Stealing The Election 101


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Trump was working on a plan to seize voting machines… This guy needs to be locked up. He is a traitor, plain and simple.

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Trump‘s cabinet had a plan to use the NSA data in order to try and claim that foreign interference caused Biden to win.

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The memo used the banal language of government bureaucracy, but the proposal it advocated was extreme: President Donald Trump should invoke the extraordinary powers of the National Security Agency and Defense Department to sift through raw electronic communications in an attempt to show that foreign powers had intervened in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.

Proof of foreign interference would “support next steps to defend the Constitution in a manner superior to current civilian-only judicial remedies,” argued the Dec. 18, 2020, memo, which was circulated among Trump allies.
The document, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, laid out a plan for the president to appoint three men to lead this effort. One was a lawyer attached to a military intelligence unit; another was a veteran of the military who had been let go from his National Security Council job after claiming that Trump was under attack by deep-state forces including “globalists” and “Islamists.”

After all the crying about the Mueller Report “witch hunt,” and the supposed illegal spying on Carter Page… they do something like this.


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I’m just curious, at what point is all of this criminal? If this is all just borderline bad but not actually criminal, then what? We just let presidents work to overturn elections based on garbage and lies, so long as they say “well, we believed the election was rigged and we tried to overturn it legally?”

And do these cons and Trump realize that any powers they claim they or VP Pence had, by default means Biden and Harris have the same powers? Trump is on one hand saying BLM and ANTIFA and maybe even the FBI were involved with January 6, but on the other saying it was just concerned patriots whom he may pardon.

None of this holds up to any scrutiny, some of the lies are so outlandish it beggars belief that millions of Americans believe it.

Im sick with the hypocrisy. Remember when they said Obama would try for three terms? Yet President Obama and Michelle Obama welcomed Trump to the White House. The former presidents attended his inauguration, Hillary too. Yet Trump’s fragile little ego wouldn’t allow him to return the favor and engage in the peaceful transition. This country is full of millions of dumb mother f******s. It has to be to let this morally bankrupt man child throw tantrums and still support him. When will people tell him to shut the fuck up and grow up a little? Dems need to stop trying to negotiate or think logic and reason will sink in with these folks. It won’t. They need to be publicly humiliated and called out for their idiocy, supporting a bankrupt dumbass and allowing their party to be reduced to a cult that’s sole purpose is to placate the ego of one guy. I mean, Lindsey Graham has kissed his ass so hard, and with one interview where he timidly disagrees with Trump, Trump calls him a RINO. Don’t these GOP morons realize they together are more powerful than any one guy, especially Trump?


What the F?!!!
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Florida republicans showing their shame & desperation or when 'r's DO like voter registration drives.

In November, Republicans celebrated that the number of registered Republican voters in Florida surpassed Democrats. They credited the change to an aggressive voter registration campaign.

After an 84-year-old woman who lives in Little Havana said she was a victim of the unauthorized change, The Republican Party of Florida released a statement in December:

“RPOF conducts its voter registration operation in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. At no time was this voter registration changed without the registrant’s permission.”

Other victims were nearby at the Haley Sofge Towers in Little Havana. Armando Selva recently said he saw people wearing red baseball caps talking to residents about their voter registrations.

Juan Carlos Salazar and Ernesto Moricon, also seniors who live at the Haley Sofge Towers, said they too remember the people in the red hats and they also received erroneous voter registration cards.

“People are being taken advantage of,” Sen. Annette Taddeo recently said. “Lots of these people don’t speak English or are elderly.”
By the way, read the comments below the story. SUDDENLY the 'r' commentariat are some of the most patient sorts who don't believe in a rush to yell "voter fraud".


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You know, with everybody crediting Pence for saying he did not have the power to overturn the election, remember this:

Credit to @JayMysteri0. I found that buried in the comments section of a tweet he posted.
They had Marc Short, the former VP’s chief of staff, on Meet the Press this morning. He kept insisting there was something suspicious about the 2020 election, but also said that he believes Biden is the President. Talk about having your cake and trying to eat it too… He just ignored Chuck Todd who mentioned there was no evidence of anything fishy. It was an extremely soft interview by Todd.. he could have kept pressing him to provide evidence that anything untoward happened in the 2020 elections, but he just let him spew his prepared talking points instead. Weak. Sauce.

Can anybody other than Cheney and Kinzinger in the GOP stop being utter cowards? If they all united against Trump, he’d already be in the dustbin of history. SAD.

Thomas Veil

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It was an extremely soft interview by Todd.. he could have kept pressing him to provide evidence that anything untoward happened in the 2020 elections, but he just let him spew his prepared talking points instead. Weak. Sauce.
Pretty much why I stopped watching those shows. They're kind of pointless. I think at least some reporters would like to ask tougher questions, but they all know that if they do, their access to Republican guests will vanish overnight.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
Pretty much why I stopped watching those shows. They're kind of pointless. I think at least some reporters would like to ask tougher questions, but they all know that if they do, their access to Republican guests will vanish overnight.

So let them interview a Democrat and an empty chair going forward for a few weekends in a row. And let the conversation be about why the Republicans don't want to answer the tough questions that are out there for a party that's inexplicably calling itself beholden to a guy who tried to interfere with a sitting government obliged to oversee peaceful transfer of power.

Sooner or later the Republican National Committee, along with its curiously subservient rank and file, do all have to answer for why they continue to maintain at least public allegiance to a former US President who has disgraced office, party, country. Some of the insurrectionists --whose violence on January 6th too many GOP officials have winked at or even denied-- are looking at prison time, and still the Republican Party fails to acknowledge the seditious nature of Trump's efforts to prevent the accession of a duly elected successor to the White House.

If the Republicans don't want to explain themselves to America on TV at the weekend, they'll still be talked about at the kitchen table and risk being ignored at the ballot boxes in November.

There comes a time when simple intention to retain power at any cost to democracy is not a platform on which a party's candidates can run for office successfully in the USA. That time is probably 2022, and it's because more conservative and evangelical voters will say so. Not so many of those plain or lesser public figures have been asked to come on TV and say those quiet parts out loud yet. But mass media looking to fill slots the GOP increasingly declines to fill may soon enough figure out that Republican Party officials don't speak for all the right-leaning voters in the USA.


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Just saw a story out of Florida in which people at a senior home mostly for Hispanic folks who speak little English are having their registrations switched from Democrat to Republican by Republican Party operatives who are fooling them.

Unlike the cries of 2020 fraud, these are real people with real stories.

Again, why doesn’t the press start asking these Trump ass-kissing republicans to come up with proof. Ask for names. Show the list of Trump voters who’s ballots were switched to Biden. Show the list of votes that were tallied for Biden who were not eligible to cast a ballot. This isn’t rocket science. Ballots are tangible. Voters exist. If there was a disconnect of millions of ballots, how hard would it be to provide a list of 0.0001 percent of those fraudulent votes?

And on the subject, Rachel Maddow had a great story about four or five individuals who were caught trying to vote illegally. Some cast ballots of their dead mother for Trump. One was a woman who completed parole and tried to register - not vote illegally - and was unaware she was ineligible to vote. All except the woman got no prison time. The woman is facing another five years in prison. Care to guess what the race of the woman was vs. the men who got no time?

She’s not the only one. White Republican voters casting ballots for deceased family members are walking, while black voters who are simply trying to register or who are unaware a prior conviction makes them inellgible to vote are being made examples of.
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Changing their registration from D to R shouldn’t make a difference to anyone but pollsters.


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Changing their registration from D to R shouldn’t make a difference to anyone but pollsters.
So not true. Florida is a closed primary state. So those Dem voters can't vote for their preferred candidate in Democratic primaries. I'm willing to bet a small sum that the perps that illegally switched the seniors' party affiliation are probably part of a plan to run fake Dem candidates. Again.


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Does it affect which primary they can vote in though?

So not true. Florida is a closed primary state. So those Dem voters can't vote for their preferred candidate in Democratic primaries. I'm willing to bet a small sum that the perps that illegally switched the seniors' party affiliation are probably part of a plan to run fake Dem candidates. Again.

That will really screw up the Republicans. Dems go to vote in a primary and find they can only vote R can vote for the worst possible candidate so that it’s easier to win the “real” election.

Until primaries are held on the same day in every state, they’re a waste of our time. Half the candidates fold following that first sweep and I never get to vote for my candidate anyway.


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Catskill Mountains
The short of it on the major holdup - good luck putting together a jury that doesn’t include a “I don’t give a shit” Trump supporter.

See the thing is that no contemporary historians (or in this case Congressional committee) can put together a narrative that will necessarily break through a personality of cult, which status is essentially impervious to most facts suggesting the cult leader has feet of clay.

Sure that guy in the video ("Beau of the Fifth Column") is right about a prosecutorial narrative being necessary in a trial, for the jury to be convinced that the evidence adds up to enough reason to convict an accused person.

However, what it takes to break down support for a cult leader is different. There it takes sufficiently accrued physical and/or emotional pain from experiences that the follower personally connects to having followed the cult leader. Even then there can be those who will continue to support the cult leader no matter what consequences ensue.

So Beau is probably right about potential difficulty in getting a conviction. There are are a lot of people out and about in the USA who are well practiced by now in obscuring their public support of former President Trump. Some folks may imagine that you can't fool a bunch of lawyers on either side in a voir dire, but then maybe they've never had to attend a holiday dinner where half the table hates Donald Trump but is perfectly capable of praising the host's also despised specialty dish, whether it's gravy with giblets or some sweet potato concoction with yet more sugars added. Plenty of people caught between a rock and a hard place could get a gold medal for ad hoc dissembling.

The problem that the House investigation of the insurrection poses for both major parties is that very soon all the congress critters will want to shift focus firmly forward to the familiar terrain of midterm campaigns -- pocketbook issues, hot button social issues etc. Meanwhile neither party can be sure right now of how to use the very existence of the "January 6th" committee or its so far unreached conclusions.


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I saw a video of that lady running for SOS getting arrested, resisting the police I’m sure she defends anytime a person of color in her position gets their skull cracked. I’m sure it’s different when she resists police, because she has the more justifiable task of spreading election bullshit. She’s a patriot, the others are just criminals. She has legitimate reasons.
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