The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

I'm at the point where I'm thinking fuck that. Let them think what they want. This shit gets worse with every Republican administration. If we don't want a government that resembles Russia's, we're gonna have to start throwing people in the slammer.

Who knows? You might also win people to your side with that.
Who knows? You might also win people to your side with that.

I very seriously doubt it. People are already wound up tighter than a snare drum as is. If we don't approach the situation with the requisite amount of caution, all anyone will succeed in doing is making people feel even more persecuted than they already do.
This is the kind of SHIT the Rump Administration represents.Then Mr Despicable uses the White House as a political prop. I can imagine newly sworn citizens wondering what I gotten myself I to! Throw the bums out!

Pompeo told diplomats to stay neutral in presidential campaign. He endorsed Trump.
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I can't even, wow ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298489737414504448/
Like father, like minion who wants to be loved by a strong man, but he’s just his bitch on a leash.

I am not sure what the problem is. US Marines have to open the doors to the President (or a General). Heck one day my son might have to do it :)
You know the reason why drugs are so expensive is because everyone in Washington is up there buying up all the 8-balls, right?
It’s an appearance issue. You guys don’t remember Rump wanting a military parade to emulate the role model, ”strong” men he admires?
It’s an appearance issue. You guys don’t remember Rump wanting a military parade to emulate the role model, ”strong” men he admires?

Yeah, I remember it. Thought it was dumb as hell. Laughed when he didn't get his way.

Though that doesn't mean we should freak out over standard protocol here. Apply outrage where outrage is appropriate, otherwise it only serves to make you look like you're trying too hard.
I very seriously doubt it. People are already wound up tighter than a snare drum as is. If we don't approach the situation with the requisite amount of caution, all anyone will succeed in doing is making people feel even more persecuted than they already do.

Tell it to the attorney general of New York State. Trump didn't just start acting like he was a king when he won the presidency. He was pretending rules don't apply to him long before that, especially rules having to do with making and spending money and accounting for those endeavors. And he can't pardon himself for non-federal crimes.
Tell it to the attorney general of New York State. Trump didn't just start acting like he was a king when he won the presidency. He was pretending rules don't apply to him long before that, especially rules having to do with making and spending money and accounting for those endeavors. And he can't pardon himself for non-federal crimes.

We have yet to see how this will play out. I imagine that will be attempts to hold all guilty parties accountable, but SDNY will go to extreme lengths to make sure it doesn't come across as a sensationalized show trial.
Did everyone know that "Mothers" name is Karen Sue? JFC. :ROFLMAO:
Accusing him of popping some uppers isn't that outlandish if you've seen his recent Axios interview.
You'd need a close up on his pupils though to make a statement here. Many things can get him flushed, like a warrior routine of being smacked in the face with raw fish.
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298719126567809024/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298436675501088769/
When did the "bone spurs" happen again? :unsure:
Hahaha, speaking of superheros, Paula Reid is fucking Wonder Woman :D

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298716649382481920/
Holy fuck, a possible Cat 5 storm crashing into the southern US, ~177K dead from Covid, people being gunned down in the street, but sure, send out Mother and Father to delivery some goddam political spew ...