Musk offers to buy Twitter

This is not strictly speaking related to his acquisition of Twitter but rather just an example of him pontificating on matters he has no knowledge of and getting roasted for it.


I should also add that Elon is not the only one heralding the death of the tank, he’s just one of the less informed and the above is just funny.
Musk is now all over making bookmarks become "silent likes", I guess because that's how he uses the bookmark feature. Given the changes he's tried to implement in the past, at least this one is on the innocuous side. I don't use bookmarks that way, though, and will refrain from bookmarking almost everything if this gets implemented. I don't know if he has more data to support his belief that "non-public likes" is the way people usually use bookmarks. Probably not.
The timeline now has a tabbed interface to switch between chronological order and "For You" tweets. It's not bad, although it does take screen real estate at all times for a feature that many people won't use.
This “For you” thingie is horrible. I might like Lauren Boebert? I might like Marjorie Taylor Greene? Seriously? And Hunter Biden’s laptop? And Musk exposing EVIL Soros?

Nice try, Elon. I’m not going to engage with any of them.

^^^ Hah, I had just popped in here to note that the Columbia Journalism Review had popped a blurb about that New York Mag piece into its latest email briefing... now to make time to read the piece itself.

New York magazine and The Verge teamed up for a major cover story—written by Zoë Schiffer, Casey Newton, and Alex Heath—about Elon Musk’s erratic tenure atop Twitter, based on the accounts of more than two dozen sources. “Those who remain at the company mostly fall into two camps,” they write: “people trapped by the need for health care and visas or cold-eyed mercenaries hoping to ascend through a power vacuum.”
To be fair Twitter didn't "have" to sell to him, doesn't seem like they wanted to protect it that much.
No, Twitter had to accept his offer. Especially since the offer was for way more than it was worth at the time. The board would have been sued to high heaven had they not accepted the offer.
No, Twitter had to accept his offer. Especially since the offer was for way more than it was worth at the time. The board would have been sued to high heaven had they not accepted the offer.
Still didn't have to do it.
Pretty much by Halloween he had to do it or back out and pay not just the breakup penalty but also prepare to shell out billions in a breach of contract suit. When the chancery court had forced Musk's hand --buy it or go to court to try not to buy it-- everyone was between a rock and a hard place (including that court which was only going by the law).

And I still think Musk's original offer was whimsical and that he has regretted it ever since. He put himself in a terrible position, putting a lot of his own money into it, borrowing a lot, taking on necessary co-investors, putting up Tesla shares as collateral... all because he made too high an offer to a board that indeed then was obligated to take that offer or go under while trying to defend against shareholder lawsuits.

I have no clue what was the rationale of the external backers of this deal. Bankers gonna be bankers. If it floats, who knows if it's a raft or a corpse? They rarely learn from mistakes because they're still too big to fail and so greed still works.

In the end this will go down as a biz school case that will top even the serially atrocious M&A deals engaged in by the various suitors of Warner Media properties (and its precursors and successors), all of which have been viewed as result of terrible corporate decisions. And I doubt the jinx-word "synergy" ever even crossed Musk's lips. He just thought oh I know I could buy Twitter and.... while the going-broke Twitter's board thought wow, ink the thing.... and the judge at the Delaware Chancery court was probably home barbecuing chicken in all innocence of what was to come.