The Democrat agenda 2022 and going forward

Chew Toy McCoy

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I could have dropped this in any number of currently active threads and it would have fit the thread, but I thought it would be better to start a thread to compliment/counter the thread on the Republican agenda.

"We’re here because GOP politicians fear their base, while Democratic politicians don’t. That must change."

Never truer words, but I'd also take it a step further. We're here because both GOP and Democrat politicians fear the GOP base.


Resident Redneck
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I would like to get to a point where ALL politicians fear ALL voters.

And more specifically, the fringes of each party fear the middle 60% more than they fear the Christian wing or the Progressive wing.

But some of it is because of safe seats. Pelosi doesn't fear the voters because she knows they will not vote her out. Same as some of the GOP Reps. Sure some has to do with gerrymandering, but most do not. So these Reps can do and say whatever they want knowing they will be just fine come election time.

Chew Toy McCoy

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I think the general lack of participation in this thread states the Democrat agenda, just whine about Republicans.

And more specifically, the fringes of each party fear the middle 60% more than they fear the Christian wing or the Progressive wing.

From my vantage point I see a more centrist government as just a continuation of not getting anything done (which we already have) but just being a lot more polite about it. I assume from your view you see getting nothing done isn't a good thing, if for no other reason than making the country more insane, but a more centrist government would get things done but on a smaller more cautious scale? This would assume there are things you are willing to compromise with the left on. Mind saying what those things might be?

Personally, I think we need to kill the practice of throwing everything including the kitchen sink into bills, or at least not tossing in things that are nowhere near related to the main bill. That's almost as undemocratic as the supreme court, almost. I realize some things I liked probably passed via that method. Doesn't mean it's right.

It seems a lot of currently accepted practices are put in place to allow members to spend the bulk of their time fundraising. I think extreme limitations should be put on that as well. Have a staff that does that shit. Legislators should legislate.


Resident Redneck
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I think the general lack of participation in this thread states the Democrat agenda, just whine about Republicans.

From my vantage point I see a more centrist government as just a continuation of not getting anything done (which we already have) but just being a lot more polite about it. I assume from your view you see getting nothing done isn't a good thing, if for no other reason than making the country more insane, but a more centrist government would get things done but on a smaller more cautious scale?

Right now Congress is controlled by those on the fringes of their party. And there is little we can do about it because they are in "safe" seats. I would love to see what kinds of legislation would pass if the votes were anonymous so Pelosi & Schumer or McCarthy & McConnell couldn't punish them for their votes.

I'm not even sure we need to turn Congress over, but just get new Congressional leaders. In the 2020 election, Pelosi got 281K votes and McCarthy got 190K. Yet these two control what Bills are even brought to the floor. Right now it is Pelosi, but next year it may be McCarthy (and it was close in 2020). People here bitch about small states having oversized control, but I don't hear anyone complaining how these two have way out sized power based on the number of people who elected them.

I think every bill that makes it out of the one body must get a floor vote in the other. Yes, that may put some members in precarious positions, but their job is to represent US, not position themselves for their next election.


Mama's lil stinker
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I'll just say that we've all been expecting to hand the keys for both houses over to the Republicans in a clean sweep in the 2022 midterms, but I don't know that will be the case anymore. With both the capitol riot hearings and the supreme court going off the rails they're going to motivate Democratic voters who normally sit out during this cycle.

It will be interesting to see, frankly, I've lost about all confidence in Democrats and they both appear to be and are inept at a time when they're needed the most. If the base can rally behind a few who truly want to make changes and against the current Republican agenda there's a chance they can turn it around.

I get the economy and inflation are the biggest driving factors right now but anyone who thinks the Republican track on abortion and corruption aren't front and center as well simply isn't paying attention outside of their right wing bubbles.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Right now Congress is controlled by those on the fringes of their party. And there is little we can do about it because they are in "safe" seats. I would love to see what kinds of legislation would pass if the votes were anonymous so Pelosi & Schumer or McCarthy & McConnell couldn't punish them for their votes.

I'm not even sure we need to turn Congress over, but just get new Congressional leaders. In the 2020 election, Pelosi got 281K votes and McCarthy got 190K. Yet these two control what Bills are even brought to the floor. Right now it is Pelosi, but next year it may be McCarthy (and it was close in 2020). People here bitch about small states having oversized control, but I don't hear anyone complaining how these two have way out sized power based on the number of people who elected them.

I think every bill that makes it out of the one body must get a floor vote in the other. Yes, that may put some members in precarious positions, but their job is to represent US, not position themselves for their next election.

In your experience when your fellow right leaners complain about Democrats is about things they've actually done or things they say they are going to do? On either, what are their biggest complaints?

I get the impression that "real working Americans" are disenfranchised with the Democrats for the years or decades of making promises never kept. I can't think of specific areas, but I keep hearing about areas that were reliably blue for decades and then flipped or went purple.

I heard an interview with a libertarian radio show host in Colorado earlier who said green energy and the green new deal is going to ruin his kids' future. Um, what? Unfortunately, the host didn't ask him to qualify that statement. I'm willing to hear alternative viewpoints but that one made no sense to me. Even though he isn't a Republican he also felt Biden is far more dangerous than Trump. Again, what??


Elite Member
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Although I understand why political parties exist, I like the idea of not being a member of any professional political party.

I believe that kind of undiscerning allegiance and beholdenness blinds and forces many to act and vote in ways that are contrary to the well-being of society and the country.

Chew Toy McCoy

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I'll just say that we've all been expecting to hand the keys for both houses over to the Republicans in a clean sweep in the 2022 midterms, but I don't know that will be the case anymore. With both the capitol riot hearings and the supreme court going off the rails they're going to motivate Democratic voters who normally sit out during this cycle.

It will be interesting to see, frankly, I've lost about all confidence in Democrats and they both appear to be and are inept at a time when they're needed the most. If the base can rally behind a few who truly want to make changes and against the current Republican agenda there's a chance they can turn it around.

I get the economy and inflation are the biggest driving factors right now but anyone who thinks the Republican track on abortion and corruption aren't front and center as well simply isn't paying attention outside of their right wing bubbles.

I tend to see these ever worsening cyclical recessions as more the result of a completely corrupt government (made legal by the Roberts supreme court) and for the most part the government pretty much not doing a damn thing, including putting in safeguards that stand to help prevent the next one. The “pretty much” that they do, do is welfare for the rich and corporations who in turn resuscitate the people they just bled dry. This cycle would take place regardless of who is in office or control, but the average voter will thank/blame whoever is in control.

We talk a lot about voters who vote against their own best interest, but I think it's gone beyond that to the point where we hope that the economy tanks and remains tanked whenever the party we don’t like is in control and vice versa.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Although I understand why political parties exist, I like the idea of not being a member of any professional political party.

I believe that kind of undiscerning allegiance and beholdenness blinds and forces many to act and vote in ways that are contrary to the well-being of society and the country.

Somebody once famously said "I'm not a member of any organized political party. I'm a Democrat!"


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Right now Congress is controlled by those on the fringes of their party. And there is little we can do about it because they are in "safe" seats. I would love to see what kinds of legislation would pass if the votes were anonymous so Pelosi & Schumer or McCarthy & McConnell couldn't punish them for their votes.

I'm not even sure we need to turn Congress over, but just get new Congressional leaders. In the 2020 election, Pelosi got 281K votes and McCarthy got 190K. Yet these two control what Bills are even brought to the floor. Right now it is Pelosi, but next year it may be McCarthy (and it was close in 2020). People here bitch about small states having oversized control, but I don't hear anyone complaining how these two have way out sized power based on the number of people who elected them.

I think every bill that makes it out of the one body must get a floor vote in the other. Yes, that may put some members in precarious positions, but their job is to represent US, not position themselves for their next election.
Perhaps you don’t know how the House of Representatives works.

Each member of the House of Representatives represents approximately the same number of people: 710,000. The fact that some small states only have one representative skews that slightly. So if any representative has a lower number of votes than any other, they either had a tighter election, or lower turnout.

They pick their own leader, who can be replaced at any time. The House used to grow regularly until rural voters got worried in the 1920s, leading to a capping of the House at 435 members. There’s an argument to be made that having one representative for so many people isn’t the greatest way to do things, but a house with 1000 members or more would be insane I think.

Similar to many parliamentary systems where the members of the parliament pick the prime minister, voters already have a good idea of who the Speaker of the House is going to be when they select which party to vote for. Representatives are elected, proportional to the population, and those representatives decide among themselves who leads. It’s called a representative democracy,

The House is much more representative of the PEOPLE than the Senate is. Instead of each member representing the same number of people, you have some Senators representing 40 million constituents and some representing fewer than 600,000.


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I get the impression that "real working Americans" are disenfranchised with the Democrats for the years or decades of making promises never kept.
What a bullshit term. Everybody works; unemployment is what, 3%? And a majority have voted ”blue” in every presidential election for the last 20-30 years except when John Kerry ran. Come to think of it, most Republican voters are retired, so that term doesn’t even apply to them. The only reason we had Republican presidents recently is because of the electoral college, an institution that was made to appease slave owners and only got worse as time went on and we added more states. Heck, if we got rid of it, nobody could ever try a coup using fake ”electors” from various states.


Elite Member
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I think the general lack of participation in this thread states the Democrat agenda, just whine about Republicans.
It's because the Dems will continue to focus on getting shit done despite the whining of so-called progressives and the GQP that has no intention of doing anything if they wrest control of Congress from them. I won't make any predictions of how the midterms will go, especially with the shenanigans of the minority party that may illegally tip races to them despite the intent of voters.

Dems aren't forcing members to toe the party line. That's why one or two Dem Senators have been able to hold back key legislation passed in the House.

The progressives will whine about getting those with progressive bonafides elected in districts where they have no chance in hell. Often hurting the moderate (or their current pejorative, centrist). It's almost as if they don't want Dems to win and do shit.

Chew Toy McCoy

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It's because the Dems will continue to focus on getting shit done despite the whining of so-called progressives and the GQP that has no intention of doing anything if they wrest control of Congress from them. I won't make any predictions of how the midterms will go, especially with the shenanigans of the minority party that may illegally tip races to them despite the intent of voters.

Dems aren't forcing members to toe the party line. That's why one or two Dem Senators have been able to hold back key legislation passed in the House.

The progressives will whine about getting those with progressive bonafides elected in districts where they have no chance in hell. Often hurting the moderate (or their current pejorative, centrist). It's almost as if they don't want Dems to win and do shit.

It’s kind of interesting if you put it in the context of Herdfan’s middle 60% but keep it within the Democrat party. In that case they can’t get things done because of the progressives (same far left) and the moderates (in this case the far right). This just illustrates we need at least 3, if not more, viable parties.


Elite Member
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I would like to get to a point where ALL politicians fear ALL voters.

And more specifically, the fringes of each party fear the middle 60% more than they fear the Christian wing or the Progressive wing.

But some of it is because of safe seats. Pelosi doesn't fear the voters because she knows they will not vote her out. Same as some of the GOP Reps. Sure some has to do with gerrymandering, but most do not. So these Reps can do and say whatever they want knowing they will be just fine come election time.

This is our fault. Everyone says "vote them all out and start over", but nobody does. What they usually mean is "please vote everyone out I don't like".

Chew Toy McCoy

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I realize posting this might inspire responses that I should practice what I preach. I'm not one of the people on here defending the Democrats with whiny excuses. I admit I'm not doing anything about it. You're lying to yourself to feel righteous.

Still waiting for anybody to post that national Democrat plan.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Just gonna quote the whole damn thing....

Democrats have lost the plot. I'm furious at them, and terrified at the consequences. They need a better story​

Right after the draft of the Roe v. Wade opinion leaked, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, a Democrat, condemned peaceful protests near Supreme Court judges' houses as "reprehensible" and promptly voted to provide more security for Brett McBeer and company. I wasn't surprised that my senator was quicker to protect Sam Alito from candlelight vigils than he was to protect me and my family from Sam Alito. But as a novelist and a woman, I'm furious and terrified Democrats have lost the entire plot, and the American experiment is next, not least because Dems have no idea how to tell a story.

Wannabe tyrants represent only about a quarter to a third of the population, but you wouldn't know it by the behavior of the Democratic Party. Cowering, dithering Dems accept the most ludicrous Fox News framing of every issue from inflation to policing to abortion, perpetually stumped by right-wing mud-slinging. In response to rabid authoritarianism, they hem and haw, shuffle policy papers, babble about "bipartisanship" and attempt to negotiate with GOP grifters who call them pedophiles. And then these same Democrats turn around and blame a handful of progressives, when it's conservatives from both parties who block and shred every scrap of legislation that might make all our lives a little less apocalyptic. And the administration wonders why Biden's approval numbers are tanking?

I'm no politician, and I'm certainly not one of those high-paid Democratic consultants who keeps pushing talking points from 1991. I am, however, a writer, and I understand the power of communication. Why hasn't the Democratic Party crafted a clear narrative that its own voters can understand?

Here's a story that all Democrats could tell right now: Today's GOP is engaged in a giant smash-and-grab. A grand looting. A coordinated, decades-long, multi-pronged effort to bring back the good old days of…1850. Everything they do falls under this umbrella. Why not talk about the unholy alliance of religious extremists and bloodsucking billionaires intent on subverting the will of voters? Because of this alliance, religious extremists take a hammer to our civil rights, ban books, work to dismantle public schools, vomit racist, homophobic and antisemitic garbage, and insist on genital inspections and forced birth, while the billionaires smash regulations to drive up inflation, loot institutions and rob their own employees, abuse workers, fund the spread of conspiracy theories, buy up all available housing, avoid taxes and pack the courts with political hacks who rule that all of this is just fine, democracy be damned.

Of course, most Americans don't want any of it, which is why the GOP has won the popular vote only once in the last three decades. So, right-wingers must keep smashing and grabbing everything they possibly can. They broke the Senate. They stuffed the Supreme Court with aggrieved theocrats and the lower courts with incompetents. They disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of voters. They supported a literal coup. Now, they're hounding school boards to destroy public education, stuffing their creepy faces into the private lives of families, and threatening state officials so they can steal every future election, all while using Nazi and slaver logic to turn anyone with a uterus into a brood mare for the state. Smash and grab. Smash and grab. Maybe the Democrats might want to talk about this?

Here's another story Dems could tell: that the right-wing tells lies, projects its own misdeeds onto others and then lies again. Take the issue of abortion. Republicans accuse Democrats of being baby killers and bray about being "pro-life" when the overwhelming majority of them have done nothing to help struggling parents and families. They don't support universal (or any kind of) health care. Or parental leave, tax credits, affordable child care, food stamps, free school lunches, universal preschool or gun safety. Republican lawmakers screamed about the formula shortage and then voted against the bill that would help address it. Their words mean nothing because we can see what they do; their actions reveal they don't care about the born, let alone the unborn.

They're not pro-life. They're pro-control. They're pro-cruelty. Pro-punishment. Pro-death. They believe people with uteruses are livestock, less than human, bodies to be bred or sterilized according to the most extreme right-wing demands, while kindergartners remain cannon fodder for gun fetishists. This is absurd and obscene. Maybe Democrats can say so, and keep repeating it.

And while they love to label the Democrats as "groomers" or "pedos," the GOP regularly supports and elevates men linked to all kinds of sex scandals, including accused rapist Donald Trump himself, along with Jim Jordan, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, just to name a few. (It's no coincidence that accused harasser Clarence Thomas and accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh provided two of the votes to strip women of their bodily autonomy.) It's the GOP that wants to creep on children in classrooms and inspect the genitals of high school kids. Maybe Democrats could point out who the real pedos are?

Maybe, when asked "What is a woman?" Democrats might answer: "A person."

Maybe, when asked "What is a trans child?" Democrats might answer: "A child."

Maybe, when a GOP politician shrieks, "All lives matter," a Democrat might say: "No lives matter to you except yours."

Maybe, when a right-winger targets vulnerable kids, a Democrat from a purple state might quote the Republican governor of Utah and say, "I don't have to understand exactly what the kids are going through. I just want them to live."

Maybe, when a GOP congressman yammers on about "religious freedom," a Democrat can say, "Freedom means that Americans cannot be forced to abide by your extremist version of Christianity."

Here's another thing Democratic leaders need to understand: the truth does not speak for itself. Lies must be confronted and refuted, and the truth must be defended — over and over and over again. And the truth is that the GOP won't be satisfied with gutting the Voting Rights Act and overturning Roe. To mollify their addled, hateful base, they're coming after contraception, marriage equality, desegregation, separation of church and state, free speech. They want to use the courts to repeal the last two centuries.

If the GOP retakes control of the House, Senate and presidency, the entire country will follow the trends of red states, which means higher mortality, higher poverty, fewer jobs, more voter suppression, further defunding and dismantling of public education, more failing students, more abuse victims bearing babies of rapists, more pregnant women murdered by violent partners, more parents charged and/or jailed for miscarriages and stillbirths, more doctors and nurses arrested, more books banned and teachers and librarians fired, more guns for more mass shootings, more Black and brown and LGBTQIA people targeted and killed, more neighbors spying on neighbors and more devastated families and communities — but no free and fair elections to fix any of it.

Maybe the Democrats could say: "This is Jim Crow 2.0." "This is the New KKK." "This is the zombie Confederacy." Because it is all of these things.

Finally, instead of nagging terrified people for more money, Democrats could tell us what their vision for the country is, and clearly lay out their agenda. They can start with the idea that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness do not belong to Republicans alone, that we all should have the freedom to decide how we live, who we marry, how we build our families and how we worship. Democrats should talk about the legislation they've passed — the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the historic gun safety law — as well as the numerous bills the GOP has blocked. And then Democrats could talk about the specific measures they intend to take right now to protect us from this corrupt and illegitimate Supreme Court, as well as what they'll do after the November election if they hold the House and increase numbers in the Senate (i.e., "Give us two more seats and we will make Roe the law of the land." Or, "Give us 60 seats in the Senate and we'll expand the Supreme Court to 13.")

And then, just maybe, Democrats can back up those messages with bold and immediate action. Urge the president to declare a public health emergency. Repeal the Hyde Amendment. If possible, set up reproductive health care clinics on federal lands and/or military bases and make sure those clinics are well defended from right-wing extremists. Pass bills to ensure the right to birth control and marriage equality. Introduce bills for a federal right to abortion in case of rape or incest, a federal right to abortion in the first trimester, a federal right to an abortion when the woman's life is at risk (as it is with ectopic pregnancies), a federal prohibition on criminal penalties for women who seek or obtain abortions, a federal prohibition on criminal penalties for non-medical providers who assist women in seeking reproductive care, and so on. Hold a vote on a "pro-life" bill that includes expanded health care, prenatal care, paid family leave, child care, universal preschool and free lunch. Force the Republicans to show their hand again and again.

And how about reintroducing voting rights bills and court reform bills that include ethics rules for judges, and twist Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema's arms till they agree to filibuster carve-outs? How about introducing legislation to rebuke the Supreme Court and nullify the wave of horrific decisions it has issued? How about using executive orders to get rid of student debt? Dragging CEOs into Congress to explain why they're pocketing record profits and still raising prices on consumers? And if Democrats are not sure if any of that will work, they should try anyway, to prove to voters that they're ready to meet the moment. As writer Alexandra Erin tweeted, even if those efforts fail in the short term, Democrats would learn what resonates with the public, expose weaknesses in GOP positions and fire up their own base.

Most importantly, Democrats should not stop telling these stories. Hammer at the message and the specific plans in every interview, every ad, every post or tweet. When you give your base a coherent tale to tell, when you show them you're backing up that story with action, they won't just vote for you, they'll take on some of the burden of persuading real swing voters. Plus, the clearer and more specific the message is, the more likely the press will report on it.

If Democrats finally, at long last, go on the offensive, will Mitch McConnell bitch and moan? Sure. Will Marjorie Space Laser and Fox News ditto-heads increase the flood of racist swill, bonkers attacks and doublespeak? Of course. But it's time for Democrats to stop being surprised by that, and stop backing down every time it happens. Right-wingers have weaponized shamelessness to favor the powerful. Dems must weaponize shamelessness to protect the rest of us, and to protect democracy itself. Republicans want to plunder our bodies, loot our bank accounts and rob us of our futures. Democrats need to throw out the old playbooks and fight as if all our lives depend on it, because they do.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Wow. The super rich are going to f**k with the whole planet, just so they can stay rich. I don't take the book of Revelation literally, but Rev.18:9 to the end of the chapter is a fitting end to them.

On a related note the police as we know them today originally started to protect and enforce for the rich, things like strike busting and run away slaves. Follow it through to today on who gets arrested and prosecuted and who doesn’t. Drugs on poor streets - fully enforced. Drugs on Wall St. - “Have at it, boys. Mind if I join?”
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