The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

This is who the republican party wants to run for office...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1546476045112676352/


Is this some kind of experiment? Finding candidates more stupid than the kind of voters they want? Completing the cycle of stupidity all around? o_O

The Republican party is like having a company where half the employees on the payroll are there to make the company fail. These candidates aren’t flukes. They are the most qualified to ensure that result.

I understand the sentiment for sure, and I'm in no great rush to allow republicans to regain control of the senate. But the stonewalling, constant fighting and refusal of republicans to hold anyone in their camp responsible for anything at all is going to be hard to keep from getting worse unless some people or some group of people make sacrifices. Cross-party endorsements of somewhat sensible candidates would be a start.
I understand the sentiment for sure, and I'm in no great rush to allow republicans to regain control of the senate. But the stonewalling, constant fighting and refusal of republicans to hold anyone in their camp responsible for anything at all is going to be hard to keep from getting worse unless some people or some group of people make sacrifices. Cross-party endorsements of somewhat sensible candidates would be a start.
I don't see a single GOP member deserving of Dem support/endorsements. Not. A. Single. One. They all in line with Moscow Mitch. They don't support any reasonable legislation if it's from Dems. So screw all of them till they come around.
I don't see a single GOP member deserving of Dem support/endorsements. Not. A. Single. One. They all in line with Moscow Mitch. They don't support any reasonable legislation if it's from Dems. So screw all of them till they come around.
Here is the thing:

My district used to have a R Congresscritter, who was a fairly decent guy and not at all insane in the membrane. I always voted against him. Voting for him would have been equivalent to voting for John Boehner or Paul Ryan (today, Kevin McCarthy), which was simply not tenable. You cannot support a party member without supporting the whole party. This is the tragedy of the 2-party system. There might be some semi-decent people of the R persuasion, but voting for them means you support the whole insane R agenda.
I don't know how to feel about publicizing this story for political gain, because there's a victim at the center of it. But the only thing that sickens me as much as the rapist is the GOP response to this garbage. Being against abortion in all theoretical cases is one thing, but there's nothing theoretical about this. The GOP is all about "parental rights" when it comes to banning books and making sure only their white, Christian American "history" is taught in schools - a total whitewashed version of history that leaves out the bad and overly-glorifies the rest. But when a 10 year old victim is raped, they want to be judge and jury about how this child can procede.

Time to hand some of these MAGA cultists and religious grandstanders a big defeat at the polls, then see if their so-called convictions stand. Now that they will have to run on the accomplishment rather than the goal, and I don't think they're going to gain many voters with this type of governing.

I don't know how to feel about publicizing this story for political gain, because there's a victim at the center of it. But the only thing that sickens me as much as the rapist is the GOP response to this garbage. Being against abortion in all theoretical cases is one thing, but there's nothing theoretical about this. The GOP is all about "parental rights" when it comes to banning books and making sure only their white, Christian American "history" is taught in schools - a total whitewashed version of history that leaves out the bad and overly-glorifies the rest. But when a 10 year old victim is raped, they want to be judge and jury about how this child can procede.

Time to hand some of these MAGA cultists and religious grandstanders a big defeat at the polls, then see if their so-called convictions stand. Now that they will have to run on the accomplishment rather than the goal, and I don't think they're going to gain many voters with this type of governing.

Wow, that Attorney General makes a piece of week-old 💩 look good by comparison.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost questioned the validity of the account during an appearance on Fox News this week.

Yost, a Republican, told Fox News host Jesse Watters that his office had not heard "a whisper" of a report being filed for the 10-year-old victim.

"We have regular contact with prosecutors and local police and sheriffs — not a whisper anywhere," Yost said on the show.

Yost doubled down on that in an interview with the USA TODAY Network Ohio bureau on Tuesday, saying that the more time passed before confirmation made it "more likely that this is a fabrication."

"I know the cops and prosecutors in this state," Yost said. "There's not one of them that wouldn't be turning over every rock, looking for this guy and they would have charged him. They wouldn't leave him loose on the streets ... I'm not saying it could not have happened. What I'm saying to you is there is not a damn scintilla of evidence."

On Wednesday, once news of the arraignment of the Columbus man accused in the child's rape came, Yost issued a single sentence statement:

"We rejoice anytime a child rapist is taken off the streets."

Does he think we won’t remember his reprehensible statements claiming the rape was a fiction? How can he still have his job right now?
I don't know how to feel about publicizing this story for political gain, because there's a victim at the center of it. But the only thing that sickens me as much as the rapist is the GOP response to this garbage. Being against abortion in all theoretical cases is one thing, but there's nothing theoretical about this. The GOP is all about "parental rights" when it comes to banning books and making sure only their white, Christian American "history" is taught in schools - a total whitewashed version of history that leaves out the bad and overly-glorifies the rest. But when a 10 year old victim is raped, they want to be judge and jury about how this child can procede.

Time to hand some of these MAGA cultists and religious grandstanders a big defeat at the polls, then see if their so-called convictions stand. Now that they will have to run on the accomplishment rather than the goal, and I don't think they're going to gain many voters with this type of governing.

It appears there may be a silver lining for Republicans in this story though as it seems the rapist is hispanic and here illegally. That's the total package for them right there. Now they just need to find a picture of him hanging out with Biden.
Where does raw-dogging porn stars and grabbing women by the p***y slot into these "decrees".

These people are jokes.

If Trump did anything positive it was expose the religious right as hyper hypocrites for all the world to see. If it were anybody else with similar traits they'd probably try to burn them on a stake as a tool of satan.
When republicans care about inclusion

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1548096625943252993/

The House passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to push government officials to report instances of white supremacy among the military and law enforcement ranks, The Hill reports. Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.)’s sponsored measure made it through with a 218-208 party-line vote that saw every House Republican vote against it. 20% of participants arrested for involvement in the Jan. 6th Capital riot are military veterans. A Reuters investigation also found a high number of police instructors have ties to right-wing militias and white supremacist hate groups.

This amendment would require the FBI director, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the secretary of Defense to publish a report analyzing White supremacist and neo-Nazi activity within their ranks and present ways to root it out of the respective organizations.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), known for his election meddling efforts and one of the 23 Republicans who voted against an anti-bigotry resolution in 2019, claimed the measure “denigrates” law enforcement personnel.

“This amendment attempts to create a problem where none exists by requesting investigations into law enforcement and the armed services for alleged rampant white supremacists or white national sympathies,” he said.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), currently on the Jan. 6th House select committee, also voted against the amendment despite everything she’s seen in the investigation. After the full NDAA passes this week, the House and Senate will conference. At that point, this resolution can still be taken out.
I’m a little confused about something. The campaign against demasculating men feels at least a decade late. AFAIK the metrosexual has been replaced by the lumbersexual with a love of the great outdoors and manly shit. Probably 1 in 5 young males has been involved in some car or bike customization show on the Discovery Network and we’re probably about to experience a nationwide tattoo ink shortage due to demand. So what’s the complaint, that we haven’t returned to the glory days of unprosecuted domestic violence and hunting animals into extinction?
I’m a little confused about something. The campaign against demasculating men feels at least a decade late. AFAIK the metrosexual has been replaced by the lumbersexual with a love of the great outdoors and manly shit. Probably 1 in 5 young males has been involved in some car or bike customization show on the Discovery Network and we’re probably about to experience a nationwide tattoo ink shortage due to demand. So what’s the complaint, that we haven’t returned to the glory days of unprosecuted domestic violence and hunting animals into extinction?

“You’re only opposed to my racist tirades because you’re a girly-man” is as good a brain dead position to take as any other brain dead position.

Like I said, nearly all Republicans are, at this point, morons. Go ahead, have them tested. You’ll see.
Like I said, nearly all Republicans are, at this point, morons. Go ahead, have them tested. You’ll see.
Yet we wouldn’t be able to take them off life support because there’s a heart beat, and they’re more than 6 weeks gestation.
WTF. Maybe democrats need to start admitting there was massive (attempted) fraud in our elections, and it wasn’t by the dems. State parties don’t get to just put people on ballots or give percentages of votes.
