Musk offers to buy Twitter

It always cracks me up when I see everyday people defending these guys...because they somehow have been convinced they can be as rich as them. But they fail to realize how much help they got to get where they are. They were already from well off families and had the connections. The every day person isn't going to have that. Sure, they can get there...but they're going to have to work a hell of a lot harder than any of those dudes.

People who make $30,000 a year defending billionaires is more American than apple pie.
I wouldn't be surprised if the quick acceptance of his terms took Musk by surprise. For the major shareholders they're about to make a lot of money and the board I'm sure will receive a very nice golden parachute. Its a win for everyone but Musk.

I would not be surprised if that's why they jumped at it. As much a middle finger to Musk's attitude as it is a way to cash out in way that they likely wouldn't ever get from Twitter improving revenue.
I would not be surprised if that's why they jumped at it. As much a middle finger to Musk's attitude as it is a way to cash out in way that they likely wouldn't ever get from Twitter improving revenue.
I can see Musk backing out, but not the board. If the board does, then Must could continue with his take over, it will just be a hostile one at that point.

With the EU communicating to Musk, that he must abide by their terms of free speech
Twitter takeover: EU and UK warn Elon Musk must comply or face sanctions

I wouldn't be surprised if the quick acceptance of his terms took Musk by surprise. For the major shareholders they're about to make a lot of money and the board I'm sure will receive a very nice golden parachute. Its a win for everyone but Musk.
If you read up on the “poison pill” the board put in place initially, you’ll find the board put themselves in a way in the position that made taking Musk’s offer. Basically in their attempt to curb Musk, the placed themselves in a questionable legal position. So acting in the shareholders best interests, became their best interest.

Also this was also done quickly enough in time before Twitter announces it’s latest earnings. Great timing if the earnings aren’t great and got the most money they possibly could.

Bonus, read up on how much Musk is paying extra because of a stupid joke involving the price he offered. Hint: a 420 joke is costing him extra millions he didn’t need to throw in.
At least that makes some sense, what is baffling are those making less than $30K defending them.

There's nothing more American than having an overinflated opinion of your value and abilities. For some people that motivates them, but for most it just causes them to righteously whine and recently we've established a party cult they can join.
Well from my humble point of view it would be simpler for Musk to pay someone to build his own free speech site instead of "buying a free app" as some people hilariously describe his purchase offer, and then having to pay someone to try to make it into whatever he thinks it is he wants.

Really I suspect he's just tired of blocking accounts on Twitter that have criticized him, because those tweets have been posted with all due attention to Twitter's guidelines and so are not being removed.

Musk is not necessarily trying to get those accounts banned, and he does say he wants his worst critics to remain, but obviously he doesn't want them able to follow him and read and then reply to or quote-retweet his own tweets.

So like any other user he deploys the Twitter tools at hand. That's fine by me, actually, that's an optioni when you don't enjoy someone else's "free speech" on the platform -- but it's a kind of dead giveaway when you see someone blocking an account like Public Citizen. I mean it's not like that crew goes around trolling other Twitter users or harassing or threatening them.

lol Musk blocked Public Citizen dot Org.jpg
Well from my humble point of view it would be simpler for Musk to pay someone to build his own free speech site instead of "buying a free app" as some people hilariously describe his purchase offer, and then having to pay someone to try to make it into whatever he thinks it is he wants.

Really I suspect he's just tired of blocking accounts on Twitter that have criticized him, because those tweets have been posted with all due attention to Twitter's guidelines and so are not being removed.

Musk is not necessarily trying to get those accounts banned, and he does say he wants his worst critics to remain, but obviously he doesn't want them able to follow him and read and then reply to or quote-retweet his own tweets.

So like any other user he deploys the Twitter tools at hand. That's fine by me, actually, that's an optioni when you don't enjoy someone else's "free speech" on the platform -- but it's a kind of dead giveaway when you see someone blocking an account like Public Citizen. I mean it's not like that crew goes around trolling other Twitter users or harassing or threatening them.

Guess he didn't like their free speech, funny that.
Well from my humble point of view it would be simpler for Musk to pay someone to build his own free speech site instead of "buying a free app" as some people hilariously describe his purchase offer, and then having to pay someone to try to make it into whatever he thinks it is he wants.

Really I suspect he's just tired of blocking accounts on Twitter that have criticized him, because those tweets have been posted with all due attention to Twitter's guidelines and so are not being removed.

Musk is not necessarily trying to get those accounts banned, and he does say he wants his worst critics to remain, but obviously he doesn't want them able to follow him and read and then reply to or quote-retweet his own tweets.

So like any other user he deploys the Twitter tools at hand. That's fine by me, actually, that's an optioni when you don't enjoy someone else's "free speech" on the platform -- but it's a kind of dead giveaway when you see someone blocking an account like Public Citizen. I mean it's not like that crew goes around trolling other Twitter users or harassing or threatening them.

I point out to people there are 2 things Musk has grown to considerably hate. The SEC & Twitter. Why? Because those are 2 sources who’ve had the ability somewhat to call him on his shit. Musk can’t buy the SEC outright, but he could work out a strat to get Twitter. Thus why he wouldn’t want to make his own platform.

I’ve said don’t trust a rich person talking about freedoms. Because they often have more than anyone else, so they must want something else.

Musk got called on his false hoods before, called someone a pedophile out of pettiness, misrepresented ( I am being kind ) his intentions with Tesla, messed around with the values of Doge, and been caught being flat out wrong ( COVID AMA anyone? ) a time or two. Yeah, the point was to get Twitter, and remove one source of calling him out.
Then there's this

Not sure Roger Stone actually counts as "conservative" but it appears he not only established a new account on Twitter but promptly ended up suspended. Hah! Guess he's not up on the fine print that it's not Elon Musk who is running Twitter at this moment, so existing guidelines still apply to new tweets.

Bonus points for noticing the addendum at the bottom of that piece in the Hill:

The Hill has removed its comment section, as there are many other forums for readers to participate in the conversation. We invite you to join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter.

This is NOT an encouraging read

Seems promises, firings, influencers, new charges, and paying employees less is what will make the secret sauce that makes Twitter finally profitable.

If you're a Twitter board member who was always worried at every earnings report that showed you still don't make a profit, you're probably doing this with Musk supposedly taking on that task now

Then there's this... ugh

Elon Musk suggested firing workers and working with influencers to boost Twitter's bottom line​

  • In conversations with bankers, Elon Musk pitched ideas to lift Twitter's bottom line, reports say.
  • But he didn't share details, and banks financed his Twitter buyout deal because he had other assets.
  • Musk's private pitch to bankers contradicts his position that he doesn't care about Twitter's profitability.
We’ve really become spoiled. If a social network charged a $1 a month subscription for access half the users would find that insulting and the other half would just leave. Meanwhile we’ll complain endlessly about the interface, experience, propaganda, and ads that we spent exactly $0 on.
We’ve really become spoiled. If a social network charged a $1 a month subscription for access half the users would find that insulting and the other half would just leave. Meanwhile we’ll complain endlessly about the interface, experience, propaganda, and ads that we spent exactly $0 on.
User acquisition will always trump a subscription model on this type of platform, advertising is where it's at for them. They're not "giving" us anything, they're feeding off of our data like vampires and in return we get to watch a bunch of angry people bitch all day. The only one's making out are shareholders and they're laughing all the way to the bank.