The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

Well there’s a bunch of idiots. 🙁

Although I have to admit that while I was watching I wasn’t practicing safety either. I wasn’t wearing a mask over my whole face, and I wasn’t properly distanced from my computer either. I hope I don’t catch Stupid-19 from watching.

I did find a safer way to follow the proceeding though. Politico is doing an running live commentary. They’re watching so you don’t have to. 👍🏼

Edit: some of it is actually amusing. It’s like MST3K/RNC.
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Trump said the election is only rigged if he loses, man you just can't make this stuff up.
I accidentally watched some this afternoon. When I got tied off the top we idiot droning on,I went and took a nap.
America, a family business.

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For his soul and Conscience? Maybe. I wish him well on that front.

From a statecraft point of view? Absolutely not. He basically made up evidence based on scanty evidence at best, and started a war that not only destroyed a country that wasn’t doing anything, but caused the biggest rift with Europeans and other powers since WW2, while precipitating the situation in the Middle East and facilitating- as a consequence - the creation and spread of Isis. Therefore no, he should stay far from any politics.

I totally agree. But, the fact that Colin Powell, a long-term Republican is running to support Biden, along with dozens of other Republicans should really make people wonder what's happening at 1600 W. Pennsylvania.
I'm a little flabbergasted that Kimberly Guilfoyle was given a slot at the RNC. Why are we listening to the president's son's girlfriend? I mean sure she was a district attorney in '04, but only her connection to Trump brings her to the fore.

It's clear that the Republicans have given up on crossing the aisle or going for independents and are only interested in stirring up their base into a rabid froth.

Apparently, looking for optimism lasted a hot second. Someone needs to tell Ronna McDaniel that her party is on a different script, not optimism, but back to American carnage.
Donald Trump Jr. unloaded a combative speech at the Republican National Convention by praising his father’s economic record in the White House while calling Democratic nominee Joe Biden...“the Loch Ness monster of the swamp.”
Says the spawn of Cthulhu.

Half the time I watched they were condemning all the looting and vandalism, though they didn’t say when they’d stop.
So, the GOP has decided once again the path forward, make excuses, blow smoke, lie your asses off, and fool the dummies. Let’s just hope enough have smartened up for this round, and pass on the a Koolaid Trump toast.

Fact-checking the first night of the 2020 Republican National Convention (Maybe behind a pay wall)

  • “The president quickly took action and shut down travel from China. Joe Biden and his Democrat allies called my father a racist and xenophobe for doing it.” — Donald Trump Jr.- This to blow smoke over Trump‘s inaction and denial regarding COVID.
  • “President Trump brought our economy back before, and he will bring it back again.”
    — Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley - Big fat lie.
  • “The failed Obama-Biden administration never could do and build the greatest economy our country has ever seen.” — Trump Jr.-Big fat lie.
  • “Obama and Biden let North Korea threaten America. President Trump rejected that weakness, and we passed the toughest sanctions on North Korea in history.”
    — Haley -LOL, She’d have you believe that Trump’s Dog and Pony Show that ended up being canceled, resolved the conflict with his now best buddy.
  • “Obama and Biden let Iran get away with murder and literally sent them a plane full of cash. President Trump did the right thing and ripped up the Iran nuclear deal.”
    — Haley - Misdirection, mischaracterized, and disingenuous.
  • “The intelligence community recently assessed that the Chinese Communist Party favors Biden. They know he’ll weaken us both economically and on a world stage.”
    — Trump Jr -Lie, mischaracterized.
  • “Job gains are outpacing what the so-called experts expected.” — Trump Jr. -Laughable whopper especially not, if you’ve lost your job and are about to be evicted.
  • “Democrats claim to be for workers, but they’ve spent the entire pandemic trying to sneak a tax break for millionaires in Democrat states into the covid relief bill. Then they attacked my father for suspending the payroll tax for middle-class workers.”
    — Trump Jr. - Most of the Trump tax cuts have benefited the wealthy and Corporations.
  • “Raising taxes on 82 percent of Americans is not nice.” — Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel -The Tax Policy Center estimates that three-quarters of the tax increases would be paid by the top 1 percent of households.
  • “Policies that … allow abortion up until the point of birth are not nice.”
    — McDaniel -Misleading. In short, McDaniel and the president are describing something that rarely happens and that no Democrat is calling for anyway.
  • “They [Democrats] want to abolish the suburbs altogether by ending single-family home zoning. This forced rezoning would bring crime, lawlessness and low-quality apartments into now-thriving suburban neighborhoods.” — Patty McCloskey -BS.
  • “He delivered historic criminal justice reform. He ended — once and for all — the policy of mass incarceration of Black people, which has decimated our communities, caused by no other than Joe Biden. Democrats couldn’t do it. Obama didn’t want to do it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris definitely wouldn’t do it.” — Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones (D) -An extension of Obama Policy and a Washington Post investigationfound that Trump’s Justice Department is working to limit the number of inmates who might benefit from the First Step Act.

  • “President Trump built the most inclusive economy ever, 7 million jobs created, pre-covid-19. And two-thirds of them went to women, African Americans and Hispanics.”
    — Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) - He matched Obama job increases based on riding Obama Administration coattails. The economy was all ready roaring when he showed up.

  • Biden “believes in war without winning, war without end. President Trump doesn’t want us in distant deserts. He wants to fight to save America here and now.” — Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) - Despite Gaetz’s claim, the proof is in the troop numbers. Trump has not made much of a dent in the status quo despite a 2016 campaign promise to withdraw the United States from foreign conflicts. As The Washington Post reported, the nearly 200,000 American military personnel who were overseas when Trump took office in 2017 was already the smallest number in many decades.

  • “I watched him as the owner of a professional football team. Right after he bought the team, he set out to learn. He learned about the history of the team, the players, the coaches every detail. Then he used what he learned to make the team better.” — Former NFL player Herschel Walker - “Trump is widely blamed for the demise of the USFL,” ESPN reported.
  • “Biden knows failure. His own defense secretary said, 'Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy and national security decision for nearly four decades.’ ”— Gaetz -But in a June interview with NPR, Gates indicated he supported Biden for president, Trump is that aweful.
Imo, if you have fair completion, there is a better way to describe yourself than as a brown girl, when you are not brown.

Yeah, go tell Sikhs who are not 100% brown that they are not brown, see how they react. I can't believe we're at the "not brown enough" stage.
Yeah, go tell Sikhs who are not 100% brown that they are not brown, see how they react. I can't believe we're at the "not brown enough" stage.
My point is don’t say you are brown if you are not. Speak in terms of your ethninticity.
My point is don’t say you are brown if you are not. Speak in terms of your ethninticity.

I'd leave it to her. Neither you or I are the authorities on what is brown and what is not. Honestly this is a bullshit point you're making.
I'd leave it to her. Neither you or I are the authorities on what is brown and what is not. Honestly this is a bullshit point you're making.
No it’s not. If you are not brown, it makes more sense to describe yourself in terms of ethninticity.
She's browner than me. Or Ivanka. Or Melania. Or Biden.
I am sorry, but your point doesn't make much sense.
I’ll concede, to you it does not, your preference. Btw, I’m not being overly critical because she’s a Trump Minion. Either one works, yet based on complection, I prefer the former.

I’m half Indian.
I’m a brown girl.