Sexuality Has Gotten Complicated

The only reason we have this hangup now is because certain other religions preach such things as being 'evil'.

Probably not entirely the fault of religions, only just almost entirely. In the end, though, gender is all about how you relate to other people. If you are alone on a desert island, the arrangement of your crotch will be kind of irrelevant, and you will be free to act in whatever manner you choose. Toucans and spider monkeys are not very judgemental.

The whole issue, from my point of view, is about boxing. The authoritatist types like to stick people into boxes based on the arbitrary criteria. It is this aspect of society that we should be tearing down. Next December 26th, we should destroy some icon or other.
I am prejudiced against all people. (That’s how you get out of jury duty)

some people are gay. Some people‘s gender does not match their biological gender. Some of those people can be gay.

Who cares really though? Live and let live. People should be free to shag whatever gender they want to and identify as whatever their brain tells them.

I was talking about this with a straight female friend of mine. We were talking about transsexuals' and pronouns, ect.

We were both in agreement. Like, who cares? As long as people aren't hurting someone else, live and let live. If someone wants to be she/her then let it be. It's not hurting anyone.

Transsexuals have become the new conservative boogey man. Gay marriage is legal so now they need another scape goat to get people worked up.
I was talking about this with a straight female friend of mine. We were talking about transsexuals' and pronouns, ect.

We were both in agreement. Like, who cares? As long as people aren't hurting someone else, live and let live. If someone wants to be she/her then let it be. It's not hurting anyone.

Transsexuals have become the new conservative boogey man. Gay marriage is legal so now they need another scape goat to get people worked up.
The stupidity of pronouns is when folk whine on about how they're now 'forced' to use 'words they don't agree with' - and how it offends their religions rights.

Meanwhile you'll be hard pushed to find even the most religious person refer to a lady twice married (once divorced) who's taken the last name of her second husband, despite the fact said name symbolizes that she has divorced her first husband.

And as for deadnaming - again, when's the last time you heard anyone talk about watching Caryn Elaine Johnson present "The View" or when they went to a Anna Mae Bullock concert? (Whoopi Goldberg & Tina Turner).

The truth is that people use 'fake' names all the time with zero concerns or issues. However when said names are used by those pesky transgender perverts, then and only then does it become a an issue that they feel their definition of god will be upset about.
If one looks back to beyond the European invasion to the American colonies, you'll find many native American tribes were very open an accepting to both gender preference and identity.

The only reason we have this hangup now is because certain other religions preach such things as being 'evil'.

Sounds like the Roman Empire was also pretty accepting, not just of gender preference and identity, but also of having other religions that were just as insane as theirs (pre-Christian)
Sounds like the Roman Empire was also pretty accepting, not just of gender preference and identity, but also of having other religions that were just as insane as theirs (pre-Christian)
Oddly enough it really feels like today's Christianity has a lot in common with the Romans - sexual perversion, persecution of others they don't like up the wazoo, and belief in the one true Emperor (de jour).
The stupidity of pronouns is when folk whine on about how they're now 'forced' to use 'words they don't agree with' - and how it offends their religions rights.

Meanwhile you'll be hard pushed to find even the most religious person refer to a lady twice married (once divorced) who's taken the last name of her second husband, despite the fact said name symbolizes that she has divorced her first husband.

And as for deadnaming - again, when's the last time you heard anyone talk about watching Caryn Elaine Johnson present "The View" or when they went to a Anna Mae Bullock concert? (Whoopi Goldberg & Tina Turner).

The truth is that people use 'fake' names all the time with zero concerns or issues. However when said names are used by those pesky transgender perverts, then and only then does it become a an issue that they feel their definition of god will be upset about.

Reminds me of a lady I knew who said she didn't agree with my homosexual lifestyle because it was against her religion, but she was on her 3rd marriage. #Girlbye
Reminds me of a lady I knew who said she didn't agree with my homosexual lifestyle because it was against her religion, but she was on her 3rd marriage. #Girlbye
Today's modern day angry American Christian is nothing more than a fucking hypocrite.

They'd never be able to live following the laws they preach. So it's "Do as I say, not as I do" with them.
In some ways, being trans doesn't have all that much to do with being lesbian or gay. It is an issue of gender identity, whereas gay and lesbian are sexual orientations. Trans people can be lesbian or gay just as cis people can. The connection is that they are both related to sexuality and are stigmatized. So while I've come across LGB people who feel that the T doesn't belong, I don't agree with that sentiment as a bisexual person. Trans people are part of the community and have been a part of the struggle for equal rights since the movement began.
Added to post 1:
The prefix cis- is not an acronym or abbreviation of another word; it is derived from Latin meaning on this side of, and the English word cissexual was coined in the 1990s, based on the slightly earlier German word zissexuell.

Gender Identity

The first article does not really say other than you know. The second article requires Sone study that I need to Apply.

Put simply being Trans has nothing to do with being gay, straight or BI.

Transgender folk have a brain gender that for one reason or another, does not match that of the physical body. Some transgender people identify as members of the opposite gender of the body they were born with, others don't have a specified gender they perceive.

Being LGB defines what the gender is of the person you are attracted to.

Ergo, when I transitioned for a heterosexual male, one of my nephews asked "Does this make Aunty **** a lesbian now?"

There are sadly a loud and vocal contingent of the LGBQ community that feel that now they have achieved acceptance, it's time to jettison the troublesome T's.

Fortunately most of the LGBQ+ community vehemently disagrees.
So the question is, is there a simple answer as to where in the brain, gender identity resides and a list of contributing factors, which seem to apply themselves in the first half of pregnancy?
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In some ways, being trans doesn't have all that much to do with being lesbian or gay. It is an issue of gender identity, whereas gay and lesbian are sexual orientations. Trans people can be lesbian or gay just as cis people can. The connection is that they are both related to sexuality and are stigmatized. So while I've come across LGB people who feel that the T doesn't belong, I don't agree with that sentiment as a bisexual person. Trans people are part of the community and have been a part of the struggle for equal rights since the movement began.
Going back to my statement that in gay/lesbian couples that sometimes have a more masculine half and more feminine half, I could imagine gender identity sometimes playing a part on either side.
Added to post 1:
The prefix cis- is not an acronym or abbreviation of another word; it is derived from Latin meaning on this side of, and the English word cissexual was coined in the 1990s, based on the slightly earlier German word zissexuell.

Gender Identity

The first article does not really say other than you know. The second article requires Sone study that I need to Apply.

So the question is, is there a simple answer as to where in the brain, gender identity resides and a list of contributing factors, which seem to apply themselves in the first half of pregnancy?
Simple answer? Hell no! The brain still hasn't been fully mapped out.

Various studies have gone into such things as the CAG Repeat Length of the Androgen Receptor gene and how it forms part of the grey matter of the human brain. It's deep with part of that grey matter that our identity is created and stored.

Here's one paper on the subject - I could find others if you're interested.

Going back to my statement that in gay/lesbian couples that sometimes have a more masculine half and more feminine half, I could imagine gender identity sometimes playing a part on either side.
Here's an interesting page that states:

We observed specificities in the brains of trans individuals, an important finding in light of the idea of gender ideology. The evidence is building up that it’s not a matter of ideology. Our own research based on MRI scans points to a detectable structural basis

It would perhaps help the gender neutral folk, but not others. Not sure on the figures myself but it's an interesting question. Might reach out to a person I know who is gender neutral.

The irony is of course that many feminine things were originally masculine. High heels where the purview of male horse riders for example and the color pink was seen as a male color.

And even clothing has changed - for the longest time men wore nightgowns as well as women.

And then there's Franklin D. Roosevelt in a picture taken in 1884...

View attachment 7513
I’m surprised little boys were dressed this way in the 19th century. However I’m familiar with historical European fashion, men dressed just as frilly as the women along with makeup and looking “pretty” ;)
In some ways, being trans doesn't have all that much to do with being lesbian or gay. It is an issue of gender identity, whereas gay and lesbian are sexual orientations. Trans people can be lesbian or gay just as cis people can. The connection is that they are both related to sexuality and are stigmatized. So while I've come across LGB people who feel that the T doesn't belong, I don't agree with that sentiment as a bisexual person. Trans people are part of the community and have been a part of the struggle for equal rights since the movement began.

I do sometimes wonder how some people who aren't cis feel about everybody being lumped into the same group...and an ever-growing group. And is that group expansion being decided by those in the group or those outside it? "You're not cis, so we'll just add you to this master non-cis group."

Also if Q = Questioning, is that just another term for what used to be referred to as "those experimental years" except usually referring to the past while Q refers to the present? Also if that is the case, do they really need a designation and to be considered part of the community? From an outsider's perspective, it sometimes seems to be getting both diluted and convoluted.
It does sometimes seem to be a bit convoluted, and that comes both from outside and within the community. There are those who insist on enforcement of an impossible-to-remember "alphabet soup" that includes things like "questioning" and "ally" which can include cisgender heterosexuals, seeming to defeat the purpose of having an "LGBT" community in the first place (in the most broad sense, LGBT includes anything that isn't cisgender heterosexual, the "norm/default"). Not to mention the pernicious actions of what I like to call the three P's: pedophiles, pederasts, and paraphiliacs, who insist that their attraction to children, teenagers, or feet makes them "LGBT" and deserve to be in the community (which is absurd as a pedophile, a pederast, or a fetishist can be straight). This is of course another way that those opposed to the LGBT community confirm their biases against it ("pedophiles are now accepted! see where the sexual revolution has led!"). As an LGBT person who thinks the existence of the community is valid, keeping out the three P's is paramount.

It can get messy, in other words.