The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Ladies & Gentlemen, Texas brings you...

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who admitted recently that some consider him “the dumbest guy in Congress,” appears intent on proving those people right. On Tuesday, the Republican congressman asked a representative of the U.S. Forest Service, tasked with managing America’s national forests and grasslands, if the agency might consider branching out, so to speak.

“I understand from what’s been testified to, the Forest Service and the [Bureau of Land Management], you want very much to work on the issue of climate change. I was informed by the past director of NASA that they’ve found the moon’s orbit is changing slightly and so is the Earth’s orbit around the sun. We know there’s been significant solar flare activity, and so — is there anything that the National Forest Service or BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit, or the Earth’s orbit around the sun?” Gohmert inquired. “Obviously that would have profound effects on our climate.”

It’s true that the moon is currently drifting away from Earth at rate of roughly 3.8 centimeters per year, a speed that has fluctuated for the last, oh, 4.5 billion years or so. And, though Gohmert didn’t say it outright, it’s also true that the speed of “lunar retreat,” as scientists call the phenomenon, has at times coincided with major changes to the Earth’s climate, like the melting of the glaciers. But it’s changes to the Earth’s climate that cause fluctuations in the rate of lunar retreat, rather than lunar retreat causing fluctuations in the Earth’s climate. Which is another way of saying: If the Forest Service’s efforts at combating climate change were so wildly successful that they managed to stop the melting of Earth’s glaciers in its tracks, those efforts could, theoretically, have an impact on the moon’s orbit, per Gohmert’s request.

But it was unclear what Gohmert hoped the Forest Service might be able to do, at this juncture, about the complicated gravitational dance the moon and Earth have been locked in for several million millennia. Still, Jennifer Eberlien, associate deputy chief for the National Forest System, did her best to humor Gohmert’s inquiry, very nearly keeping a straight face as she answered. “I would have to follow-up with you on that one, Mr. Gohmert,” Eberlien said.

Eberlien had been invited to testify before the House National Resources Committee about the Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation Act (SOAR Act) and the Ski Hill Resources for Economic Development Act (the SHRED Act), and to generally voice the agency’s “strong support” of the committee’s efforts to encourage the recreational use of federal lands, so one can understand why she might have been unprepared to field Gohmert’s query about the moon.

The Texas Republican, for what it’s worth, seemed open to waiting for an answer. “Yeah, well, if you figure out a way that you, in the Forest Service, can make that change, I’d like to know,” Gohmert said.
Ugh... maybe it's time for Texas to revive The Honeymooners, and have Louis Gohmert stand in for Alice Kramden.

"One of these days, Alice... bang, zoom, you're goin' to the moon!"
Who fed this to this idiot, QAnon or did he just pull it out of his brilliant ass? 😬

His subsequent claim was that he was fully aware of the absurdity of the question, that he was trying to illustrate that climate change is enormous and so totally out of our control that we should just ignore it and attend to other stuff. Which, while not completely beyond the pale, when one goes out there, one should encourage dealing with the causes of climate change anyway, because even if we cannot succeed in mitigating the problem, the things we would do in trying are things that we should be doing in the first place, to make our global ecosystem less broken. Louis wants to go beyond the wrong pale.
His subsequent claim was that he was fully aware of the absurdity of the question, that he was trying to illustrate that climate change is enormous and so totally out of our control that we should just ignore it and attend to other stuff. Which, while not completely beyond the pale, when one goes out there, one should encourage dealing with the causes of climate change anyway, because even if we cannot succeed in mitigating the problem, the things we would do in trying are things that we should be doing in the first place, to make our global ecosystem less broken. Louis wants to go beyond the wrong pale.
There are degrees of warming and the sooner we get on our good behavior maybe we can avoid a couple degrees of baking.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1405526265830862851/

Nothing says 'macho tough guy' like threatening to send a 'hit squad' after a woman who challenges you.
This party the COT and now maybe we can add The Stone Age Party ((new age Luddites?) is pure poison, hopelessly marching backwards towards The Stone Age 😥

If they could get away with it, and at this point will probably attempt, they'd impose a Communist China type law where every house needs to be outfitted with a speaker completely controlled by the government that will pipe Fox News through throughout the day.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1405526265830862851/

Nothing says 'macho tough guy' like threatening to send a 'hit squad' after a woman who challenges you.
Calling the FBI:
“I really don't want to have to end anybody's life for the good of the people of the United States of America. ... But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done," William Braddock says in the clip
Calling the FBI:
“I really don't want to have to end anybody's life for the good of the people of the United States of America. ... But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done," William Braddock says in the clip

Maybe that's announcing an intention to commit suicide. For the good of the people.
This party the COT and now maybe we can add The Stone Age Party ((new age Luddites?) is pure poison, hopelessly marching backwards towards The Stone Age 😥

Well none of them live where there's a shortage of high speed broadband already, so it's easy for them to vote with the behemoths against communities willing to roll their own instead of forking out for monopolistic pricing.
The agenda is mostly around grifting more and more money from their corporate overlords whilst lying to their constituents about how they are making their lives better and how they are protecting them from uppity people who made the mistake of not being born white males and from liberal socialist communists. They no longer live in the real world.

This is bad for everyone, but the republican voters will cheer.
The folks that scream “States’ Rights!” whenever the federal government tries to do anything, will trample on the self-governing rights of cities and municipalities in their own states.

I cannot fathom how this is legal. It is the definition of pure corruption. The state legislators get paid directly by big broadband to do this,

We are getting closer and closer to Russia’s system. Maybe that’s what the right-wingers truly want. But the oligarchs should be careful. Because if a Putin-like figure takes over, he can be a kingmaker and they could go from billionaire living in a mansion straight to jail if the leader doesn’t get what he wants.

ALEC strikes again.

NBC just covered this same crap in North Carolina.

It’s mob racketeering now. 😡 And we need to use RICO laws to go after it.