Musk offers to buy Twitter

Well it’s not exactly the US government and our allies has been devoid of vacillating behavior and indecision. First it was whether or not to provide the MIGs from Poland- which was denied (but supposedly may have actually been broken up into parts and reassembled in Ukraine). For the longest it was a no on the Patriot batteries, only to provided once things got bad enough. Then the whole ridiculous tank fiasco. For the longest time we heard no to ATACMS due to their range, only for the GLSDM (to be provided (ground launched small diameter bomb, double the range of the GMLRS used in HIMARS, but less than ATACMS and to be fair a fraction of the price).

I’m quite confident fighter jets will be approved once the necessary training is finished and infrastructure established. Especially considering Congress approved F-16 training in July 2022 and there were reported talks of sending A-10’s which the Ukrainians wisely declined (and here the Pentagon probably thought they could finally rid themselves of the A-10, which they’ve been trying to do for decades). It’s almost silly to think this will not be happening.

Considering Starlink is owned by SpaceX I suppose their could also be concerns about cyberattacks related to their spacecraft. That would not be good for partners in commercial launches, let alone if they’re launching humans. I don’t think Putin would have any problem killing some astronauts. Especially considering their anti-satellite missile against a defunct soviet satellite in nearly the same orbit as the ISS.

I would also think given the nature of SpaceX’s business, the government probably has restrictions on who they can provide services to and for what reasons. Maybe they’re not actually supposed to sell satellite service to be use with offensive weapons systems and the bureaucracy of the government has yet to approve it.

Or maybe they’re afraid about other countries using their technology in warfare? Or being held responsible by the public somehow if a Ukrainian drone malfunctions and hits a bunch of children? What if the malfunction was caused by a Starlink problem? .

It was reported in March of 2022 that Starlink was being used to operate Ukranian drones- at the very least to send data from drone teams to artillery teams (perhaps not communicating directly with the drone, but as an intermediary.

There has to be more to the story than Elon loving Putin or whatever I’m sure the media will likely report this as. If he was so against this war I doubt he would have given Ukraine satellites and service in the first place. It would have been very easy for them to abstain citing threats to non-military users and infrastructure.
Oh absolutely on the sometimes frustrating vacillations from western governments, but my point here was that vacillation is in the context of national defense and policy rather than … whatever SpaceX is doing here. Again not saying I have thought some decisions made by governments were good or well reasoned but it is their place to make such decisions. The reason I posted here instead of the Russia-Ukraine thread was because of how silly the stated SpaceX rationales were in the context. It would be akin to General Atomics selling Ukraine Reapers for $1 but then geofencing them after the fact to not fly into Crimea because they, a defense contractor, don’t want to make it look like they are militarizing the sky in a country at war. Don’t get me wrong I get Starlink is dual-use, but it is dual-use as even they acknowledge.

As for the actual underlying reason why SpaceX did this? No idea. Could be anything you wrote or could be anything from a range of Elon woke up one morning and peevishly dictated “it shall be thus!” (more likely) to a decision made in concert with the USG based on actual strategic considerations of escalation management or some other national defense policy (almost zero chance).

Whatever the cause, to me, it’s just another example of a Musk-led company thrashing around while previously expressing such confidence that they had any idea of what they were doing.
As for the actual underlying reason why SpaceX did this? No idea. Could be anything you wrote or could be anything from a range of Elon woke up one morning and peevishly dictated “it shall be thus!” (more likely) to a decision made in concert with the USG based on actual strategic considerations of escalation management or some other national defense policy (almost zero chance).
Strong Musk woke up one morning and simply declared it so energy …



removed edit to old story
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Speaking of which, I just heard that, as the game was in Arizona, the Super Bowl score will not be certified until mid March, at the soonest, to give Kari Lake time to protest the reported result, file legal motions and shout that it was rigged.
Speaking of which, I just heard that, as the game was in Arizona, the Super Bowl score will not be certified until mid March, at the soonest, to give Kari Lake time to protest the reported result while shouting that it was rigged.
Her name is Kry a lake get it right sheesh.

So much desperation … boosted his own tweets by a forced multiplier so everyone would see them regardless


“He bought the company, made a point of showcasing what he believed was broken and manipulated under previous management, then turns around and manipulates the platform to force engagement on all users to hear only his voice,” said a current employee. “I think we’re past the point of believing that he actually wants what’s best for everyone here.”

No kidding, who would’ve thought?
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Is Musk buying Twitter still a thing in the news? I don't have a Twitter account, Talked About is the only social media that I personally use. I admit that I haven't been paying much attention. I only follow three people on Twitter, and by follow, I mean type in their user names into DuckDuckGo and click on the first result. All three are focused on covering the war in Ukraine, which I am following, unlike Mr. Musk's current antics, whatever they may be.

I realize this is anecdotal, but I've asked around with many non-tech friends, family, and associates who do use Twitter, in some fashion. None of them have any idea what a Mastodon is, other than it being a Proboscidea that went extinct at the end of the Pleistocene, or at least being aware that such a beast once existed.

All three of the Twitter accounts that I occasionally frequent had started Mastodon equivalents. They ended up abandoning those accounts after only a couple of weeks, because nobody outside of a select group of tech nerds care about Mastodon. So, even though Mr. Musk may be a silly person, I do hope that he (or someone who is more properly suited to leading Twitter) turns this around, because there isn't a real mainstream alternative. (And I say this as someone who doesn't care about social media, but do think Twitter has at least some value as a virtual "town square".)
Is Musk buying Twitter still a thing in the news? I don't have a Twitter account, Talked About is the only social media that I personally use. I admit that I haven't been paying much attention. I only follow three people on Twitter, and by follow, I mean type in their user names into DuckDuckGo and click on the first result. All three are focused on covering the war in Ukraine, which I am following, unlike Mr. Musk's current antics, whatever they may be.

I realize this is anecdotal, but I've asked around with many non-tech friends, family, and associates who do use Twitter, in some fashion. None of them have any idea what a Mastodon is, other than it being a Proboscidea that went extinct at the end of the Pleistocene, or at least being aware that such a beast once existed.

All three of the Twitter accounts that I occasionally frequent had started Mastodon equivalents. They ended up abandoning those accounts after only a couple of weeks, because nobody outside of a select group of tech nerds care about Mastodon. So, even though Mr. Musk may be a silly person, I do hope that he (or someone who is more properly suited to leading Twitter) turns this around, because there isn't a real mainstream alternative. (And I say this as someone who doesn't care about social media, but do think Twitter has at least some value as a virtual "town square".)
My wife, a non-tech-oriented psychotherapist, just switched from Facebook to mastodon, oddly enough.

The entire iOS developer community is on mastodon, so that’s pretty much everyone I interacted with on Twitter.
Now he says he'll find his replacement by the "end of the year" lol. He's not going anywhere but at least there's some pleasure in watching it tank along with billions out of his own pocket.
Is Musk buying Twitter still a thing in the news? I don't have a Twitter account, Talked About is the only social media that I personally use. I admit that I haven't been paying much attention. I only follow three people on Twitter, and by follow, I mean type in their user names into DuckDuckGo and click on the first result. All three are focused on covering the war in Ukraine, which I am following, unlike Mr. Musk's current antics, whatever they may be.

I realize this is anecdotal, but I've asked around with many non-tech friends, family, and associates who do use Twitter, in some fashion. None of them have any idea what a Mastodon is, other than it being a Proboscidea that went extinct at the end of the Pleistocene, or at least being aware that such a beast once existed.

All three of the Twitter accounts that I occasionally frequent had started Mastodon equivalents. They ended up abandoning those accounts after only a couple of weeks, because nobody outside of a select group of tech nerds care about Mastodon. So, even though Mr. Musk may be a silly person, I do hope that he (or someone who is more properly suited to leading Twitter) turns this around, because there isn't a real mainstream alternative. (And I say this as someone who doesn't care about social media, but do think Twitter has at least some value as a virtual "town square".)
You are right, I am having a hard time switching to Mastodon. The older I get, the less tolerance I have on learning something new... the lazier I get. I cannot imagine how someone who isn't technologically savvy would even try to use Mastodon or some other alternative.

I am on the verge 🤏 of just dumping twitter all together, and seeing what else I can do to occupy my time.
I am having a hard time switching to Mastodon
Ditto, maybe if it was set up as a traditional social platform transitioning from twitter would happen. I don't use twitter enough to justify an effort to switch. I'll just close out my twitter account.
Cross posting from the Russia thread since it also fits here:

Basically Elon going further down the left/right wing-nut conspiracy theory rabbit hole on Ukraine for the affirmative ego trip.

In I’m sure unrelated news:



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