
One problem with having a "miles long convoy" is that if the opposition blocks the first few vehicles in the convoy, then you get a "miles long traffic jam"

True. I learned this from the Atari 2600 game Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. Winning strategy to cripple the front and munch away on sitting ducks. Another takeaway from the game is that convoys are extremely vulnerable if one does not have air superiority.

So few pixels, yet so many lessons.
Thers is a direct causal link

between the staged crocodile tears of that terrible, horrible, awful, evil crisis actor Greta Thunberg and Putin's assault on Ukraine.

True. I learned this from the Atari 2600 game Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. Winning strategy to cripple the front and munch away on sitting ducks. Another takeaway from the game is that convoys are extremely vulnerable if one does not have air superiority.

So few pixels, yet so many lessons.

I became aware of the principal as a result of getting stuck in massive traffic jams on the freeways here in Los Angeles
Context. It's a joke about a older, terrible movie being re-released in Russia (vs. the new movie based on the same material).
Yes, it was one of the most godawful superhero movies ever released and has been the butt of jokes ever since it was released.

...Two interesting tweets from @Mij_Europe tonight:

"Senior EU officials tell me the EU is considering offering qualified Russian 🇷🇺 citizens EU 🇪🇺 passports - to accelerate Russian economic brain drain

This is just one of many innovative measures being considered to complement economic sanctions now in place 🇪🇺🇺🇦"


"Other ideas include offering asylum and refugee status for soldiers that want to desert the Russian army - to incentivise defections - as long as they have not committed war crimes. Plus many more. The policy ingenuity is remarkable 🇪🇺🇺🇦"
It's a nice idea but I question the degree of effectiveness. People have families, and you know what happens to families of people who cross thugs. The extremes Putin is going to lately, I wouldn't put it past him.
trump said our leaders are dumb. was he not a leader very recently???
Yes, and as usual he was talking about himself.

Meanwhile, more good news.

Visa. It's everywhere you want to be...unless you're in Russia.
Apple is getting out too (it’s not like many will be able to afford their stuff anyway… or be able to pay for it, for that matter).

I was reading articles about how Kyiv only has insulin for a couple more days, and how the pediatric cancer ward is running low on everything as well.

Fuck Putin.
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Without external support, Kiev will fall.
They'll seize it but it's obvious their people will not roll over, once they get their boots on the ground it's going to be ugly for everyone.

I normally never wish death on anyone but someone needs to put a bullet in Putin's head, even if it's his own people.

Without external support, Kiev will fall.

Question is, will the government fall with it or retreat into the countryside?

Kiev in Russian hands and a puppet government installed. Putin declares "Mission accomplished"… and then a protracted guerrilla war.
Question is, will the government fall with it or retreat into the countryside?

Kiev in Russian hands and a puppet government installed. Putin declares "Mission accomplished"… and then a protracted guerrilla war.
Route depends on how encircled Kyiv is. If it’s a full ring, good luck getting anybody in or out. That includes supplies from the west. To be realistic I think Kyiv will fall in two to three days.

Even if Zelensky survives, he will be cut off from the outside world. So without propaganda, if no daily report from Zelensky, Kyiv is lost. Ukraine has been beating Russia in information warfare, which is still the biggest shocker to me, though the hypothesis i found feasible is that Russians are way too busy controlling the narrative domestically. I really think they didn’t have a plan in these regards.

Ukrainians can make Kyiv a living hell to Russian forces but i doubt they’ll have the firepower to retake the city one those forces are in and entrenched.

So as you say, that’s gonna be a “what now?” Moment for everyone.
So as you say, that’s gonna be a “what now?” Moment for everyone.
Agreed. I have no idea about what will happen in the long run.

I am starting to see a possible gamble by Putin.
Certainly the Ukrainian people want normalcy. So does the West in general. While it’s true that Russia has been severely hit by sanctions, it is also true that the west - in particular the EU - doesn’t want to keep tensions up. Certainly nobody wants an energy crisis.

I wonder, if somehow Russia is able to bring the concept of normality to Ukraine back, will the west ease its sanctions? After all, our memory is very short.

Of course the biggest unknown is how the Ukrainian people will do. It’s true that they might want to fight until each one of them is dead, but will they?