Does anyone think Crist can beat DeSantis? He’s a former governor, I expect turnout to be high with the overturning of Roe b. Wade. DeSantis has ok approval numbers - about 50%, which isn’t bad in today’s political climate. Will his national popularity among conservatives really matter in Florida?
It seems democrats are gaining momentum. Just because he’s an heir apparent cult leader in the making with a raucous following doesn’t necessarily mean the loudest supporters of his outnumber potential democrats and swing voters, or independents who may not like his never ending clown show.
Well Crist might have something of a shot. There are some indicators from yesterday's elections in NY and in Florida too that suggest weariness of the extreme right and some backhaul to center. Whether enough indies will go for Crist in Florida in November is anyone's guess right now.
All this posturing about book banning and what you can and can't teach in Florida schools is about to get live demos with real students and all their real parents. The media will be looking out for viral-worthy anecdotal results of insane or draconian laws passed by Florida's GOP state legislators, who were just looking for votes when they passed hard-right boilerplate bills without thought as to impact.
It's early days in the ramping up of the fall campaigns yet... and every week is potentially a new ballgame in most election years. Meanwhile the orange one continues to rack up points for stupid and illegal.
The illegal might not bother his fans, but now some of his stupid overlaps, and starts to sound like they could end up sending donations to him in prison. Not everyone is all that much of a fan, ya think? Especially if he does skate, but a fan (or kin or a friend) has gone to jail for Trump over the 1/6 incursion.
Those trials, pleas and sentences go on, and meanwhile this golden guy on their pedestal buffs his nails and fakeTweets lies and ships emails asking for more dough? Might be gettin' old soon. Winter's coming. Fuel costs more. Food costs more. Trump sez yeah that's on Joe Biden and I need your help so I can rise again and fix everything, just keep the faith and how 'bout another Benjamin on yer plastic... ??
Crist doesn't have a chance in hell. He's a former Republican. He hasn't fared well in elections since switching sides. And the elephant in the room is that many believe he's gay (just like Gilliam four years ago). The knives will be out and the spotlight will be on Crist and any missteps he takes.
I think the only way to beat DeeA-hole is focusing on his bullying and his presumed run for the White House immediately after the General. Even then...
Yeah ok i got my rose colored specs on today, I'll cop to that.

Still, game ain't over til iit's over.
I mean it's nice that the state party chair of the GOP in New York felt so badly about the prospect of pro-Trump wacko racist Carl Paladino being on the November ballot for a House seat that he actually stepped in to run in a Republican primary against him.... and won.
Now NY ain't Florida, but anyway that NY GOP chair should get a Medal of Freedom award from Joe Biden, even if I hope the Dem wins that seat in November...