Musk offers to buy Twitter

It's simultaneously laughable, sad, and alarming how some people are looking to Musk as the savior of "free speech." This woman, who was taken off a flight for allegedly shouting homophobic slurs at other passengers, praises Musk and threatens to sue, presumably the person who complained. These sub-morons have no idea what the first amendment says or means.
I think I'd free speech these f***ers up and down the concourse a few times ...
It's simultaneously laughable, sad, and alarming how some people are looking to Musk as the savior of "free speech." This woman, who was taken off a flight for allegedly shouting homophobic slurs at other passengers, praises Musk and threatens to sue, presumably the person who complained. These sub-morons have no idea what the first amendment says or means.
I wonder if they were going on a vacation. Even if they were returning from one, getting kicked off a flight still blows I imagine, giant inconvenience. I can't fathom fucking up your own day like this, fucking up everyone else's flight, people may have missed connections. They must have an awful life.
I think I'd free speech these f***ers up and down the concourse a few times ...

Ich glaube, wir sind uns alle einig, dass Meinungsfreiheit gut ist, aber nur auf Deutsch.
I wonder if they were going on a vacation. Even if they were returning from one, getting kicked off a flight still blows I imagine, giant inconvenience. I can't fathom fucking up your own day like this, fucking up everyone else's flight, people may have missed connections. They must have an awful life.

This is a great take. Can you imagine, that your hatred, your hope to become a right-wing-fucknut-15-minute-celebrity completely overrides having a nice life?

It's sad and pathetic.
This is a great take. Can you imagine, that your hatred, your hope to become a right-wing-fucknut-15-minute-celebrity completely overrides having a nice life?

It's sad and pathetic.

So much this. I've swallowed my tongue to keep the peace and avoid getting into political topics in our neighborhood, so that I can still cooperate with my neighbor to get a shared fence replaced, etc. Thankfully, I haven't been pushed too hard on this, because there are limits to how quiet I'll be in the face of a neighbor I have to deal with on the regular. On plane you aren't likely to see them ever again, so the principle of keeping the peace to keep things moving is wholly appropriate.

That said, I suspect some folks look to take advantage of that knowing that others will attempt to keep the peace instead of clapping back.
Interesting turn of events...

Elon Musk Is No Longer Twitter’s Largest Shareholder​

Really? 🤨

Early on Friday, Musk tweeted that his $44 billion deal to buy Twitter was “temporarily on hold” because he was waiting for confirmation that the amount of spam and fake accounts on the platform did indeed represent less than 5% of users.

“Twitter deal temporarily on hold pending details supporting calculation that spam/fake accounts do indeed represent less than 5% of users,” Musk tweeted.

He included a link to a May 2 Reuters article that reported on Twitter’s estimated fake and spam accounts in the first quarter of the year, which it reported to be 5% of its monetizable daily active users. According to Reuters, the blue bird social media network had a total of 229 million users who were served ads in the first quarter.

While taking a moment to investigate whether the platform you’re buying indeed has enough users to make it worth your while is no doubt sensible, it seems a bit off that Musk is bringing this up now, or more than two weeks after he announced his intention to buy the company. Plus, it’s not as if Twitter were hiding this information. It reported the numbers in filings on May 2.

Furthermore, it’s not as if Musk wasn’t aware of the spam accounts on the platform. He has frequently rallied against them and made “defeating the spam bots” one of his priorities in the very press release announcing his deal on April 25.

Considering cryptocurrency’s recent nosedive—Musk is a big crypto fan and owns crypto, though how much isn’t publicly known—and Tesla losing 20% of its value since its CEO announced that he was going to buy his favorite digital toy, Musk’s pause is not surprising from a financial standpoint. It is ironic from his personal standpoint though, since he’s said he “doesn’t care about the economics at all” when it comes to buying Twitter.


He realized buying it isn’t necessary. He already gets his MAGA cred by threatening to buy it and saying he’d put trump back. Now he gets more credit by saying the users are all fake.
He realized buying it isn’t necessary. He already gets his MAGA cred by threatening to buy it and saying he’d put trump back. Now he gets more credit by saying the users are all fake.
With the recent stock market plunge, he is WAY overpaying for it too, so he is probably looking for an escape hatch.
With the recent stock market plunge, he is WAY overpaying for it too, so he is probably looking for an escape hatch.
yep. He realized you can’t rake in money from a product that’s free, in a world where apple and governments are crushing loopholes that allow third parties to invade privacy, so what is he paying for?

Not to mention that his financing may be falling through.
Really? 🤨



BREAKING NEWS: Republicans declare spam bots citizens with full voting and representative rights. In response Democrat leadership rolled their eyes and labeled it an ultra MAGA Putin tax. No further action is expected from Democrats.

In related news, 1.5 million pro life spam bot citizens discovered in Atlanta area home basement. Republicans plan sweep of all major US cities in hopes of discovering more. 10 products found on Amazon users swear they can’t live without.
yep. He realized you can’t rake in money from a product that’s free, in a world where apple and governments are crushing loopholes that allow third parties to invade privacy, so what is he paying for?

Not to mention that his financing may be falling through.
Yeah, funny how he’s bragging about being so rich, but somehow needs financing to buy this. He just doesn’t want to pay taxes; that’s the long and short of it. If he liquidates his assets to get the cash he needs to buy Twitter, he’d have to actually pay some capital gains tax.

I never thought about this, but is there sales tax if you buy a company?
Yeah, funny how he’s bragging about being so rich, but somehow needs financing to buy this. He just doesn’t want to pay taxes; that’s the long and short of it. If he liquidates his assets to get the cash he needs to buy Twitter, he’d have to actually pay some capital gains tax.

I never thought about this, but is there sales tax if you buy a company?
No. It’s not a good or service.
So if this deal falls through will it diminish his reputation among his followers as an expert on everything?

“Hey Chandler, should we still continue to make major life and investment decisions based on Musk Tweets?”

He's the new 80's Donald Trump.
So if this deal falls through will it diminish his reputation among his followers as an expert on everything?

“Hey Chandler, should we still continue to make major life and investment decisions based on Musk Tweets?”

He's the new 80's Donald Trump.
Will it diminish his rep?

I don't think so, because at the same time we are having the free fall crypto now. All those crypto bros who worship Musk, will need a new guiding light. Someone who is also a crypto bro, but won't lose their shirts like many are now. When this free fall stops, you know the bros will need someone to blame, and it won't be themselves. They will need that guiding light that shine that light on them, but want it for themselves.

A digression thread of speculation: