The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

I won’t go into the redeeming of Bush for obvious reasons (however I wonder how can someone that messed up an entire region costing hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, some of which still going on as a consequence, all based on a lie, can be considered a “saint” compared to someone that for the first time in modern US history didn’t start any new military action, but that’s a different topic for another day), especially because it’s an old political strategy (“not even the previous one was that bad!”)and it will happen again with Trump (“at least he said what he thought!”or something like that) in 10/12 years after he leaves office.
At any rate, Nader didn’t go to the UN and all across Europe showing fake WMD.
I mention Nader because (arguably) he siphoned enough of the vote to give GW the win, I think it's safe to say Gore would not have bombed the wrong country in retaliation to 9/11. As for deaths from the war, the Coronavirus has now killed more Americans than every war since the start of the Korean War—combined Trump has done absolutely nothing to prevent it, in fact he's encouraging activities to further it's spread.
I mention Nader because (arguably) he siphoned enough of the vote to give GW the win, I think it's safe to say Gore would not have bombed the wrong country in retaliation to 9/11. As for deaths from the war, the Coronavirus has now killed more Americans than every war since the start of the Korean War—combined Trump has done absolutely nothing to prevent it, in fact he's encouraging activities to further it's spread.

1) sadly the Iraqi war vote was very bipartisan.
2) I don’t get your comparison. You’re comparing a deadly airborne natural virus which over 100+ nations couldn’t stop to a willful, studied, meticulous, and voluntary act such as war. I mean, it would be ridiculous for me to say that Covid made more deaths in Italy than 10 years of presence in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Heck, even the flu causes more deaths than the Korean War.
(For you smokers: Smoke kills 480,000 people a year in the Us alone!)
1) sadly the Iraqi war vote was very bipartisan.
2) I don’t get your comparison. You’re comparing a deadly airborne natural virus which over 100+ nations couldn’t stop to a willful, studied, meticulous, and voluntary act such as war. I mean, it would be ridiculous for me to say that Covid made more deaths in Italy than 10 years of presence in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Heck, even the flu causes more deaths than the Korean War.
Well, I certainly don't blame Trump for the virus but it's fair to hit him on the response, we now know he could have prevented tens of thousands of deaths but instead chose to aid in it's spread. For that, he is directly responsible.
Well, I certainly don't blame Trump for the virus but it's fair to hit him on the response, we now know he could have prevented tens of thousands of deaths but instead chose to aid in it's spread. For that, he is directly responsible.

And that is a fair evaluation. I might disagree with it, or at least parts of it, but it’s fair. Comparing Covid to wars as Fortune did is just yellow journalism of the worst kind; it’s death-toll porn.
There's an error-filled welcome statement on their front page. Below are my additions and corrections.

Dear Friends Suckers,
This resource will provide you with the latest news and information about the 2020 Republican National Convention.
Since taking on my role as President and CEO, I have been privileged to lead a team of experienced professionals character assassins and propagandists who understand and take seriously our role to make history as delegates formally re-nominate the President and Vice President of the United States help this son of a bitch finish ruining America.
The Trump Administration ^if you can dignify it with that term has led us golfed, tweeted and watched TV through great challenges and now is ushering in the ^hopeful Great American Trump Comeback. Our country needs President Trump’s leadership for four more years ^like it needs a colonoscopy with a power drill, and the road back to the White House starts with the 2020 Republican National Convention.
I can’t wait to tell you more about what we have in store ^because we know you'd buy a handful of shit if Trump told you it was a chocolate eclair. For now, thank you for visiting this website and being part of this history-in-the-making utterly shameless perversion of what we used to stand for. Please continue to check back for updates.
Well, I’m pretty sure this isn’t what you’d want to see a day or two before your convention.

'Not an easy task': GOP scrambles to finalize plans for convention amid COVID-19, venue changes, Trump input

Not exactly surprising, I guess, given Trump’s four years has been famous for chaos, and his convention planning especially so because of his capricious whims.

But, I mean, this? The weekend before?

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Convention opens in just two days, but planners have yet to provide a final schedule or other key details about what will take place during the gathering that will culminate in the nomination of President Donald Trump for a second term.
Officials have confirmed the identities of a dozen or so convention speakers, but not when they will be speaking, where they will be, or what they will be talking about.
Convention planners haven’t officially announced that Trump is giving his acceptance speech from the White House, though the president himself has confirmed it.
Even aides to the Senate’s top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, seemed confused about whether he would have a convention speaking role. McConnell’s re-election campaign said Thursday he would be campaigning in his home state and would not be speaking at the event. Hours later, a campaign source said there had been “a miscommunication” and that the senator would submit taped remarks to be played at the convention.
When Trump told reporters July 23 he was pulling the plug on Jacksonville, it caught some Republican staff members by surprise. They suddenly had to pack up and start looking for new venues, one month before the start of a convention that normally takes years to plan.
Plans have to be run by Trump, and that has created delays and at times miscommunication.

I’ll bet somehow, some way, though, Trump will try to cram in an intro similar to his uber-campy, cringe-inducing “Close Encounters” entrance from 2016. 🙄

Well, they must finally be getting it nailed down. This just in (five hours ago):

Donald Trump is to speak on all 4 nights of the RNC, and his family will take up half of the keynote speaker spots

President Donald Trump will speak on all four nights of next week's Republican National Convention, breaking with the longstanding tradition limiting the party's presidential candidate to one big acceptance speech on the last night of the event, The New York Times reported.
Because of course.
...According to Politico, Trump believes that last week's DNC event was too "gloomy," and wants a more upbeat tone for the GOP conference.
That beacon of light in the darkness last week? Too gloomy. :sneaky:
Some of the conference events, reportedly including the president's acceptance speech, will be hosted at the White House, which is not traditionally used by presidents for campaign events. It's a move that has been denounced by critics as unethical.
Ya think? 🤷‍♂️
According to the report, Trump plans to speak every night of the event because he "wants the opportunity to rebut charges made against him throughout the Democratic program, aides said, particularly on his handling of the coronavirus crisis."
Get your shovels out, people. :poop:
...Along with the president himself, they include First Lady Melania Trump, the president's daughter and White House advisor Ivanka Trump, the president's sons, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump, who are both executives in the Trump Organization, and his youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump.
Why not drag Barron into this while you're at it? 🤦‍♂️
The event will also feature speeches from ordinary Americans conservatives say have been impacted by liberal extremism.
Forced to breathe cleaner air. Forced to see more black people voting. The horror. 😩
The St Louis couple who controversially brandished guns at Black lives Matter protesters outside their mansion are due to speak.
Privileged white folks who like to sue anything that moves. Good idea. (y)
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Heaven forfend he doesn’t get to speak whenever possible.

Would he know what light looked like if he stepped into it?
Trump is going to get up there and blabber on every night about doom and gloom with a few speakers in between.

As for first ladies, we're going from one with degrees from Harvard and Princeton last week to an imported butt model this week. It does not get more 2020 than that.
So what do you guys think about this?

WASHINGTON – A day before Republicans convene to nominate him for a second term, President Donald Trump spent Sunday promoting a potential treatment of COVID-19 using blood plasma.
Trump called reporters to the White House to announce his administration has granted emergency use authorization for treatment using blood plasma, though more than 70,000 patients have already received it on an experimental basis.
"This is a powerful therapy," Trump said, describing the authorization as "a very historic breakthrough."
Trump and aides cast the news as a major therapeutic breakthrough, though some medical analysts said it's already happening and that Trump's demands to rush up some kind of cure for COVID-19 could lead to dangerous treatments of some patients.

Showboating so he can play America’s savior at the convention?
So what do you guys think about this?
Showboating so he can play America’s savior at the convention?
They've already been using this in both live cases and testing and have found that it's not working as they had hoped. That aside, if you're taking your health advice from Donald Trump then you deserve your fate. We need to hear it from real and trusted doctors and health officials.
Perhaps it would be interesting to start like factoids or like trading cards, for all of the illustrious sorts appearing at the RNC.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1297569900131766274/
Watching the stream. Matt Gaetz is saying if Biden is elected, when you call 911 no one will come and MS13 will end up moving in next door. :rolleyes:

Edit: Well, there's one place they didn't match the DNC. We got to see Biden nominated live, with each state and territory casting its votes for him. The Republicans did it earlier today behind the scenes, and then condensed their video of it down to--I kid you not--each state saying its name, followed by lots of sign-waving and chanting of "Four more years!" and "Trump! Trump! Trump!"

Kinda speaks to the style of each party, doesn't it? The Democrats did it by the numbers. The Republicans made it look more like just another Trump rally.
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You that area called the taint, that super sensitive spot? I would rather repeatedly snap it with a rubber band than watch a second of the GOP convention. Yeah, it'll sting but totally worth it.
My stomach will only tolerate checking out so much of it.

Nevertheless I want to get a feel for what kind of medicine show they're performing. That way if a Trumper tries to tell me how great it was, I can say I saw some of it and I call bullshit.

So far I've seen a number of people setting up lots of straw men that Trump supposedly knocked down. And the stage and all the camera moves make it look like some kind of scaled down Emmy awards. I keep waiting for the envelope, please.

Okay. Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. I've had enough. :sick:
About those masks and social distancing...
