The 2020 Democratic National Convention thread

Tonight was the first time a president spoke to us as adults in 4 years. He absolutely eviscerated Trump and made a strong case for both Joe Biden and getting out the vote. I've been losing faith but much of it has been restored this evening, we ALL need to work to get out the vote. I've been both donating and volunteering for Biden for the last month and proud to do it.
We might have a long way to go when some guy in his 60s says to me on night 3 of the Democratic Party's convention, "I don't have a problem with climate change stuff but see my beef with the Democrats is like how they bring this black spanish kid for their show tonight and she's talking about Biden's energy plan and using words like 'transformative', I mean how long did it take them even to find that chick?"

Yeah ok. Ya pick up the phone and ask a few Dem congresscritters if they know any kids who are climate change activists and would like to say something at the convention, and half an hour later ya got a list of fifty names.

Think the younger generations of the USA don't get it that it's all going to be up to them?

Some of us are really not paying attention.

Bottom line I thought Night 3 was pretty special... and Jennifer Hudson at the end sure God nailed it. Gonna rewatch Obama's speech mañana. I find him so calming even when he's tuning up the guy who succeeded him.
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Republicans for the win: "They can have Barack Obama, we got Chachi!"
Thumbs up, would be happy to see Harris President in 2024, as compared to anyone from the current GOP side.
The reactions this morning are great. 😁 I mean, some of the headlines, even, can’t help but be amusing.

Barack Obama called out Donald Trump in his DNC speech, and the current president was not happy

😄 Really!

Obama argued that his successor has turned the presidency into “one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.”
As the ex-president delivered his speech at the viral Democratic convention, Trump issued an all-caps tweet: "HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!"
Come on, say it with me everybody: “Deflection noted.” 😄
Trump retweeted this moron who apparently has poor listening skills
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1296309078776524802/

Trump whining about twitter
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1296414732627435520/

Trump disparaging McCain again
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1296413178566410241/

After Graham tweeted this, he got owned by his past
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1296255339646595072/
I look forward to watching the second half (with all the speeches) today since I went to bed before it got good last night.
^^ I'm trying to get to that right now, I have to bail from here to do it though!

EDIT: man I miss that guy. didn't always agree w/ him on policy but I felt ok with America here and aborad while he was at the helm and he and his family were in the WH. Nothing and no one are perfect, and he made it clear that it's the effort to represent American interests in that job that really matters.
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Haven't kept up with the coverage or this thread, but just read Obama said Trump is fake in his speech in a way that only Obama could make sting. So much awesome!

Since the DNC is showcasing some Republican love, I think at one of Trump's press conferences they should sit Bush in the back and at some point he'll stand up and throw his shoe at Trump's head. Since he'll never get prosecuted for war crimes it's the least he can do as penance.
🙂 Night 4 begins with Joe Biden narrating about what makes America great. And without saying his name once, it’s an indictment of Trump and how devastatingly he’s failed to come anywhere close to that greatness.

Followed by a really nice montage of Americans talking about what they hope to see a year from now. It’s all very positive.

Edit: LOL. Julia Louise Dreyfus burns Trump by reminding us that Joe Biden knows how to read.

And an adorable kid doing the Pledge of Allegience, and The Chicks singing our National Anthem. Off to a great start. 🙂
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Normally I just roll my eyes at opening benedictions, but the nun who spoke, spoke directly to my soul. Incredible.

And this duo between the adorable John Legend and Common is phenomenal.
🤣 Sarah Cooper doing Trump karaoke, emphasizing how ridiculous he sounds.

I’m afraid I just don’t appreciate her. It was funny the first time. Amusing the second time. Now it’s just old.
Dr. Murthy, the former Surgeon General, suddenly had me in tears talking about Biden speaking w/ Murthy's grandmother and thanking her for choosing the USA as a new home for their family. Wow.