I’m sure that’s some of it.
but there’s plenty of times when it’s not that, where it’s just any excuse - regardless of context or the actual topic being discussed - to “attack” the big bad straight white guy because some other straight white guys did something fucked up so we’re obviously all out to get anyone who isn’t a straight white guy.
Try to understand what? If someone is just going to make it their mission to blame me for life’s problems straight off the bat because I’m a straight white male, that’s unrelated to me “understanding” anything besides the fact that some people will be shitty for the sake of being shitty.
To be honest I don’t really care what’s in your pants or whether it was there when you were born or who you touch with it or touches it, or which bathroom you use it in.
That’s not to say I don’t care what you have to say. It’s more that the vast majority of the time, I don’t think the aforementioned contents/activities/history of your (or anyone’s) crotch is relevant to the topic.
Please re-read what I read and the meaning of “can of worms”.
I never said it can’t be understood. I implied with the picture and then directly mentioned in the follow up that it’s difficult to discuss.
That doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be discussed or can’t be. It’s just acknowledging that it’s a difficult topic for a lot of people for a lot of reasons.
I absolutely understand that a lot of shitty things have been done to this community and I sympathise. I’m genuinely glad that society is generally becoming more accepting.
I’m just not keen to be told everything bad that’s happened to a group of people is “my fault”.
The only reason I originally commented - maybe I’m the weird one - I don’t “get” the point of the original question. People are attracted to who they’re attracted to; what does it matter why? Same thing applies to the “gayness is genetic”. Who cares if it’s a choice? Just let people be themselves. I don’t remember seeing people analysing the reasons for people to be chubby chasers, and in 10 years I’ve never once been asked why I married an asian girl.
Anyway. I’m not trying to disrupt this, so carry on.