The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

@Hrafn You have a history of thumbs downing my less than stellar views on the Democrat party. Do you think I'm a Republican? My distain for the Democrat establishment is that they've managed to advertise traditional Democrat values as extreme socialists and they have a policy and voting record to prove their true values. What's your angle?
Yeah. You have a tendency of taking 1+1+1 and getting 47.
Not getting things done is not getting things done.
48 or 49 out of 50 Dems are moving on key legislation. That's 96% or 98% support. That's not "the Democrat Congress [sitting] on their hands and yell[ing] 'but bipartisanship!'” by a long shot. What should they do? Kill Sinema and/or Manchin? Dems criticize the GOP for forcing their members to vote lockstep. Should they turn around and demand their caucus to vote lockstep?

Their are pockets of progressive Dem voters. There are pockets of conservative Dem voters. There are pockets of moderate Dem voters. The Dem party is not a monolith by any stretch of the imagination. So-called progressives can scream, cry and whine all they want. They have to win seats and become the majority of the party or they'll have to work with what they have within the party.
Yeah. You have a tendency of taking 1+1+1 and getting 47.
48 or 49 out of 50 Dems are moving on key legislation. That's 96% or 98% support. That's not "the Democrat Congress [sitting] on their hands and yell[ing] 'but bipartisanship!'” by a long shot. What should they do? Kill Sinema and/or Manchin? Dems criticize the GOP for forcing their members to vote lockstep. Should they turn around and demand their caucus to vote lockstep?

Their are pockets of progressive Dem voters. There are pockets of conservative Dem voters. There are pockets of moderate Dem voters. The Dem party is not a monolith by any stretch of the imagination. So-called progressives can scream, cry and whine all they want. They have to win seats and become the majority of the party or they'll have to work with what they have within the party.

Did either of you read the rest of my post or did you just read the first sentence like a clickbait at headline and go "that’s all I need to know"?
48 or 49 out of 50 Dems are moving on key legislation. That's 96% or 98% support. That's not "the Democrat Congress [sitting] on their hands and yell[ing] 'but bipartisanship!'” by a long shot. What should they do? Kill Sinema and/or Manchin? Dems criticize the GOP for forcing their members to vote lockstep. Should they turn around and demand their caucus to vote lockstep?

Their are pockets of progressive Dem voters. There are pockets of conservative Dem voters. There are pockets of moderate Dem voters. The Dem party is not a monolith by any stretch of the imagination. So-called progressives can scream, cry and whine all they want. They have to win seats and become the majority of the party or they'll have to work with what they have within the party.

We've been building towards a Trump for DECADES. If Democrats didn't decide during the Clinton administration that they too should court big money then there wouldn't even be a Manchin or Sinema in office as Democrats. I'd say Democrats are the definition of too little too late except for the fact that they're not done reducing too little even further.
Getting back on topic... what is the Republican agenda heading into the 2022 elections?

Is it taking over the Capitol with 4,000 “shock troops” perhaps?

Funny how people get upset at the “extreme” members of the Democratic caucus who want things like universal healthcare. All the while, the extreme members of the GOP caucus are calling for armed revolution... and are becoming more mainstream every day.
Getting back on topic... what is the Republican agenda heading into the 2022 elections?

Is it taking over the Capitol with 4,000 “shock troops” perhaps?

Funny how people get upset at the “extreme” members of the Democratic caucus who want things like universal healthcare. All the while, the extreme members of the GOP caucus are calling for armed revolution... and are becoming more mainstream every day.

It’s funny when Republicans accuse Democrats of a power grab on individual issues when power grab seems to be Republican’s entire platform, but that’s also on brand with their “he who smelt it, dealt it” hypocrisy.
It’s funny when Republicans accuse Democrats of a power grab on individual issues when power grab seems to be Republican’s entire platform, but that’s also on brand with their “he who smelt it, dealt it” hypocrisy.
This is what Trump constantly does, he especially likes pointing out the corruption everywhere except when looking in a mirror, and they the Republican leeches WANNA BE LIKE MR CON, spew their shit as if STUPID does not notice, or maybe it’s because the base itself buys into this charade, thinking they are so clever, nobody noticed. :unsure::oops:
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Did either of you read the rest of my post or did you just read the first sentence like a clickbait at headline and go "that’s all I need to know"?
One of the problems the Dems face is they don’t have a comfortable margin by any means and 2 prominent non-team players, so getting bills passed is not a walk in the park, and they need to get something passed or look out for 2022. At least this is my impression.
This is what Trump constantly does, he especially likes pointing out the corruption everywhere except when looking in a mirror, and they the Republican leeches WANNA BE LIKE MR CON, spew their shit as if STUPID does not notice, or maybe it’s because the base itself buys into this charade. :unsure::oops:

Like I said before, many people voted Trump in because they were tired of lying politicians but then they quickly got back to their lies addiction with an even bigger liar.
One of the problems the Dems face is they don’t have a comfortable margin by any means and 2 prominent non-team players, so getting bills passed is not a walk in the park, and they need to get something passed or look out for 2022. At least this is my impression.

I understand the current predicament but this has been decades in the making as both parties turned all their attention to big money donors.
Like I said before, many people voted Trump in because they were tired of lying politicians but then they quickly got back to their lies addiction lies with an even bigger liar.
I just don’t get the appeal of Donny, maybe all his fans love Breaking Bad, maybe Trump is the guy who would tear down the Federal Govt, if there is appeal to that. There is definitely a rejection of authority, and the appeal of being as bad as you want to be involved with supporting such a POS. I just don’t see how they think their lives will be better once we devolve into some kind of fascist anarchy. :oops: The absolute worst are the Evangelists, how easily corrupted.
I just don’t get the appeal of Donny, maybe all his fans love Breaking Bad, maybe Trump is the guy who would tear down the Federal Govt, if there is appeal to that. There is definitely a rejection of authority, and the appeal of being as bad as you want to be involved with supporting such a POS. I just don’t see how they think their lives will be better once we devolve into some kind of fascist anarchy. :oops: The absolute worst are the Evangelists, how easily corrupted.

I think Trump supporters' main motivation is retribution and they don't see much beyond that. First let's punish people we don't agree with and then see what happens after that.
To sum it up, the 'r' agenda is to rerun the last four years of the 45th presidency, corruption & all

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1469058881590599686/

To sum it up, the 'r' agenda is to rerun the last four years of the 45th presidency, corruption & all

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1469058881590599686/
This is authoritarianism. People assume THEIR guy will get into office, and when he does, they want him to be able to do whatever he wants. The destruction of voting rights in swing states is meant to assure that THEIR guy will win elections, regardless of how many votes he gets.
Getting back on topic... what is the Republican agenda heading into the 2022 elections?

Is it taking over the Capitol with 4,000 “shock troops” perhaps?

Funny how people get upset at the “extreme” members of the Democratic caucus who want things like universal healthcare. All the while, the extreme members of the GOP caucus are calling for armed revolution... and are becoming more mainstream every day.

On the other hand why are the media even covering this? It's a circus, a distraction, and a fundraiser...

It's absurd that the Rs would even need such maneuvers as Bannon and the Trump acolyte brigade are projecting. They've gotten the country's path forward exactly 180º off kilter from plausibility, and certainly by intent, since the very idea of a peaceful transition of government is anathema to them.

It would be massively disappointing to Bannon & friends if the run-up to the 2025 inauguration of whoever wins the 2024 election is peaceful -- regardless of name and party of the incoming President.

Look, the Dems were not happy (to say the least) when Trump won election the first time. I'm not talking about demonstrators in the public but about officials in the outgoing administration. Yet that Obama administration went to great pains to prepare one of the most thorough sets of transition briefings ever set up for an incoming American government. A peaceful transition was a given to them. A competent one was their mission.

But you can read The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy (Michael Lewis) if you want to know how little that scrupulous interagency preparation for a peaceful and competent transition mattered to the feckless Trump.

For example, the agency briefers waited in vain for Trump's landing teams to show up at the scheduled meetings. They had even courteously set aside parking spaces near the agency offices. No one bothered to show up, for days in some cases and at all in others. In fact the Obama team eventually had to reach out in late January to a Bush administration official to come over and brief Wilbur Ross, Trump's nominee to head up Commerce. That guy tried to explain that Commerce was about way more than trade, it was also about the census, weather, climate science... its missions were about science and technology. Ross' reaction was 'Yeah I don't think I want to be focusing on that."​
See, Donald Trump didn't get why he even needed a transition team. Mr. "I alone can fix it" had figured to wing it. Chris Christie is who pointed out to Trump and his campaign managers that by law the presidential candidates must mount a transition team. Trump then grumpily conceded the point and allowed fundraising for the purpose, but later screamed about transition managers stealing "his money".​

But again, the FACTS are that the Dems lost the WH in 2016 and did what they were supposed to do, arranged for an orderly transition for the incoming Trump administration.

There is ZERO reason to assume that the current administration would not likewise prepare for orderly transition in the even of a 2024 loss. Zero.

More FACTS: It is not a bunch of Democrats who stormed the Capitol in 2021 trying to prevent any transition at all, Nor was it a bunch of Democrats in Congress who underwrote the idea of possibly overturning the 2020 election results instead of formalizing the 50 states' already certified vote totals on January 6.

Bannon and his merry band of anarchists seek airtime and money. They tilt at windmills related to a hazy 2024 even as the primary season for 2022 elections are actually at hand. Follow the money, dammit. The money is about 2022. Shame on media for covering Bannon's graphic novels about some other season.