Support has consequences.

This cannot make papa bear very happy, even though his kid's politics were surely already known to him.

Papa bear is a judge nominated for his bench seat in 2019 by Brooklyn Democrats. But this guy doesn't seem to lean blue and his brother is connected in conservative politics.

Two weeks before thousands of Trump rioters breached Congress, “Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander said his group wasn’t violent—“yet.”

“One of our organizers in one state said, ‘We’re nice patriots, we don’t throw bricks,’” Alexander told a crowd at a Dec. 19 rally at Arizona’s state capitol. “I leaned over and I said, ‘Not yet. Not yet!’ Haven’t you read about a little tar-and-feathering? Those were second-degree burns!”

Alexander, who has described himself as one of the “official originators” of the Jan. 6 rally in Washington, went on to use “yet” as a code word for violence. Then Alexander told the Phoenix crowd about his plans for Washington.

“We’re going to convince them to not certify the vote on January 6 by marching hundreds of thousands, if not millions of patriots, to sit their butts in D.C. and close that city down, right?” Alexander said. “And if we have to explore options after that…‘yet.’ Yet!”

Alexander’s supporters cheered, yelling threats like “noose!” and “nothing’s off the table!”

Alexander led a host of activists in ratcheting up the rhetoric ahead of Congress’ certification of the electoral votes, threatening to “1776” opponents of Trump’s re-election. Now that five people, including a Capitol Police officer, are dead, however, Alexander has gone into hiding, and the website promoting his Jan. 6 rally has been wiped from the internet.
Alexander is defiant, saying he won’t “take an iota of blame that does not belong to me.”

“I didn’t incite anything,” Alexander said in a video posted Friday to Twitter. “I didn’t do anything.”
In reality, even as Alexander claimed his supporters were peaceful, he repeatedly raised the prospect of using violence in the weeks ahead of Jan. 6.

On Sunday night, Twitter banned Alexander’s personal account and an account for “Stop The Steal.” Alexander didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Alexander is a convicted felon, after pleading guilty to felony property theft in 2007 and felony credit card abuse in 2008. Alexander first appeared in conservative politics in the Tea Party era under the name “Ali Akbar,” organizing a group called the National Bloggers’ Club that was tied to “shady data collection operations.”

At the Dec. 19 Arizona rally, Alexander kept up his threat that his movement could become violent. He said he wouldn’t describe Democrats as burglars in Republicans’ homes, implying that would mean they’d be shot—a metaphor he said wasn’t necessary “yet.”

“Let them hear that,” Alexander said. “‘Yet.’”

The night before the Jan. 6 rally, Alexander riled up Trump supporters in Washington with a “victory or death” chant and once again brought up “1776.”
Alex Jones claims that he and Alexander had some “deal” with the White House about their protest outside of Congress.

“We had a legitimate deal with the White House,” Jones said in an InfoWars show filmed after the riot with Alexander. “‘Hey Jones and Ali,’ literally, they let us out early, we were supposed to lead a peaceful deal.”

Video posted by InfoWars in an apparent attempt to distance Jones from the riots shows Jones and Alexander on the west side of the Capitol as tear-gas canisters went off in the distance and Trump supporters mounted MAGA flags on the inauguration risers. Jones unsuccessfully tried to convince rioters to move to the east side of the Capitol and attend their rally on the other side of the building instead.

“As much as I love seeing the Trump flags flying over this, we need to not have the confrontation with the police, they’re going to make that the story,” Jones said.
Now Alexander claims to be in hiding, alleging in a video posted Friday that he needs $2,000 a day to fund his security detail and other expenses and hitting his fans up for donations. In a bizarre moment in his fundraising pitch, Alexander claimed that he was being targeted by the supernatural: “Witches and wiccans are putting hexes and curses on us.”

It’s not clear how, however, if Alexander’s supporters can send him money at all. On Saturday, he posted on Parler that he had been banned from Venmo and PayPal.

In his Friday video, Alexander claimed that his “rally never turned violent.” But Alexander also read a quote from talk radio host Rush Limbaugh that positively compared the rioters to the heroes of the American Revolution, and said rioters who entered the Capitol should suffer light consequences, if any.

“I think people should be rowdy, I think people should be messy,” Alexander said. “I do believe that we own that U.S. Capitol. So I’m not apologizing for nothing.”

If you made it through ALL of that, let this soak in.

THIS guy is on the run from authorities supposedly, for the riot... A riot that involved the death of an officer.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1348642077471629315/

Bruh! Yo ass is-
It's being reported that former members of Trump's ministry of propaganda are having problems finding a new job. It's also being reported that they are completely baffled by this and feel they are entitled to the same job opportunities as those given to past administration's press team. They honestly don't see how this is any different.
It's being reported that former members of Trump's ministry of propaganda are having problems finding a new job. It's also being reported that they are completely baffled by this and feel they are entitled to the same job opportunities as those given to past administration's press team. They honestly don't see how this is any different.

They were given the ultra deluxe brand of bubble wrap when they came into the White House. Most pols only get the 2-mil thick kind.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350157994009501698/

Seriously, how freaking stupid do you have to be, to be in a job that deals with clients of all sorts, and have this picture taken?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350157994009501698/

Seriously, how freaking stupid do you have to be, to be in a job that deals with clients of all sorts, and have this picture taken?

I like the part where she smugly tweeted that she can't be canceled. And then the publisher of her upcoming book canceled it's release. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Wonderful piece in today's (Jan 16) Guardian about how some of the US Capitol rioters (or insurrectionists) claim that they were "listening to the President", but, now that they have been arrested, seem stunned that they "are facing a prison sentence" and are pleading with the President to pardon them (before his inglorious term of office comes to an end next week).

Does Mr Trump pardon "losers"? Or, even (inept and incompetent) allies?

Or, is he more likely - with his characteristic lack of gratitude - to throw these "useful idiots" (Lenin's term) under the proverbial bus, by turning a deaf ear to their pleas, as he sets about busying himself with the details of packing prior to his departure from the White House?
Does Mr Trump pardon "losers"? Or, even (inept and incompetent) allies?

Each pardon on his list is meant to benefit him personally, whether via some delusional conceit or plausible tactic of self defense in future. I wouldn't put it past him that a few pardons will be made just because they'll be so outrageous.
Supporting insurrection does have consequences... but if you're white and busted by a white law enforcer, you might even get a laugh outta the FBI guy if you crack wise as he escorts you to transpo for your interview, meanwhile ensuring that your jacket stays cozily around your shoulders and discreetly masks the fact that you are in handcuffs. Of course this could just be part of the "good cop" routine, meant to soften you up so you later prove very much worth bothering to interview. On the other hand this here is not the routine that people of color often face for crimes like having no lamplight on a rear license plate in a tony neighborhood after dark.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350817357078343683/
Well it is hard to see why Lindsey Graham sticks on on his recent tack of pitching immediate unity instead of shutting up and letting investigation of the breach of the Capitol proceed apace.

He just won re-election himself so his seat is safe for six years, even if he's unhappy that he does now sit in the just-barely-minority in the Senate. As for people in Trump's base yelling at him the other day, welcome to the club, Senator, half your party is experiencing the same thing. That base was always going to come unglued at the end when their idol turned out to be assorted things other than glorious, including a selfish coward.​
Trump is taking his last flight on AF One to Florida Wednesday forenoon, after a fake little celebration sendoff from the military that he commanded must occur at Andrews (since the military skipped their usual voluntary farewell ceremony for a US president departing the office)​
It's not apparent that Graham himself had anything to do with planning the insurrection.​

So why is he putting himself out there like this? His party is pretty much shredded now by all that has ensued since Nov. 7th. He'd be better throwing his lot in with Mitch on matters in the Senate of how to deal with trying and punishing Trump post-impeachment. But, it starts to look like Graham may be currying favor with Trump instead, possibly setting up to snipe along with Trump in his off hours at the policies of the incoming government.

He may have forgotten Trump's going to be tied up with a lot of legal and financial problems. And he may be trying to distract the public right now from the fact that Trump incited an insurrection and a whole pile of Republicans in Congress have declined to pay more than lip service to the idea that he did anything wrong.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1350852212008890368/