Musk offers to buy Twitter

Although I finally received my ticket to registering for Post, I've yet to sign up (but I will to check it out). I'm grateful the accounts I follow on Twitter have remained sane and relevant. As long as they do, I'll remain. Mastodon just sounded like a headache I'm currently not interested in figuring out. I check in on various Reddits, none of them political. I pop in and out of FB for a quick check-in with friends and freelance work contacts. Instagram I enjoy for all the lovely photographs, especially animals and nature. Currently, this is already more than enough SM of which I know I need to pare down. That will be my next step.
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Hopefully Elton doesn't take this bait

Musk isn't a moron -- it's pretty easy to figure out why many folks, particularly someone like Elton John, wouldn't be attracted to the "changes" Elon has unleashed.
Musk has given hate speech the biggest platform in the world.

Report: Offensive Tweets With Racial or Homophobic Slurs Soar Since Elon Musk Takeover​

If you change your mind, it's really been a refreshing and great thing for me so far...
So many purely wonderful interactions with folks
I will probably check it out at some point but I've seen screen grabs & read some takes. Just wasn't taken with what I saw of mastodon. Glad it works for you though.

As I posted earlier, Twitter and the accounts I follow are still sane and working. I stay away from Musk and other whack jobs unless someone I follow retweets their insanity.

Post is still young and sounds interesting so I'm keeping an eye on it.
Screenshot 2022-12-10 at 09.53.30.png

A "secret group" headed by the CEO, the Head General counsel, and the head of Trust (i.e.the moderation dept) made high level decisions. You know, the "secret" heads of the company.

The overviewers were overviewing without any form of overview!

What has happened to half the country?
They've devolved into the dark ages of wishing for and seeing "conspiracy" everywhere

It's so hard to watch some of this and be even "neutral" about our future prospects, let alone optimistic.
View attachment 19923

A "secret group" headed by the CEO, the Head General counsel, and the head of Trust (i.e.the moderation dept) made high level decisions. You know, the "secret" heads of the company.

The overviewers were overviewing without any form of overview!

What has happened to half the country?
They've devolved into the dark ages of wishing for and seeing "conspiracy" everywhere

It's so hard to watch some of this and be even "neutral" about our future prospects, let alone optimistic.
Surprised Colonel Sanders isn’t a part of that group.
View attachment 19923

A "secret group" headed by the CEO, the Head General counsel, and the head of Trust (i.e.the moderation dept) made high level decisions. You know, the "secret" heads of the company.

The overviewers were overviewing without any form of overview!

What has happened to half the country?
They've devolved into the dark ages of wishing for and seeing "conspiracy" everywhere

It's so hard to watch some of this and be even "neutral" about our future prospects, let alone optimistic.

Starting to think it's an inevitable result of confusing real life with the screen on one's phone or laptop, plus a global addiction to drama. A long read is 85 characters. Attention spans are shot. Everyone's a walking encyclopedia by way of just plugging a word or two into a search bar and the first hit will suffice no matter the algo that fed it. Celebrities and conspiracy theories draw clicks. It doesn't matter if the celebrities are alive or dead, doesn't matter if conspiracy theories completely beggar belief or have some thread of attachment (in the past, maybe) to a few facts, even facts like "this is BS."

Add to that mix the people whose monied agendas include keeping the ignorant that way in order to maintain the status quo of tax cuts and deregulation... and so to widen the already humongous gaps between haves and have nots in terms of opportunity for barely adequate education... and so then also to widen gaps in employability, income, wealth.

Ah, yeah. The money. Or the lust for more of it. Now we're getting somewhere.

Some character in a now really old book once proposed that "the love of money is the root of all evil."

Is the love of money what keeps tempting us mortals to find out how low we can go? Not sure, but we're doing a great job of demonstrating how to keep digging, when the chance to make a quick buck still seems possible. The whole idea is to buy something "everybody wants" and then reduce labor and product costs, strip out some assets, take some profit, then flip the carcass for more profit before it's worth nothing.

One could imagine there are downsides to this stepwise approach to human extinction, or at least the extinction of unfettered capitalism. It's possible that the saga of Elon Musk and the dying blue bird Twitter are a cautionary tale about the run-up to the end game. Ironically, most of us are all too busy helping write that story to be able to keep up with what it's telling us, even if we can already barely read as it is, and even if our only contribution amounts to retweeting fake parts of the saga.
Here's a new pronouncement from Musk:

https://Twitter or X not allowed/elonmusk/status/1601894132573605888?s=61&t=0iMW2occ-iKSHyRTY_rHpw

I've only been on Twitter for about five years. It's often been handy to be able to read about events before they made it to established news sources, even with the knowledge that accuracy was sometimes suspect and verification was needed (which has always been the case, no matter the source). I've also followed accounts to obtain information about non-news topics of interest or see brief amusing or uplifting vignettes from around the world.

When the pandemic started nearly three years ago, I noticed a rapid rise in the number of posts minimizing the seriousness of COVID-19. Later, when vaccines became available, even more examples of lies, disinformation, and conspiracy theories from people whose ability to manage in everyday life I questioned.

I don't have many followers on Twitter, and I suppose I could just ignore the noise. But, when the guy who's calling all the shots is as toxic as the worst of them, I wonder if it's worth it. I used to have a grudging admiration for Musk, despite his eccentricity. No longer. He's not just a horrible person I wouldn't want to associate with, he's dangerous, intoxicated by the misguided certainty that he's doing good or cementing his legacy by bringing his version of the truth to light.
It galls me that Elon is like “whuuuut? Me, allow disinfo?” He opened the door for Trump, who’s the biggest fucking liar ever born, and that’s just scratching the surface.

Right now Elon Musk is himself one of the biggest spreaders of disinformation on the platform. He’s acting as if the “Twitter files” showed anything meaningful (while firing lawyers whose crime was doing due diligence before release and threatening Twitter employees not to leak info themselves), accusing Twitter of previously not protecting kids (while actually removing the protections they had emplaced himself and not having anyone attend meetings that Twitter people used to go to on that very subject), and finally of accusing the former head of Trust and Safety (a gay Jewish man) of being a pedophile (despite that Yoel Roth tried his damndest to work with Elon in the beginning and did so for several weeks). And as @Roller pointed out, he’s also promulgated some of the most dangerous COVID disinformation out there.

Further he continues to approvingly reply to Nazis, fascists, and other such affiliated individuals like pizza-gaters. He listed the reason for banning Kanye as “inciting violence” while letting people back on and even positively interacting with those who have done the same or worse. Laura Loomer was banned from Newsmax for her blatant antisemitism, spreading blood libel on air and she’s on Twitter with Musk saying how correct she is about Twitter not protecting kids. Oh and talking about inciting violence accusing your opponents of pedophilia, especially when they’re a gay Jew, is a good way of getting smeone killed. Also, agitating that someone who has committed no crimes and thus will never be prosecuted is likewise not a bad way to get someone killed. Especially galling since he is doubtless aware there has been violence from the set of assholes before. He just doesn’t care.

He's not just a horrible person I wouldn't want to associate with, he's dangerous, intoxicated by the misguided certainty that he's doing good or cementing his legacy by bringing his version of the truth to light.

He’s basically gone full QAnon.
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View attachment 19923

A "secret group" headed by the CEO, the Head General counsel, and the head of Trust (i.e.the moderation dept) made high level decisions. You know, the "secret" heads of the company.

The overviewers were overviewing without any form of overview!

What has happened to half the country?
They've devolved into the dark ages of wishing for and seeing "conspiracy" everywhere

It's so hard to watch some of this and be even "neutral" about our future prospects, let alone optimistic.

Yeah people have been writing that 80% of conservative outrage is simply finding out how things work in the real world.
My main frustration is the amount of people going over to the Post site

This is going to drive a split, which sucks a little bit as it was convenient to follow people on one place over at Twitter, but it is what it is.

The a16z backing of Post has that as a non starter to me, right from the get go

(I recognize they’ve been behind a lot of things, but their behavior around all things crypto has colored them very negatively for me moving forward)
My main frustration is the amount of people going over to the Post site

This is going to drive a split, which sucks a little bit as it was convenient to follow people on one place over at Twitter, but it is what it is.

The a16z backing of Post has that as a non starter to me, right from the get go

(I recognize they’ve been behind a lot of things, but their behavior around all things crypto has colored them very negatively for me moving forward)

Mark Andreeson who owns a16z is also another billionaire asshole who supports what Musk is turning Twitter into. Hopefully his influence at Post will be limited.
qanon theories good

tracking Elon‘s jet bad

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They’ve also been filtering and issuing warnings on links and content pointing out that their Twitter files nonsense is in fact nonsense.

https://mobile.Twitter or X not allowed/emptywheel/status/1601747777427480577

And yeah she seems to be a piece of work. [Edit: she being Ella in your post, not emptywheel]
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