The 2020 Republican National Convention thread

There were a handful of nice stories but they didn’t seem to have anything to do with Trump... something about a cop helping an addict... supposedly related to Trump’s anti-opioid policies? I didn’t know Trump did anything to help with that,
He did declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency allowing allocation of extra resources.
There were a handful of nice stories but they didn’t seem to have anything to do with Trump... something about a cop helping an addict... supposedly related to Trump’s anti-opioid policies? I didn’t know Trump did anything to help with that,

I saw some video on a former Trump supporter talking about how he told the story of his son dying of a drug overdose to Trump on the campaign trail and Trump later acknowledged him and that issue in his speech that day. "Very sad". As time went on the guy started to realize that Trump couldn't give less of a shit as he started defunding the programs that were already in place to help the crisis. Biden I guess now.
There is no excuse this time. No "everybody hates Hillary" or "she's the wrong candidate". People like Joe. He had a good convention. If we do everything perfectly and we still can't win, it'll be time to fucking pack it up and write off the country.

The important question then is - where do we go?

He did declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency allowing allocation of extra resources.

Was that so he could buy his staff extra opioids?
The important question then is - where do we go?

Hopefully both parties will go back talking and focusing about actual policies. I know it won’t happen because it doesn’t “sell” attention, but I must hope. Politics is such a turnoff for me lately, it is likely that after November (no matter who wins) I will follow much less.

Was that so he could buy his staff extra opioids?

I wish all politicians did opioids and whatever drug can keep them mild. I am afraid they all do coke or some sort of weird mix of Red Bull + amphetamines.
Was that so he could buy his staff extra opioids?
Hahahaha:) It was relatively early into his presidency, where he was willing to listen to his healthcare advisers... One of the big issues with the guy is that he's lazy. As Obama put it, he is just not willing to do the actual work that comes with the job.
I wish all politicians did opioids and whatever drug can keep them mild. I am afraid they all do coke or some sort of weird mix of Red Bull + amphetamines.

My oncologist once told me he thought it would be a good idea for everyone too be on Selexa. I only wanted to put it in the drinking water at the high school.

As Obama put it, he is just not willing to do the actual work that comes with the job.

Damn smart man, that Obama.
My oncologist once told me he thought it would be a good idea for everyone too be on Selexa. I only wanted to put it in the drinking water at the high school.

Damn smart man, that Obama.
I prescribe SSRIs regularly, but I also often wonder if this is why America is so unempathetic:

I also tell my patients about the anorgasmia stuff that is often not explained...
I prescribe SSRIs regularly, but I also often wonder if this is why America is so unempathetic:

I also tell my patients about the anorgasmia stuff that is often not explained...

Interesting. I know I don't cry as much as I did before Selexa, but I used to cry at Hallmark commercials. My empathy is still pretty much of the charts. Perhaps rats don't have much empathy to start with?
Ouch! :LOL:

Hopefully both parties will go back talking and focusing about actual policies. I know it won’t happen because it doesn’t “sell” attention, but I must hope. Politics is such a turnoff for me lately, it is likely that after November (no matter who wins) I will follow much less.

It's likely that after November, even the media will feel that way, never mind the general public. Told a friend the other night I'm glad what's left of my NYT holdings are all gravy as far as cost basis goes at this point. All the media outlets are wondering how to readjust their own and readers' expectations of "news" for the post-Trump era... assuming Trump loses, and assuming the planet can decide to launch a post-Trump era forthwith.
I can't even, wow ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298489737414504448/
I can't even, wow ...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298489737414504448/

I am not sure what the problem is. US Marines have to open the doors to the President (or a General). Heck one day my son might have to do it :)
I wish all politicians did opioids and whatever drug can keep them mild. I am afraid they all do coke or some sort of weird mix of Red Bull + amphetamines.

You know the reason why drugs are so expensive is because everyone in Washington is up there buying up all the 8-balls, right?
I can't even, wow ...

I'm with Yax on this one. Those Marines aren't doing anything for Trump that they haven't had to do for any other president. It's a part of their job.

The better example of Trump's authoritarian tendencies would be Trump's walk back through the rows of police standing at attention after gassing that church for a photo op.
I'm with Yax on this one.

Oh my, Armageddon is near!

Those Marines aren't doing anything for Trump that they haven't had to do for any other president. It's a part of their job.

I also want to clarify a couple of things. Since this was a pre-recorded official event, no real damage. However I heard that:
1) Trump will speak from the WH. Covid will work as an excuse for this, but I do not like it.

2) Pompeo speaking during an international travel is a big no-no in my book. State Department should stay outside of party politics already, so a SoS speaking is bad already; the fact that it’s during official State business makes it much worse.
[QUOTE="Renzatic, post: 3287, member: 19"

The better example of Trump's authoritarian tendencies would be Trump's walk back through the rows of police standing at attention after gassing that church for a photo op.

Yeah. But if Trump has seen that photo array, he's already thinking about having the doors he walks through be replaced by ones with gold (well, gilt) filigree.

As his term draws to a close and since he's standing for re-election, Trump may focus less on what he can do --since even his enablers in Congress have thrown sand in his eyes a few times-- and more about what it looks like he can do. And he can still probably order up some fake gold filigree doors if he plays his cards right and shows that photo array to some of his Mar a Lago donor-pals who share his taste for glitter.

Only doors I'd like to see him walk through are the ones into a prison cell.
LOL. This opinion piece was talking about how you just kept seeing the same thing over and over and over...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298085609320280069/

The important question then is - where do we go?

I wish to god I knew. 😟
Only doors I'd like to see him walk through are the ones into a prison cell.

Even now, I'm not 100% sure that will come to pass. If he remains in office, he's untouchable. He can do as he pleases. If he loses the election, those hoping to hold him accountable for his alleged crimes will have to walk on eggshells to prevent from looking as if they're operating out of spite and vindictiveness, lest they piss off the most fervent of his voter base, who will be looking for an excuse by that point.