Support has consequences.

As a followup to those crying the "president told me to" or "fox told me to" defense

This is what a whiny lib would think

Too bad he did not tell them to jump off a high bridge. :unsure:
Let me guess...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395060430641401857/

Since he is alive, in jail, he's probably NOT Black.

We know why McCarthy isn't interested in seeing anything about Jan 6th. It's a reminder that it really happened, along with everyone remembering him pleading with 45 for help and getting none.

I don’t agree with their ideology, but I will say Trump supporters achieved one major objective, at least as far as the Republicans, the government fearing the people. But their politicians are so spineless and short sided that they can’t see this isn’t sustainable and they will ultimately pay a price for prolonging it.
I don’t agree with their ideology, but I will say Trump supporters achieved one major objective, at least as far as the Republicans, the government fearing the people. But their politicians are so spineless and short sided that they can’t see this isn’t sustainable and they will ultimately pay a price for prolonging it.
Republicans of that nature have been afraid since the Tea Party made "primaried" a verb.
Republicans of that nature have been afraid since the Tea Party made "primaried" a verb.

Despite what the media would have you believe, Trump supporters don't make up half the country because not even Republicans or Demorcats make up half the country. Too lazy to look it up, but some recent respected poll showed that more Americans are either independents or not registered with either party and this was the first time in history. And as Romney correctly pointed out, the Republican's recent actions aren't going to inspire anybody new to join the party while inspiring many to leave. The nutters are already in the party,
Despite what the media would have you believe, Trump supporters don't make up half the country because not even Republicans or Demorcats make up half the country. Too lazy to look it up, but some recent respected poll showed that more Americans are either independents or not registered with either party and this was the first time in history. And as Romney correctly pointed out, the Republican's recent actions aren't going to inspire anybody new to join the party while inspiring many to leave. The nutters are already in the party,
We need a third party. I think something like 30% of people identify as Republicans. And of those, even if a majority are hard-core Trump supporters, you’re talking about 16% of the population? And they’re basically running things. If the GOP won’t kick the nutters out, they become the party of the insane.
We need a third party. I think something like 30% of people identify as Republicans. And of those, even if a majority are hard-core Trump supporters, you’re talking about 16% of the population? And they’re basically running things. If the GOP won’t kick the nutters out, they become the party of the insane.

Probably the most viable 3rd party currently would come from pre-Trump Republicans trying to sell themselves off as moderates, but pre-Trump Republicans is also what made Trump seem so appealing by comparison in 2016.

Both parties killed a lot of good faith with the people through 2 decades of war, continued blank and growing checks to the military, protecting and bailing out those who manipulate the economy and cause major recessions, and supporting profits over workers. Now is not the time for a party of blanket obstruction and whining about the national debt.
What The F?!!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1396172508278099979/

How fucking entitled snugly in your White privilege can you be?

"I can't be tried WHERE I committed the crime your honor. I need to be tried in front of a jury of my peers and a judge who let me go on business trips to Mexico for this to be fair to ME."

Let anyone else try that defense.

No wonder they believe their guy should win an election even if he got less votes & less of the electoral college. "It has to be fair to ME". 😫

The group that HATES "cancel culture", NOW wants to use that as a legal defense.
What The F?!!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1396172508278099979/

How fucking entitled snugly in your White privilege can you be?

"I can't be tried WHERE I committed the crime your honor. I need to be tried in front of a jury of my peers and a judge who let me go on business trips to Mexico for this to be fair to ME."

Let anyone else try that defense.

No wonder they believe their guy should win an election even if he got less votes & less of the electoral college. "It has to be fair to ME". 😫

The group that HATES "cancel culture", NOW wants to use that as a legal defense.
Considering they didn’t move the Derek Chauvin trial out of Minneapolis, I will give this about a 0% chance of working.
This says it all

Police intelligence documents show that Washington’s Trump Hotel raised its rates “as a security tactic”, in the hope of deterring Trump-supporting QAnon supporters from staying there in early March, on a day which some believed would see Trump restored to office.

The information, which police gleaned from a Business Insider version of a story published in Forbes on 6 February, was confirmed in an 8 February intelligence briefing stolen by ransomware hackers from Washington’s Metropolitan police department (MPD).

The hackers from the Babuk group subsequently published those documents online, and transparency group Distributed Denial of Secrets redistributed them to news outlets including the Guardian.

As Forbes reported in February, Trump International hotel in Washington raised its rates to 180% of the normal seasonal charge for 3 and 4 March this year.

That was a date upon which some adherents to the QAnon conspiracy movement believed would see Trump once again sworn in as president, based on an interpretation of the US constitution influenced by a belief held by many “sovereign citizens” that the US government was secretly usurped by a foreign corporation in 1871, and all legal and constitutional changes since that date are illegitimate.
When your dear 'leader' isn't as welcoming of you, as you are of him.

(CNN)Republican Rep. Mo Brooks is avoiding a lawsuit from his Democratic colleague Rep. Eric Swalwell that seeks to hold him accountable for the January 6 Capitol insurrection -- so much so that Swalwell's attorneys hired a private investigator to find him.

The detail comes in a court filing Wednesday in which Swalwell's attorneys describe difficulty in serving Brooks with the lawsuit. CNN has reached out to Brooks' office for comment.

Federal Judge Amit Mehta, after learning of Swalwell's inability to serve Brooks with the lawsuit, gave the Democrat's legal team another 60 days to get to Brooks with their formal notification. The judge, however, won't allow the US Marshals to deliver the lawsuit to the Republican congressman "due to separation of powers concerns," Mehta wrote, after Swalwell asked for the US Marshals Service's help.
After Swalwell -- a California Democrat -- sued in March, his attorneys tried to reach the Alabama Republican through calls to the congressman's office and by sending a letter to formally provide him notice he had been sued, a necessary step in this type of court proceeding.

When they couldn't get the lawsuit to Brooks, the Swalwell legal team hired a private investigator to find him -- only to be hampered in April and May partly by the visitor lockdowns around the US Capitol complex, which were put in place for Congress' protection after the siege, according to their filing Wednesday.

"Counsel spoke to two different staff members on two separate occasions, and each time was promised a return call that never came," Swalwell's attorneys wrote on Wednesday.
It was nice knowing you a few decades ago Rudy when you could ride the wave of a national crisis, but now...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1400544080589987843/
I still remember fucking Trump and his infamous words: Pround Boys stand back and stand by! A real The Head piece of shit that one.

I have to keep telling myself this shit doesn't happen when there is a strong middle class and that's on both parties. Trump is horrendous but he would have never reached this elevated status if Democrats did a better job. They've continually flagged the Republican agenda through to first base while ignoring the working class and embracing job killing globalization with no response other than "go to college", as if that delusion would solve everything.

Before Trump Republicans already knew their traditional platform and message wasn't resonating nationally which is why it wasn't that hard for them to let Trump take a dump all over it. Now they would be just as thrilled to be the party that goes down in history as the one that dismantled our democracy. They are a political mass shooting aiming their gun on behalf of anybody who will give them a vote.