Tech Dad Jokes

Here's a "Mom Joke" I wanted to share.
My better half just left for the hairdresser to get her highlights done.

Her parting comment: That's probably the last time I have to do this - with all these grey strains proliferating, highlights are rapidly becoming redundant.

Saw this on Tik Tok - definitely want this for my last day at my current employer after I land my next gig. :D


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I seriously experienced this a few months ago, porting source originally written in C to Swift. Largely a set of mathematical routines it should have been straightforward. Unfortunately it had a fair amount of incredibly dense, convoluted logic built in, some of it senseless as it went nowhere. Needless to say there was little documentation and what was there was mostly obvious, hence redundant, and sometimes misleading.

What i figured would take five days took 25, and had me wanting to cry and tear my hair out. Anyway, the result was worthwhile, running 9x faster just because of the refactoring!
I seriously experienced this a few months ago, porting source originally written in C to Swift. Largely a set of mathematical routines it should have been straightforward. Unfortunately it had a fair amount of incredibly dense, convoluted logic built in, some of it senseless as it went nowhere. Needless to say there was little documentation and what was there was mostly obvious, hence redundant, and sometimes misleading.

What i figured would take five days took 25, and had me wanting to cry and tear my hair out. Anyway, the result was worthwhile, running 9x faster just because of the refactoring!
Sounds like a dream. We had a tasks that should have taken no more than a month or two taking over 2 years to complete. And, probably didn't really need to happen in the first place.