Musk offers to buy Twitter

This is some strange 4D chess from Musk

I'd just like to know if he's taking ANY counsel from anyone else or just acting like my niece's cat, which creature likes to sit on the trackpad of her laptop of a chilly morning and so on occasion has "chosen" to engage in assorted activities which not only my niece but the machine, Apple and possibly a vendor or two have then taken exception.
I'd just like to know if he's taking ANY counsel from anyone else or just acting like my niece's cat, which creature likes to sit on the trackpad of her laptop of a chilly morning and so on occasion has "chosen" to engage in assorted activities which not only my niece but the machine, Apple and possibly a vendor or two have then taken exception.

I think he’s fully consumed his own BS and narratives about his history (most of that shaped by himself)… and he really believes he’s a special genius

In a world of constant failing up for some of the worst people, I’m enjoying something not going swimmingly for him. No clue where it ends up with Twitter specifically, but it’s hard to see some great success story there over the long term.
I think he’s fully consumed his own BS and narratives about his history (most of that shaped by himself)… and he really believes he’s a special genius

In a world of constant failing up for some of the worst people, I’m enjoying something not going swimmingly for him. No clue where it ends up with Twitter specifically, but it’s hard to see some great success story there over the long term.

We might be seeing how he defends against humiliation of having finally agreed to do something abot three degrees less awful than what he proposed and argued for behind the scenes for a week. Pops the behind-scene advisers' last-chance-before-cliff-jump idea out there and owns it, then when it goes south anyway he can reboot the internal blame cycle and fire some more people for "talking him into a crazy idea."

Elon Musk's Twitter ordered by officials to properly label bedrooms in San Francisco HQ as sleeping areas — or convert them back to offices within 15 days​

  • San Francisco told Twitter to label converted bedrooms as sleeping areas, per a correction notice.
  • If it doesn't comply, Twitter has 15 days to convert the bedrooms back to offices in its HQ.
  • Officials launched an investigation in December into Twitter's office bedrooms.

What’s great about this is that it means he’s so close to understanding that the value in twitter - the thing that brings in the ad revenue - is the content generated by the users he is so busy alienating and, by dicking around with the API, preventing from generating new content.
By the way, putting ads in reply streams is another way to drive away content creators. It’s one thing for a dick growth pill ad to appear in the same timeline as one’s content. It’s another thing to have that same ad appear in the reply stream to that content so it looks like it’s associated with the content.
What’s great about this is that it means he’s so close to understanding that the value in twitter - the thing that brings in the ad revenue - is the content generated by the users he is so busy alienating and, by dicking around with the API, preventing from generating new content.
Just casually browsing from time to time it looks like everyone has the checkmark, I think we're supposed to learn how to delineate between different colors now. 🤷‍♂️ At this point I just assume they're all paid for.
The only thing Twitter is really good for any more from my own point of view: every time I think about what has happened to it, I get a new opportunity to roll eyes and practice the art of letting go of the idea that I ever had any part of the internet by the ...[ pick a handle]. I'm certainly not in charge of anyone else's life so Elon shouldn't be banking on me to straighten him out, much as I'd be happy to rent him a piece of my tiny mind for an exorbitant hourly rate now and then.

I mostly used a media list rather than my timeline when on Twitter. So I've essentially reverted to getting into my media subs now via email brief links or through landing page bookmarks in a browse... or, for a few of them, via their own iOS app.

Mastodon is a sometime thing for me at the moment. I mostly lurk when I even check in... I dunno if I'll ever go back to Twitter but I do miss it once in awhile, and will go lurking through my timeline for a few non-media accounts that I follow. One by one I am looking them up on Mastodon if I decide they're worth the trouble.

Well said

The Twitter thing is sad to me. It's like a forced breakup that I didn't want ... and it's taken some time for me to come to terms with it truly being "over", as much I didn't want it.

A good reminder that we, sadly, very often don't get what we want and simply have to deal with it and adjust.

Elon Musk Wants to Charge Businesses on Twitter $1,000 per Month to Retain Verified Check-Marks​

Elon Musk’s Twitter needs cash — and now the mega-billionaire wants companies and brands to fork over $1,000 monthly to get verified check-marks on his social network.

Twitter is asking organizations to pay $1,000 per month, plus an additional $50 monthly for each affiliated sub-account, to maintain the gold check-mark verification badges the company introduced in December, replacing the blue check-marks for businesses, according to social media consultant Matt Navarra, who tweeted the details Friday (see below). Tech news site The Information confirmed the details, adding that the pricing “is being finalized and could still change.”

Twitter reps did not respond to a request for comment.
Good luck with that
I'm sure some of the big ones will do it but he's essentially devalued the entire thing. "But your checkmark will be a different color" is a hard sell with all the confusion around it.
I'm sure some of the big ones will do it but he's essentially devalued the entire thing. "But your checkmark will be a different color" is a hard sell with all the confusion around it.
Yup. I’m sure some will, others will just leave. It won’t save his bottom line and may cause another round of impersonation scandals depending on how it’s handled.
Looks like Twitter’s developer forums have been shut down.
I used to like twitter to stay on top of brands I like and communication methods from company's and local events. One year during an ice storm, it was the only way Eversource could communicate with the affected customers.

I guess I should have seen the inevitable coming since 2015 when the orange menace started using it to start the cultural wars. Now I am faced with the reality, that I am no longer getting anything out of this relationship other than abuse.

I seem to be in a losing battle to mute/block/unfollow views from the extreme Right. Last night, I perused what people were saying about MTG and her behavior at the SotU, and now my feed is just full of the stupidest crap I have seen.
Was in a debate about this with a fairly far RW friend of mine (yes it's difficult at times and on some subjects)

He seems to think that Pony Stark is unleashing an amazing platform for diverse and unrestricted interaction amongst everyone in the world.

I see a site that has been mostly abandoned by the types of people and sources I enjoyed following and interacting with, as well as advertisers who are fairly conscious about their brand and what it's associated with.

I'm really not sure who the target customer for the current Twitter actually is

Pony, in my view, is totally lost as to what actually was good about Twitter and what actually needed fixing.