The official Florida man thread


Hard to get more Florida than this.

‘Two Crazy Drivers with a Gun’: Florida Men Allegedly Shot Each Other’s Daughters During Road Rage Incident​

Meanwhile courts are blocking parts of NY's latest attempt to restore some control over permitting and carry of guns in places like NYC proper, which has experienced a 54% spike in permit applications for concealed carry since a SCOTUS ruling in June had struck down a city law that had been enforced since 1913.

Imagine these two Florida guys transformed into two characters in a NY subway car as it rattles along the tracks from lower Manhattan to the Bronx.

It's bad enough we've already seen some recent shootings in the trains in the city. Not sure that filling those train cars with self-described self-defenders (or self-designated keepers fo the peace??) is the way to go.

In the wayback of city history when I lived there, people eventually decided the Bernie Goetz model of vigilante style law'n'order in the trains was not what we wanted. The risk of high levels of human "collateral damage" was obvious. That there are now more illegal guns in the city does not lessen that risk.

And so how does bumping up the total gun count including newly legal concealed carry in places like the trains or Times Square help? I mean it's not like these two guys in Florida had previously described themselves as road rage warriors hell bent on avenging insults and the likes of pop bottles hurled by their respective passengers at each other. Surely they were originally just running an errand or coming back from dining out...

The challenge to the NY laws were brought by some upstate residents with support of groups that regard themselves sometimes as competitors of the NRA, and with at least the tacit support of some sheriffs who have indicated that enforcing the newer restrictions (where applicable) in their jurisdiction is a distinctly low priority.

But see this is why NYC's 1913 law had well served the public. It was crafted to apply to NYC where population density had always made it more dangerous for civilians to whip out a gun to settle a difference. I still think SCOTUS erred in not leaving well enough alone. The city is different to the countryside. Striking down laws meant to deter gun violence in cities is plain foolish, and the 2A clearly allows for some regulation.

Yes there are illegal guns out there and yes people get shot in the streets, just ask Philadelphia. There is NOTHING to say that adding more concealed carry to that mix can affect such behavior constructively. We need enforcement of existing laws seeking to mitigate effect of lax laws in neighboring states, enforcement of laws against selling finished 3D printed guns, enforcement of background check requirements and closing up loopholes that still let unvetted transactions take place.

And we need above all more engagement of citizens with city government to provide healthy outlets for young men in particular to engage in safe and social activities - yeah, basketball, boxing, chess matches, robot construction teams, photography clubs, hiking clubs, debate clubs, learning how to make friends and argue without coming to blows.

We don't need more law abiding guys carrying concealed guns and assuming they'd never ever flip their status from law abiding to felon in the blink of an eye on a moving subway car full of innocent bystanders.

What, do we think we have no "Florida man" prototype among us in the cities of the Northeast? Maybe run a search engine on the likes of 'fight breaks out on city train'... now add a couple concealed carry and go figure if it would have helped. Florida man is potentially everyman in the heat of an unexpected moment.

A call then came in from the toddler’s mother, who had just learned the toddler’s grandfather left her in the rental car, not at his home, as he’d told her, according to VCSO.

Yeah, you leave a 2-year-old at home? Alone?
"Better dead than maimed":

Ron Smith fought to have Florida's motorcycle helmet law repealed and finally succeeded a couple decades ago. Back in August, while on an American Legion Post 173 ride, he was unable to stop for traffic without laying the bike down. He did not get up.

The ME report listed head trauma as his final experience. But at least he is not suffering. How lucky he was to have been bare-headed.
I thought everyone knew by now that that is always part of walking the dog.

In Florida anyway.
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Here is a nifty Floridaman story. The state is apparently now enforcing gender/birth-sex restrictions on drivers licenses. If your groin area is not configured to conform with the state's requirements, you will not be driving. In fact, this probably covers all state issued IDs, so just fail to be trans in Florida.
Here is a nifty Floridaman story. The state is apparently now enforcing gender/birth-sex restrictions on drivers licenses. If your groin area is not configured to conform with the state's requirements, you will not be driving. In fact, this probably covers all state issued IDs, so just fail to be trans in Florida.
Lots and lots of questions...

1. Is it now illegal for a person from another state that has a gender other than the assigned at birth gender?

2. How are they going to prove you are committing fraud? Make you strip?

3. What if you have had gender affirming surgery, then what? How are they going to prove it then?
Here is a nifty Floridaman story. The state is apparently now enforcing gender/birth-sex restrictions on drivers licenses. If your groin area is not configured to conform with the state's requirements, you will not be driving. In fact, this probably covers all state issued IDs, so just fail to be trans in Florida.

Yes. And do you know why?

Because it is important to medical personnel to know what they are dealing with. A transgender man in the UK delivered a stillborn baby because when he arrived complaining about abdominal pains and since his chart said male, they didn't know to look for a baby. They just thought he was fat.

Sorry, but there are some situations where the biological sex needs to be known.
Yes. And do you know why?

Because it is important to medical personnel to know what they are dealing with. A transgender man in the UK delivered a stillborn baby because when he arrived complaining about abdominal pains and since his chart said male, they didn't know to look for a baby. They just thought he was fat.

Sorry, but there are some situations where the biological sex needs to be known.

I’m sure rescuing them was the intent.

Did they ask for any input in committee hearings? Did they reach out to the trans community - it’s Florida, I’m sure there’s lots of them - to ask how they can make sure law enforcement and medical can know who they are, while also respecting their dignity?

Yeah, I’m guessing not. I’m guessing Jesus was who they consulted.
Lots and lots of questions...

1. Is it now illegal for a person from another state that has a gender other than the assigned at birth gender?

2. How are they going to prove you are committing fraud? Make you strip?

3. What if you have had gender affirming surgery, then what? How are they going to prove it then?

The fundamental answer to these questions is that you have to provide a birth certificate to get a DL or ID. That document specifies whether or not you had dangly bits at that time. The state wants that to be on your ID. If you are an out-of-state visitor, they have to accept your ID during your visit (reciprocity as established in the Constitution). If you are an immigrant, they want the ID they give you to match your BC. Primarily because Floridabrain is unable to deal with complexity.
Yes. And do you know why?

Because it is important to medical personnel to know what they are dealing with. A transgender man in the UK delivered a stillborn baby because when he arrived complaining about abdominal pains and since his chart said male, they didn't know to look for a baby. They just thought he was fat.

Sorry, but there are some situations where the biological sex needs to be known.
When was the last time medical personnel looked at anyone’s driver’s license?
Yes. And do you know why?

Because it is important to medical personnel to know what they are dealing with. A transgender man in the UK delivered a stillborn baby because when he arrived complaining about abdominal pains and since his chart said male, they didn't know to look for a baby. They just thought he was fat.

Sorry, but there are some situations where the biological sex needs to be known.
A for twisting that pretzel. 😀

In all seriousness, you really had to reach for that one. Trained UK medical professionals are going to start requiring their citizens carry around a Florida DL with their birth assigned gender?

Also why is it when I read that a middle aged white guy gets arrested for child pornography/trafficking/sex abuse I am not shocked 9 times out of 10 to find out they were an ardent Trump supporter?
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Pretty much every time someone goes to the hospital. Especially if they are unable to communicate for themselves.
True, but they don't look at the sex field and say "Hmmm, I wonder if this is their assigned gender?" I mean if they were post gender surgery and it says the opposite gender on the license I don't it matters for the treatment.

It only matters to the license holder and this is what it is all about. To personally promote another belief on what is right and hurt that individual by taking away their identity.
Pretty much every time someone goes to the hospital. Especially if they are unable to communicate for themselves.
I get asked for my insurance card. My mother doesn’t even have a driver’s license. I took her shortly after she moved here. They didn’t seem to care. A driver’s license is not a medical identification card. It is so the police can tell at a glance that you are the licensed driver. If they’re looking at a man, and the license says woman, there’s a problem. And that problem lies with the license issuer.