This guy is a complete doofus, and JB Pritzker was probably popping bottles when this dolt won his primary. He (Pritzker) spent money trying to run against this guy. And he has zero chance in Illinois. Not saying the tide will never turn in this state, but it ain’t gonna happen by November.
His campaign material was full of typos and errors, he puts his foot in his mouth when he speaks, he trashes Chicago…
Now, I’ll say this; he’s actually a nice guy. But he is totally unable to direct his amiableness into his campaign, because he’s as far right as they come. He only won because his biggest opponent - Aurora mayor Richard Irvin - was a moderate (who could have probably defeated Pritzker) who was bankrolled by billionaire Ken Griffin and couldn’t even tell the Republican primary voters if he voted for Trump or not.
Even in Illinois, these goons have to run all the way to the right to win a primary. In Bailey’s case, he was already there, and was the only authentic conservative who had a chance. The others were moderate nobodies pretending they were the only “real republicans” in the race. Voters saw that, and I reckon even a few republicans who cringe at Bailey probably voted for him because he was the only authentic guy in the race. He’s not like Trump - this guy thinks and believes what he says.
Still, even with the political climate, it’s insane this guy is the Republican nominee and de facto state party leader.
anyone that could think trump could manage anything like that is delusional.
Yeah, but who can forget a gem like
“We have loopholes. They are called loopholes because they are loopholes”.
I have that written on a post-it and carry it in my wallet, lest I forget why a loophole is called a loophole.
True words of wisdom and inspiration.