The 2022 Midterms

This is chilling. Nevada election deniers are set to sabotage the 2022 vote if they don't like how it turns out. County and state election boards already short staffed via intimidation or quitting, and an election denier is campaigning to replace the current secretary of state, who defended the 2020 election's integrity in Nevada. Washington Post piece, paywall removed:

In Nevada, election deniers prepare to sabotage the midterms

The election supervisors in 10 of the state’s 17 counties have already quit, been forced out or announced their departures. Lower-level election workers have quit in the face of consistent abuse. The state’s elections staff has lost eight of its 12 employees.

The (Republican) secretary of state, who vigorously defends the integrity of the 2020 election, is term-limited, and the GOP nominee to replace her, Jim Marchant, leads a national group of election deniers running for office. Marchant is on record saying that if he and his fellow candidates are elected, “we’re going to fix the whole country, and President Trump is going to be president again.”

Typical fascist playbook move: first cast doubt on electoral system's integrity, and then rig the results of an ensuing election as desired, amid intimidation of election workers and/or voters.

What's a little off the beaten path is this guy's open declaration of intent to "fix the whole country."

Meanwhile the case of Moore v Harper is coming up in December before the Supreme Court. It is precisely about the alleged "independence" of state legislatures from "interference" by either a state's governor or the court system. In the old days this was a fringe theory. These days.... ??

He said the quiet part out loud. He’s ok with fascism. Which I knew all along. Even though he tries to play this sensible guy that can compromise. Your voting record and statements determined that was a lie.

This dude would sit back and watch while they marched y’all to gas chambers if it came to that. That’s how crazy these fascist are.
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Beats socialism.
Do you not understand the two? Or do you think there’s a place for you in the ruling class under fascism (cause there isn’t). I would hope our social programs (socialism) are here to stay, or nothing will matter cause you won’t even have roads to walk on. Walk, because you won’t be able to afford a car under fascism, and only the ruling class will have access to education.
Some GOP officials and even candidates are in disagreement over whether their base is best off voting in person or using the convenience of mail-in or drop-off voting options. Starting to wonder if Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot or if they just like chaos in the aftermath of election day.

When the polls close and voting-day results are tallied, the counting of mailed-in or dropped-off absentee ballots must still continue according to whatever the state's laws say about those votes. So the final results of an election are not known on Election Night, and sometimes there are enough votes cast by mail or drop-box to make a difference in the outcome.

Apparently the GOP has mixed views on which approach to voting will make them look better on Election Night, voting early or voting in person on the day. But that mixed messaging apparently has some voters confused and party honchos dismayed about possible effect on overall turnout.

The Tampa Bay Times rounded up some of the array of opinions on voting methods, and reasons for preferring one or another, whether pratical, cosmetic, strategic or.. well, allegedly nefarious.

In Georgia, a recent online flier by one grassroots group read: “Voting in person and on Election Day is the only way to overwhelm the system.” A conservative group in the state, VoterGA, told its members to “protect” their votes by applying for an absentee ballot early and waiting to deliver it until Election Day.

The chair of the state Republican Party, David Shafer, recently tweeted on the party’s official account: “Voting in-person early is just as safe as voting in-person on Election Day!”

The cross-messaging also is hitting Republican voters in Arizona, which has high-stakes races this year for U.S. Senate, governor and secretary of state. Mail voting has been popular there among voters of both parties for years.

State Sen. Wendy Rogers, a Republican who backed a partisan review of 2020 ballots in Maricopa County, told viewers of One America News Network earlier this month that “we need to vote on the last day, the day of Election Day, so they don’t know how much to cheat by.”

“If you have a mail-in ballot, I think that you should mail it in. I want people to vote,” Kari Lake, the Republican nominee for governor, told reporters this month. “And vote whatever way you want to vote, but vote.”

Lake has been among those calling for a rollback in mailed ballots and early voting, favoring instead a single day of in-person voting. Blake Masters, the Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona who also has Trump’s support, said it’s fine to vote by mail if that’s what a voter prefers.

“I want to know results on election night,” Masters told reporters earlier this month. “I’m telling people vote in person, if you can. If not, vote early and return via mail. And let’s know the result.”

Some of the GOP suggestions are playing into Trump's unfounded assertion of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. But even some Democrats have urged people to vote in person, so it's not just the Rs having mixed views (and for assorted reasons) on absentee or on-the-day votes.

In Georgia, about 23% of mailed ballots have been returned with just over two weeks before Election Day compared to about 35% at about the same time in 2020 and almost 37% in 2018. As of Oct. 19 in Wisconsin, 45% of mailed ballots had been returned compared to 56% in at the same point 2020 and 2018.

Some Democrats have advocated voting in person or else submitting ballots at the last minute for them to be counted after polls have closed and before those absentee ballots must be received. Sadly, it sounds like the conspiracy theories about election fraud have started to filter into Democrats' thinking, turning what had for Dems been just a question of personal choice into a strategy to make it harder for Rs who intend to cheat to know how much to try to cheat by.

Pam Keith, an attorney, Democratic activist and former congressional candidate in Florida, said she thinks the predictability that Democrats will vote by mail gives Republicans an early hint at turnout levels. That’s why she is advocating for a surge of ballots at the last minute, catching Republicans off guard.

“By voting early, we are showing our hand,” Keith said. “We show what our turnout number is going to be. And if they know that the overwhelming majority of vote-by-mail ballots are in, then they know what they need to do to win.”

Seems to me that all this waffling about "how to make your vote count!" may do in the end is to make people less likely to bother voting at all, if both sides think the other side is bound to cheat. Low turnout is of course what Republicans figure favors them, as their traditional demographic constituency dwindles. But low turnout can be catastrophic if it comes from their own base.

Spontaneous movements to boycott an election have been more often a popular reaction when rigged elections have been a fact on the ground (verified by international observers) for at least several rounds, rather than an early response to assertions by one party that the other has stolen a recent election or is setting up to steal the next one.​
So far there does not seem any such movement afoot in the USA, but apathy about elections has been a feature here for a long time already, and the hassling of voters of either major party about which method of voting to use may further reduce turnout.​

What's really astounding about this cooked-up GOP controversy over election integrity is that in a number of states and with bipartisan support, mail-in and drop-off balloting have been in use without problems for years on end already, and the in-person voting has been watched and supervised in bipartisan fashion for decades at the polls and counting stations. I think it has dismayed moderate Republican voters, especially those with families and busy schedules who have grown to assume they can fill out their mailed ballot and just drop it back in the mail. Why we don't hear more about it is beyond me. I don't think all those voters are under the sway of Trump's conspiracy theories.
Such as public schools, fire and police departments, public infrastructure, roads, libraries, parks, public transportation, military, etc?

No. That's not Socialism. Those are social constructs.

Under true socialism the government controls the means of production of most industries. They can't do what they do now with any efficiency, so what makes you think they could do more?
Do you not understand the two? Or do you think there’s a place for you in the ruling class under fascism (cause there isn’t).

Not a chance. Anymore than you would under true socialism.

As for the rest, see my other answer.
No. That's not Socialism. Those are social constructs.

Under true socialism the government controls the means of production of most industries. They can't do what they do now with any efficiency, so what makes you think they could do more?

Not that this is being seriously considered and keeping in mind that fossil fuel prices are a global conspiracy, what are your thoughts on nationalizing JUST the fossil fuel industry? Seems to me at minimum it would greatly reduce the price at the pump because that’s the way it is at every other country that has done so. In some countries it also largely props up their social services. It also provides incentive to invest in things like refining capacity. The only downside I see is removing the possibility for a handful of people at the top and investors to get filthy rich, which, boo hoo.

No. That's not Socialism. Those are social constructs.

Under true socialism the government controls the means of production of most industries. They can't do what they do now with any efficiency, so what makes you think they could do more?
First, those social constructs are what the GOP will reduce or take away if they get the chance as their only goal appears to be preventing their donor class from having to pay a dollar more in taxes.

Second, the often lauded efficiency of private industry is a myth, speaking from personal experience in megacorp. When I first started I asked a senior employee how our company can even make money considering how inefficiently it operated. His reply was that the competition was even less efficient. Tried calling your cable company lately? How many companies can you call without hearing "we are receiving an unusually large number of calls," being put through a long and confusing series of prompts (including being asked to explain IN A FEW WORDS why you are calling when the reason for the call is complex) and then after a long wait finally being connected to someone. That is, if you're not disconnected.
Let the armed intimidation of prospective voters begin... I am sickened by this, really.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1583951752897781760/
I heard a term today Negative Partisanship: No matter how bad our guy is, the other side is worse. It signals a refusal to think, abandonment of standards, some STUPID, some racist, a blatant power grab, and a recipe for a wholesale National catastrophe.

There is no real answer for this other than continued trouncing at election time. At this point, you can honestly ask who will be trounced or will we just continue to stumble ahead until Republican controlled States refuse to certify elections? Then stand bye. If the Good Ole End Justifies Us Holding Power Means Repubkican party prevails with its current make up, you can say good bye to Democracy and possibly hello to a new Civil War and a smaller number of United States of America.

You might say Democrats/Liberal do the same thing, but if you compare the two parties, the GOP has clearly reached a lawless State, Democrats/Liberals have not. The GOP is trying to be smart by legislating their lawlessness. If the rest of us let them, then we damn well deserve it.
That said, hmm:

Beats socialism.
Unbelievable comment, holy shit what a reveal… Do you know what fascists did during WWII?? You have a brown shirt pressed and ready to go in the closet? :unsure:
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Unbelievable comment, holy shit what a reveal… Do you know what fascists did during WWII?? You have a brown shirt pressed and ready to go in the closet? :unsure:

I do. But we are a very long ways away from that.

Also, with you and the media referring to every Republican as Fascists, it is quickly losing its meaning.
I do. But we are a very long ways away from that.

Also, with you and the media referring to every Republican as Fascists, it is quickly losing its meaning.

Sounds like you are fine with blatant misuse of for example “socialist”, “communist”, “critical race theory”, and “legitimate political discourse”, but calling “fascists” “fascists” is a bridge too far?

Could you provide some examples of “you and the media referring to every Republican as Fascists”?
Yeah, there's a little too much redefining things to accommodate a specific narrative.


Socialism = All my money gets taken to support the gay and minority agendas to the deficit of straight, white, men

Fascism = The president upholds our good ol' American values like Jesus and ignoring the country's history
I do. But we are a very long ways away from that.

Also, with you and the media referring to every Republican as Fascists, it is quickly losing its meaning.

Because you are one. Sorry if that hurts your feelings. Fuck your feelings.
For people who plan to vote Republican out of spite because of the economy and inflation, a couple things to consider.

The Republicans can’t do a lot about that and nor are they claiming they will or even want to. In fact if they take control of Congress they’ll make it worse because Biden.

To expand on the second part, if they do anything other than attempting to impeach 3 generations of Bidens for 2 years they’ll dismantle the social safety nets that don’t just impact the poor and elderly, but also those impacted by major recession which most are predicting will happen.
I do. But we are a very long ways away from that.

Also, with you and the media referring to every Republican as Fascists, it is quickly losing its meaning.
Hold on, there is meaning.
  1. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator*, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
  2. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
  3. Oppressive, dictatorial control.
* Trump is our wannabe dictator and the GOP who reluctantly supports him as a path to the continued holding of National power.

How ironic coming from the GOP who are officially against big government, until that means they can no longer be elected honestly. They are just against current government, when they are not getting their way, gaming the system for their advantage. It’s just a power play, an enabling argument, along the lines of the States Right’s argument, as in The Civil War was not about Slavery, it was about State’s Rights (to have slavery), as if that makes a difference. In essence it’s about “My Right“ to get my way, which is selfish, self serving, and anti-Democratic.

When do you become anti-Democratic? For GOP leadership, it’s when you can’t be elected democratically, then we see what happens, undermining civil and voting rights, suppressing the votes from the demographics who don’t support your policies.

Full blown fascim is evil, it’s is about excerting physical power against and control over those who disagree with you, including long incarcerations without representation, and murder. It is lawless in the traditional sense, crafting laws that benefit their group personally and politically, and it is completely the end of holding power, justifies the means.

Fascism fundamentally is the anthesis of Democracy. It’s about forcefully holding power, and it starts by cheating, undermining laws that hamper your ability to hold power. Not yet full blown fascist, IMO, GOP leadership is on a fascist path attempting to put all the pieces in place to complete the evolution. This includes not speaking out against Donald Trump and his Jan6 insurrection, and embracing elements, such as white supremicist militias who would eagerly start the civil war on command and advocate violence as a means of maintaining white privilege and control.

As far as every Republican a fascist, that is not the case. Significant numbers seem to be abandoning the GOP, but not enough. A significant part of Republican leadership appear to be afraid of their base not voting for them, if they are not extreme enough, and they are in gaming the system mode. Election board members around the country in the face of threats have resigned, being replaced by 2020 election deniers. When enough key positions are filled by loyalists, then all bets are off regarding continued American democracy,

It can be honestly asked, if you support a racist leader, does that make you a racist? Yes, it does, or at a minimum it makes you self serving, allowing racism for self percieved advantage, part and parcel of White Privilege.

And the same thing goes for Republican leadership today and fascism as we watch those in charge of the GOP undermine the will of the majority, lie their asses off, declare their willingness to overthrow elections when they lose, forging ahead with undermining civil and voter rights, legislating corruption, and undermining the Constitution as it exists today so they can continue to hold power. If you support a political party that embraces such tactics, what can be legitimately said about that and you? 🤔
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