Musk offers to buy Twitter

So how much is the Android play store service fee going to up the blue check mark cost on Android? Or hasn't anyone told the chief twit about their fees yet?
There are two elments to this story, one of which this thread title strangely seems to overlook: For, this attempt at bare-faced robbery is not confined to those who use Apple devices.

Anyway, the first element is the very fact that the loathsome Mr Musk has decided to charge for the "blue tick"; until now, this feature used not to incur a charge.

This is the big story, a serious and significant change in how Twitter will be run by introducing the principle of charging for a feature that was free.

Unfortunately, the outraged reaction from Apple users runs the risk of drowning out - or distracting from - the fact that Mr Musk has altered the principles by which Twitter is to be run, because he wishes to charge for something that used to be free.

And the second is what the thread title refers to: That those who wish to avail of this feature will not just be charged, but will not be charged equally: Apple users will be expected to pay more for this feature.

And, of course, this is another example - as if we needed yet another such example - of the capricious, spiteful, vindictive, and controlling nature of the egregious Mr Musk.
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Musk is a con man. For the last few years he has said he was confident that self driving cars, e.g. Los Angeles to New York unassisted, would be a reality by the end of that year.
It’s not meant to and it’s not going to.

He has shown zero restraint or even backing down off terrible positions…in fact seemingly he’s leaning into them.

I think Twitter as it was is done…some folks clinging to it just haven’t internalized and accepted it yet. Depending upon what he does or not around a financial model may seal it to obscurity permanently. He doesn’t get communities and why they form and maintain, are enjoyable and are clung to. He misunderstands what Twitter was and what it needed…. (Letting back the worst characters to run wild again was 180 degrees from being part of that answer)

I’ve checked on my account there a few times this last week and it’s just amazing how many absolutely toxic replies there are to most anything anybody is saying, barring perhaps just general sports or animal video type stuff.
Glad I deleted my account when I did, anyone keeping an account is letting a right-wing nutjob billionaire troll control their content. If/when I can figure out a way to get out from under my Tesla without losing a bunch of money I will be doing that also.
YouTube Red/Premium did the same thing years ago, $13 a month through iOS compared to $10 direct through Google. Not sure if they are the only ones, but this isn't some new Musk spite innovation tactic.
So how much is the Android play store service fee going to up the blue check mark cost on Android? Or hasn't anyone told the chief twit about their fees yet?
The reality is that Apple has always charged 30%, he just never knew about it and then threw a hissy when he learned it. This guy is a total idiot, how he's made it this far is baffling.
There are two elments to this story, one of which this thread title strangely seems to overlook: For, this attempt at bare-faced robbery is not confined to those who use Apple devices.
Just FYI both the title and body of this post came directly from NPR.

Just FYI both the title and body of this post came directly from NPR.

Well, yes.

Nevertheless, I would argue that the real story here is the fact that the deplorable Mr Musk is introducing charges for features that used to be free, and that the further gouging of those who use Apple devices is simply an added unpleasant element of this sorry and sordid tale.
Step 1: Make Twitter worse.

Step 2: Start charging for free features.


What scares me is enough people might actually pay it and make it profitable. Now, that’s insane and should not happen but since Trump became President all things are possible.
Glad I deleted my account when I did, anyone keeping an account is letting a right-wing nutjob billionaire troll control their content. If/when I can figure out a way to get out from under my Tesla without losing a bunch of money I will be doing that also.
Wait for the Ioniq 7, although the Ioniq 6 looks interesting if you like sedans.

Charlie Warzel, a writer on tech and media for The Atlantic, weighs in to help the NYT lose its recently displayed confusion over exactly what "side" Elon Musk is on.

Warzel first referenced Musk's tweeted assertion "My pronouns are "Prosecute/Fauci"...

In five words, Musk manages to mock transgender and nonbinary people, signal his disdain for public-health officials, and send up a flare to far-right shitposters and trolls.

Right, and then Charlie Warzel went to town on the NYT for its recent attempt to dance on the head of whatever thumbtack is holding that paper's circulation expansion programs to the wall:

Currently, Musk’s politics are a subject of debate in the press. On Saturday, The New York Times’ Jeremy W. Peters attempted to offer a nuanced portrait of the Twitter owner’s ideologies, arguing that Musk “continues to defy easy political categorization.” But Peters’ laundry list of Musk’s recent lib-trolling and “woke” scolding—such as Musk’s November recommendation to his millions of followers to vote Republican—undermines the very thesis of the article. The nuance Peters is looking for does not exist: Musk’s actions and associations make a clear case that he is a right-wing reactionary.

I'm sure the NYT figures that you have to squint to actually read that from Elon's tweets and they'll be sure to say so in the near future, after they step back 200 yards from their laptop screens.

There is more in Warzel's piece, of course, and worth the read.

Also turns out to be one of The Atlantic's lucky days: my sub was on the verge of renewal... or not.

As some members of this forum may recall, I remain ambivalent about that magazine's now long ago shift in focus and its eventual move from Boston to DC. I did like it better when they were in New England and concentrated on literary offerings. Nonetheless I run into pieces I like now and then, and this was one of them. Anyway I'm letting the sub renew, and The Atlantic can thank Warzel, Elon Musk and the more than occasionally hapless New York Times for a successful retention effort. :ROFLMAO:
Step 1: Make Twitter worse.

Step 2: Start charging for free features.


What scares me is enough people might actually pay it and make it profitable. Now, that’s insane and should not happen but since Trump became President all things are possible.
People have looked at the math of this and that seems … unlikely (read numerically impossible)

Interesting, after Apple supposedly committed to continue advertising on Twitter? I never confirmed that but, if true, pretty provocative move by Elon.

I don’t think they did, they just said they weren’t blocking Twitter apps from the App Store.
Step 1: Make Twitter worse.

Step 2: Start charging for free features.


What scares me is enough people might actually pay it and make it profitable. Now, that’s insane and should not happen but since Trump became President all things are possible.
I would ask what value the blue check has now that it's not tied with "actual" true verification of those of celebrity status? It's taken something that ensured credibility and that a person is who they claim to be and made it a novelty for any user just to say they have it.
So let me understand that there is nothing stopping someone from simply using a web interface to sign up for the $8 and then go back to using the iOS app.
So let me understand that there is nothing stopping someone from simply using a web interface to sign up for the $8 and then go back to using the iOS app.
I don't know the mechanics of it but my guess is there will likely be something in place that detects the app your using and will prevent you from moving forward without the proper credentials if you're on iOS.
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Glad I deleted my account when I did, anyone keeping an account is letting a right-wing nutjob billionaire troll control their content. If/when I can figure out a way to get out from under my Tesla without losing a bunch of money I will be doing that also.

Speaking of Tesla, when I picked up my ID.4, my boss had commented that I hadn't given any serious consideration to his suggestion of getting a Tesla. About all I could think of to say in return was: "You're right, I didn't." and leave it at that.

Wait for the Ioniq 7, although the Ioniq 6 looks interesting if you like sedans.

View attachment 19963

That is certainly… a vehicle.
I don't know the mechanics of it but my guess is there will likely be something in place that detects the app your using and will prevent you from moving forward without the proper credentials if your on iOS.
No I think @Herdfan is right it’s purely about whether the 30% “Apple tax” is charged. Under his scenario there wouldn’t be one. This is true for any subscription/in-app payment system that has a web store.
I don't know the mechanics of it but my guess is there will likely be something in place that detects the app your using and will prevent you from moving forward without the proper credentials if your on iOS.

But remember you can't buy books in the Kindle app but can still read books you purchased.

Guess I might have to give it a try.
would ask what value the blue check has now that it's not tied with "actual" true verification of those of celebrity status? It's taken something that ensured credibility and that a person is who they claim to be and made it a novelty for any user just to say they have it.

Hasn't Musk already tried selling blue checks and then it backfired since bozos were buying the right to wear the blue checkmark of.. yeah, Elon Musk...

Really verifying members are who they say they are is expensive, it's not going to help him defray costs of keeping the lights on while trying to entice the big bucks advertisers to come back to the platform.

Far as I can tell a lot of those big brands are all still like "yeah no, first show me the moderation".