The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

The country is at a critical juncture where Republicons have decided where they control State legislatures they can toss out any election results that don‘t favor their party, fuck the voters, fuck democracy, seize power and hold on dearly, and can imagine this as the beginning of a revolution whether it be hard or soft.

Yep. What else could one think when there are over 250 bills pending in GOP-controlled state legislatures in the USA now that are meant to make it harder to vote. Georgia's offering made it through both state chambers and so is seen to be a template for other states where the GOP wants to roll things back to the Jim Crow era, one studied voter-inconvenience at a time. The governor of Georgia signed that bill into law in his office, in front of a painting of a plantation, in case anyone still doesn't get the picture.

March 2021- In further signs of Republicon mental impairment, some Prominent party members are striking out against the idea of COVID passports, and/or they are just up to their usual fun and games trying to convince the lowest denominator, their base that such a logical response to a deadly pandemic would be violation of individual liberty, along with a common theme of desperation: evil, evil Joe Biden, The imagined concerns are: he’ll take your guns and then molest your kids and spouses in that order. 👀

Regarding the latter and who they last backed, Corrupt grab’m by the ****, Storm The Capitol for the win! Donny, talk about projection. :oops: You must recognize this kind of manipulation is a sickness, highly contagious in today’s GOP, not that manipulating their dullards can’t be fun, but the idea that this kind of poison will win over a majority of Americans.

God help us, if we collectively are not smart enough to avoid falling for this kind of partisan bilge.

This is just another in the avalanche of signs including their latest patriotic scheme to neuter democratic elections, that it’s time for this virulent political party to be retired from holding public office.
At what point does common sense enter any conversation with the republican agenda?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378741837989576707/
I'm no economist, but I'd personally wouldn't look for economic advice from the consistently worst performing state on this matter...
I'm no economist, but I'd personally wouldn't look for economic advice from the consistently worst performing state on this matter...
I'm still trying to grasp the repeated republican playbook. You can't do anything for the country until you cut taxes. The taxes that are used to pay for such things.

I'm no math genius, but in this case I don't have to be.

I just have to NOT be a republican.

After all, the tell was that the governor said, "Democrats should pay for", because no republican gives a shit about the country as a whole.
At what point does common sense enter any conversation with the republican agenda?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378741837989576707/
The good ole rip you off trickle down as the tax cuts have to go to the wealthy. 🤬
THIS will make for sadness.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379204428717301761/

...And yes, THIS guy will STILL be a dick one should NOT count on...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379207779617959936/
Manchin must be so frustrating for Democrats to have to work with. It’s like having another Susan Collins you have to talk to and cajole...except he’s supposedly already on your side.

(All right, I think Siri is a little anti-Asian racist. I typed “Manchin” and it “corrected” it to “Manchu”.)
Following thread title:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1379400243951833093/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378848267954483201/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1378500036343005185/

I wonder why the republicans didn't run on this as part of their agenda?
They’ll run against it to say they oppose government spending. Then, when it passes, they will take credit for the positive outcomes in their State(s). They already tried to pull that 💩 with the COVID bill they all opposed.
In a nutshell the problem with the 21st Century GOzP, they don’t bare their souls until they are retired while their party ends up in the likes of... Lucifer. And they think coming clean deserves kudos after they handed over the reins, like their God will give them an atta’boy. And from what constitutes today’s Republicans, their answer regarding anyone who speaks the truth? TRAITORS or THEY’ve lost their minds! What a way to go through life. 😐

Boehner called Cruz ‘Lucifer in the flesh’​

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In a nutshell the problem with the 21st Century GOzP, they don’t bare their souls until they are retired while their party ends up in the likes of... Lucifer. And they think coming clean deserves kudos after they handed over the reins, like their God will give them an atta’boy. And from what constitutes today’s Republicans, their answer regarding anyone who speaks the truth? TRAITORS or THEY’ve lost their minds! What a way to go through life. 😐

Boehner calls Cruz ‘Lucifer in the flesh’​

This article didn't age very well:D