because of Trump, but because of decades of Democrats either agreeing with Republicans or letting Republicans steamroll over them when it comes to actual passed policy. It's one or the other. Democrats failed to pass policy nationally that should have kept Trump as the joke of a loser that he always has been instead of the leader of the country. And after 4 years of him Congress should be nowhere near a 50/50 split. But some people would rather believe half the country is racist than look at decades of a failed collective establishment government.
Okay, just voicing my opinions on it is all, I think we can agree to disagree here.

However, I do agree about Democrats allowing themselves to be steamrolled by Republicans, they can have a spine and still get their work done but have always been weak that way.
To be clear, it's not anti-vaccine. It's anti-mandate and related government tracking. The whole "be careful of what you wish for because someday it could be used against you" thing.
It’s not though. The “anti-mandate” instead of “anti-vaccine” was a fake pivot by the usual suspects, hoping to get some recruits at the event. But at the event itself, they jumped right back on the crazy train.

The article I posted should take you far less time for you to read than it took me to listen to the podcast; it explains how they tried to change the message to attract more people… with very limited success.

Here’s a bit more coverage of the rally:

I know in these forums it's extremely difficult to expect people to watch long videos or listen to long audio clips.
Because it's a hotbed of disinformation as if you get presented with a lot of information quickly you'll take a lot of it at face value. I'd have to take notes and then do my actual research based on my notes, to be able to keep up with the info spewed at me at youtube.

Critical thinkers read for a reason.
Yes. There were some religious and ‘all-natural’ weirdos on the fringes and then a some idiot parents started jumping on the vaccines cause autism bandwagon fuelled by quacks and charlatans. It was the republican Party (and the far right in other places around the world) that made vaccines a political issue. If Trump had not acted the way he did, this would have gone in a very different direction.

Maybe, but maybe not.

That’s the other thing that also amuses me. Repubs genuinely believe that finding something bad about cnn is going to be a “gotcha” moment and will be upset non-repubs. It’s an interesting form of projection that should be studied by psychologists to dive deeper into some people’s unhealthy relationships with their sources of news.

Same reason the left always tries to find fault with Fox. Anything that happens bad for the Dems is because the Republicans are watching FoxNews.

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