Some fun facts quoted in a Salon article.
The 50 Democratic senators who support the For the People Act (or least Sen. Joe Manchin's
compromise proposal keeping some key elements of the bill while excluding others) represent 43 million more Americans than the 50 Republican senators who oppose it, according to data compiled by Alex Tausanovitch of the Center for American Progress. Yet because of the 60-vote requirement to pass most legislation, 41 Republican senators representing just 21 percent of the country can block the bill from moving forward, even though it's supported by 68 percent of the public, according to
recent polling.
As one Congressman put it, it's ironic that Republicans are using their favorite minority congressional voting tool to block the rights of minority voters.
So for Democrats playing the home game, Republicans win whether in the majority or the minority. When they aren't forcing their legislation through they're forcing their obstruction through.