Support has consequences.

In case this hasn’t already been posted, CNN has a list of 280 Fortune 500 companies and which ones are suspending contributions.

Might make things difficult for the Republicans. In a normal year like 2022 they’d be expected to make gains in the House and Senate. But they have more open seats coming up, including three who won’t run in 2022, just announced in recent days. Between that and this...
In case this hasn’t already been posted, CNN has a list of 280 Fortune 500 companies and which ones are suspending contributions.

Might make things difficult for the Republicans. In a normal year like 2022 they’d be expected to make gains in the House and Senate. But they have more open seats coming up, including three who won’t run in 2022, just announced in recent days. Between that and this...
Pretty convenient to “suspend” contributions after the election. They wouldn’t be making many contributions this time of year anyway. Let’s revisit closer to the 2022 midterms. I have a feeling you will see a lot of:

So bright, they self own, AND get themselves arrested...

According to CNN, on Jan. 8 John Lolos was on a Delta plane leaving Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in D.C. when he wouldn’t stop yelling “Trump 2020!” The plane was taxiing, but like a good Black parent, the pilot turned the plane around because Lolos wouldn’t cut that shit out. Lolos was eventually kicked off the plane and sent back to the gate.

An airport police officer identified only as Officer Braddock witnessed Lolos being escorted from the plane, but didn’t think too much of it. It was only 45 minutes when Officer Braddock was scrolling through Instagram that he saw a video of Lolos, in the exact same clothes he wore at the airport, exiting the Capitol building during the riot.

“During the video LOLOS can be seen exiting the U.S. Capitol doorway, wearing the same shirt he was wearing the (at) the airport, and was waving a red ‘Trump 2020 Keep America Great’ flag hooked together with the United States flag, yelling ‘we did it, yeah!’” a federal agent wrote in an affidavit.

After realizing it was Lolos on the video, Office Braddock notified the Capitol Police Dignitary Protection Division, who were already onsite at the airport. The agents approached Lolos, informed him that he was not free to leave, and found the flags from the video among his possessions during the arrest.
And then there's Mr. StableGenius with his stable of last minute genius appointments to various panels and his civil service conversions meant to get in Biden's face. But see one difference between Trump and Biden is that Biden showed up to work with a team that knows where a lot of buttons are that exist precisely to deal with pains in the behind from a departing prez of the other party.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1354908560623366144/
Marjorie Taylor Greene has now seriously ticked off a number of Republican Senators, who have gone on the record with highly negative remarks about her conspiracy theories related to school shootings and the September 11 attacks. I mean we're talking about guys like Thune, Hoeven, Cramer, Romney, even Florida's Rick Scott... and of course McConnell, although he did not mention her name.

And the response? Something sensible or better yet, silence? Hell no. She piped up again on Twitter.

"Too bad a few Republican Senators are obsessing over me, instead of preparing to defend President Trump from the rabid radical left," she wrote. "Focus on ending the witch hunt. Do your job!"​

She sets up McCarthy against these guys in the Senate? Will not end well for her.
So of course someone in the media, had to give the q Shaman / needs organic veggies in prison guy some attention.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369089392141361152/

I want to be disappointed with 60 minutes, but it's a White guy in prison for their involvement in an insurrection... :rolleyes: 🤬 I wonder if they brought tofu?
So of course someone in the media, had to give the q Shaman / needs organic veggies in prison guy some attention.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1369089392141361152/

I want to be disappointed with 60 minutes, but it's a White guy in prison for their involvement in an insurrection... :rolleyes: 🤬 I wonder if they brought tofu?
You can’t blame 60 minutes. But the lawyer that abused their attorney-client meeting got chewed out by the judge, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them face an ethics board.

I bet he wishes he had gotten Trevor McFadden, Trump appointee and “judge”:

You can’t blame 60 minutes. But the lawyer that abused their attorney-client meeting got chewed out by the judge, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them face an ethics board.

I bet he wishes he had gotten Trevor McFadden, Trump appointee and “judge”:

To be clear, it isn't 60minutes. It's the spinoff, "60 minutes +".

They seem to be relaunching this after this was canceled in 2018 and seem to want to start with something provocative. That said, I agree, this guy does not deserve a platform and this is really a display of white privilege: white people committing unusual crimes is marketable.
To be clear, it isn't 60minutes. It's the spinoff, "60 minutes +".

They seem to be relaunching this after this was canceled in 2018 and seem to want to start with something provocative. That said, I agree, this guy does not deserve a platform and this is really a display of white privilege: white people committing unusual crimes is marketable.
They just add “plus” to everything on streaming services now. What incredible imagination they have. 60 minutes plus sounds like a show that would be hosted by 90-year-olds instead of the usual 80-year-olds on the non-plus 60 minutes...
To be clear, it isn't 60minutes. It's the spinoff, "60 minutes +".

They seem to be relaunching this after this was canceled in 2018 and seem to want to start with something provocative. That said, I agree, this guy does not deserve a platform and this is really a display of white privilege: white people committing unusual crimes is marketable.

After the insurrection investigation of I don't know how many months or how many millions of dollars I hope somebody has the balls to state the obvious - We didn't see a group of largely white people supporting another white person as that much of a threat. Also the blue lives matter movement was a trojan horse. They believed a wall of police, no matter how small, would be enough to stop the crowd out of respect for the badge.
Interesting twist on support having consequences. Arizona Republican Party filed a frivolous lawsuit for an election recount in 2020. Judge says that the alleged 'public mistrust' behind the suit was political, not a legal/factual basis for litigation. These AZ GOP guys were listening to Trump and his media allies on Fox and right wing radio stir all those pots about a "stolen election" and so demanded a recount despite the state's election officials having said the count was correct and free of fraud. Now the state GOP has to ante up $18k in legal fees to the AZ Secretary of State for having forced a lawsuit the party knew was without merit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1371538463745568776/
Interesting twist on support having consequences. Arizona Republican Party filed a frivolous lawsuit for an election recount in 2020. Judge says that the alleged 'public mistrust' behind the suit was political, not a legal/factual basis for litigation. These AZ GOP guys were listening to Trump and his media allies on Fox and right wing radio stir all those pots about a "stolen election" and so demanded a recount despite the state's election officials having said the count was correct and free of fraud. Now the state GOP has to ante up $18k in legal fees to the AZ Secretary of State for having forced a lawsuit the party knew was without merit.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1371538463745568776/

Many of the people telling these idiots that they lacked evidence of widespread fraud were in fact very right wing Arizona Republicans.