The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

I’ll concede, to you it does not, your preference. Btw, I’m not being overly critical because she’s a Trump Minion. Either one works, yet based on complection, I prefer the former.

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I’m half Indian.
I’m a brown girl.

To me - brown or not - she’s a capable lady. You certainly disagree with her but I am sure you will appreciate her as a very skilled woman.
I’ll concede, to you it does not, your preference. Btw, I’m not being overly critical because she’s a Trump Minion. Either one works, yet based on complection, I prefer the former.

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I’m half Indian.
I’m a brown girl.
Perhaps if her name were Token. 2 or 3 people of color (or brown) in a party of hundreds of white people is not diverse, her acting that way is frankly insulting.
The issue is with Haley it seems at times being "Brown" is a feature that can be turned on or off. With say Harris, she's always Black, UNLESS it's an imagined talking point by those NOT Black, if she is Black enough. You don't often hear the party opposite of Haley going on about her being "Brown" unless Haley brought it up herself, otherwise it's just ignored. What did have many of us scratching our heads is the world she moves in where racism can come & go, reducing it's inconvenience in a timely fashion.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298084258850971648/

So many more people in the country would love to have that option. For her it seemed like racism was like childhood asthma, something you can eventually grow out of. It seemed like a theme, as it was something Herschel Walker would continue with his being insulted that anyone could call 45 racist, as he would never associate with anyone racist. For which Black Twitter came a calling. Notably some pointing out basically he's a famous pro football player who 45 likes to be seen with, but if you were a POC in one of his casinos you weren't to be seen when he was visiting.
To me - brown or not - she’s a capable lady. You certainly disagree with her but I am sure you will appreciate her as a very skilled woman.
She maybe skilled, but with pretty horrendous judgement on her part, including most of the GOP, and all Trump stooges. She knows where her political bed is, and for someone so bright, instead of trying to save her party has decided to gulp Rump Koolaid to fit in and get ahead.

Make no mistake, this is a struggle for the soul of the Nation and ultimately no group can prevail long term based on deceit and dishonesty no matter how righteous they rationalize their goals are.
Make no mistake, this is a struggle for the soul of the Nation and ultimately no group can prevail long term based on deceit and dishonesty no matter how righteous they rationalize their goals are.

Well, to be honest the idea of living in a cave on the Himalayas is getting more interesting by the day. Hopefully Amazon delivers there.
The issue is with Haley it seems at times being "Brown" is a feature that can be turned on or off. With say Harris, she's always Black, UNLESS it's an imagined talking point by those NOT Black, if she is Black enough. You don't often hear the party opposite of Haley going on about her being "Brown" unless Haley brought it up herself, otherwise it's just ignored. What did have many of us scratching our heads is the world she moves in where racism can come & go, reducing it's inconvenience in a timely fashion.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298084258850971648/

So many more people in the country would love to have that option. For her it seemed like racism was like childhood asthma, something you can eventually grow out of. It seemed like a theme, as it was something Herschel Walker would continue with his being insulted that anyone could call 45 racist, as he would never associate with anyone racist. For which Black Twitter came a calling. Notably some pointing out basically he's a famous pro football player who 45 likes to be seen with, but if you were a POC in one of his casinos you weren't to be seen when he was visiting.

Maybe we should talk about this in terms of "passing," or the idea that some people can "pass" as white, or not-brown and therefore are treated differently than people with darker skin.

So, Haley can pass as white when it's convenient, but can also identify as Indian when it suits her. The idea of passing has been around for a long time, and goes into the Spanish empire's own structure of race, which essentially classified people in degrees of being Spanish, i.e. white, and being mixed with indigenous or African peoples. In the late Spanish empire, people could ask the church to reclassify them, and lubricated by the right amount of gold, the church would often agree, effectively changing someone's race. This is in part still supported by class in Mexico, where people with light skin and blue eyes are often in the aristocracy in Mexico City, while darker people are poor, and often in the south down in near the Yucatan peninsula.

From the U.S., they're all treated as Mexicans, but the people from Mexico City could immediately pass as white, while those from indigenous areas in the south will still be considered brown, even as both are Latinos.

Haley can pass, but also be a "brown girl." One of the things that's weird is that she talks about being a brown girl, argues that the U.S. is beyond racism, and yet, Nimrata still calls herself Nikki.
Maybe we should talk about this in terms of "passing," or the idea that some people can "pass" as white, or not-brown and therefore are treated differently than people with darker skin.

So, Haley can pass as white when it's convenient, but can also identify as Indian when it suits her. The idea of passing has been around for a long time, and goes into the Spanish empire's own structure of race, which essentially classified people in degrees of being Spanish, i.e. white, and being mixed with indigenous or African peoples. In the late Spanish empire, people could ask the church to reclassify them, and lubricated by the right amount of gold, the church would often agree, effectively changing someone's race. This is in part still supported by class in Mexico, where people with light skin and blue eyes are often in the aristocracy in Mexico City, while darker people are poor, and often in the south down in near the Yucatan peninsula.

From the U.S., they're all treated as Mexicans, but the people from Mexico City could immediately pass as white, while those from indigenous areas in the south will still be considered brown, even as both are Latinos.

Haley can pass, but also be a "brown girl." One of the things that's weird is that she talks about being a brown girl, argues that the U.S. is beyond racism, and yet, Nimrata still calls herself Nikki.
Which I imagine is the most galling aspect. Having heard the stories about the crap light skinned African Americans get, because they get the option sometimes of passing, or even seen as more attractive. Don't EVER walk into a conversation about the attractiveness of Black women & discussion of lighter skinned women comse up! :oops: Just grab your passport & mention you forgot about the emergency international flight you had today! You canNOT win! Part of the issue of course being that when it's convenient some people can pass, and not have to deal with some shit others do. But some will always know about the racism faced if it's to fit in the conversation.

Tangentially related, as it refers to light skinned women conversation...

The problem with Haley of course, as it involves her party when it goes after Brown women ( the Squad ), she's right along with them arguing semantics & ignoring the racism others are trading in.

On a different note...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298335508502806530/

Still trying to figure out if this article is a joke. In what other scenario would those numbers be considered bragging rights?

“Gentlemen, and Lisa. Our competitors captured a pathetic 0.023% of the population. I know, right? They should just pack it in. Our numbers? Wait for it. Are you sitting down? 0.14%!!! We crushed it!”
Love seeing Fox News pundits getting slapped with some truth.

“Policies that … allow abortion up until the point of birth are not nice.”
— McDaniel -Misleading. In short, McDaniel and the president are describing something that rarely happens and that no Democrat is calling for anyway.

It's amazing how many people believe that 3rd trimester abortions are actually legal. They're not. The only way you can legally get one is if there's a very real risk of death due to complications from the pregnancy, and then you have to have a doctor sign off on it.

There are actually people out there who seriously think that Democrats want to make it so that if you have a baby, and you end up thinking it's ugly or something, you can tell the doctor you don't want it, and he'll slam it against a table like an otter trying to crack open a clam.
Okay. I’m officially worried.

First night of GOP convention delivers nearly six times more views than start of Democrats' event on C-SPAN livestream

I’m trying to convince myself this is all Republicans who tuned to CSPAN because they wouldn’t get caught dead watching it on mainstream networks, combined with young Biden voters who just don’t do CSPAN.

Still, this is sobering.

Why are you worried? On the actual TV networks that people watch, the 10-11 hour of day one of DNC got 18.8 million and the same timeframe for the RNC was 15.8.

Not sure why a bunch of republicans watched on c-span online instead. I’m guessing a bunch of Facebook groups forwarded the c-span link and people clicked to watch there instead of on tv.
Love seeing Fox News pundits getting slapped with some truth.


LOL. Exactly. "Why wasn't there fact-checking at the Dems convention?" Because they're not a bunch of fucking compulsive liars!

(Not that they're 100% honest either, but you can clearly see the difference.)

Why are you worried? On the actual TV networks that people watch, the 10-11 hour of day one of DNC got 18.8 million and the same timeframe for the RNC was 15.8.

Not sure why a bunch of republicans watched on c-span online instead. I’m guessing a bunch of Facebook groups forwarded the c-span link and people clicked to watch there instead of on tv.

That's something of a relief.

Why am I worried? It's not just the ratings. Four years ago my daughter was so worried about Trump getting elected and I told her not to worry, the polls said there was only a small chance of that happening. She said, "I don't know, I see a lot of Trump signs, and I don't see many Hillary Clinton signs."

Which I dismissed as purely anecdotal. But I'm telling you, my block has only eight houses on it, and two of them have Trump signs or flags. So when I see something like this, it makes me nervous.

There is no excuse this time. No "everybody hates Hillary" or "she's the wrong candidate". People like Joe. He had a good convention. If we do everything perfectly and we still can't win, it'll be time to fucking pack it up and write off the country.
Welcome! Yeah, you and your formal medical education, your subject matter expertise, what the fuck do you know?

I don't know, man, but I might be qualified enough to be a FoxNews COVID expert.
(My field almost has 0 to do with COVID).
And then this happened:

House Democrat opens investigation into Pompeo's RNC speech

A House Democrat has opened an investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's controversial decision to address the Republican National Convention.
...The decision to speak to the political convention in prerecorded remarks from Jerusalem breaks with longstanding precedent of sitting secretaries of state avoiding partisan politics, particularly while abroad, and appears to violate guidance on political activities that Pompeo himself emphasized in a cable to diplomats just last month. It has rankled current and past State Department officials.
In a letter to Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun on Tuesday, (Rep. Joaquin) Castro noted, "It is highly unusual, and likely unprecedented, for a sitting Secretary of State to speak at a partisan convention for either of the political parties. It appears that it may also be illegal."

I’m sure tomorrow they’ll be spinning this into a “hoax” or persecution of the Vanguards Of Our Precious American Liberties. Or some such bullshit.