The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward


An oldie but goodie
Joe Walsh brought up a good semi-comforting point about perception on his show. More and more people are leaving the Republican party because of Trump and Trumpism. So while the Republicans appear to be going Trumpy they are also representing a lot less people. “Half the country” for either party has been a lie for a long time, but now even more so. The GOP is shrinking rapidly.
Posted today at the other place. I admit I do repeat some common themes on this topic. ;)
I'm from the USA, but I've lived in the UK since I was 17. Nobody here would admit it because I've kept my accent, but culturally I feel much more British than American and politics is a huge reason why... the centre in the USA is nonexistent, and your 'right wing' is the fringiest of the fringe, not representing anything even remotely resembling conservatism.

People like to imagine that the democrats are somehow more reasonable but even they have some odd tendencies, why are people being accosted for not wearing masks outdoors? This is silly stuff.

Joe Biden himself has been a great president so far though.
My opinion...politically the Democrats represent, occupy the Center and Left, they are the only ones looking at society as a whole or care at all about working class citizens, the environment, and a viable path forward for humanity. In this neighborhood, truth and honesty actually means something.

The GOP for all practical purposes no longer exists replace by the cCOT (corrupt Cult of Trump). Whoever might have once been called Republicans and continues to support the name, because it’s certainly not the movement from the mid 20th century*, have broken bad, throwing in the towel regarding EVERY principle the country was founded upon.

*The GOP was not all that wonderful in the mid 20th Century, but today they are decidedly worse. They fought hard against the New Deal, persecuted citizens trying to root out Communists in our midsts, and stood against every law designed to give working class citizens a break. Their ideal business model is to rely on a large gullible slave class to support the relatively few worthy.

Now since Trump showed up, it’s about hard core lying and fooling the dummies. At this moment they are actively working to dismantle democratic elections so they can hold power into perpetuity. In that space called the GOP, the leadership is occupied by conniving liars, converted co-conspirators, sheep too fearful to speak up, and a few that have a spine, but will be ejected from that space because they are adult, realistic, and can at least identify the most dangerous national villain of our lifetime, possibly in the Nation’s history. He has single handedly drawn out from under rocks a group of citizens more than willing to take the country down, turning it into a fascist State.

Need evidence? Jan 6, 2021 The most alarming, transparent, and half assed attempt to corrupt an election result in our history, (I think). What do we hear from the GOP about this? NOTHING. What insurrection? Poor picked on Donny! Can’t upset their Lord and Master. I’ll go further, if the Joint Chiefs of Staff had been willing, we would have seen a declaration of martial law, and Donny would still be haunting the White House in 2021.

The real question is how much support does Corrupt Donny still have? As long as the GOP remains politically viable, they will be actively overdosing their supporters with enough psychedelic poison that they become the the Walking Trump, living in a fog, shambling about, only becoming aroused to eat anyone who does not show felty to their corrupt messiah, while leadership gleefully walks their zombies on leashes down the primrose path. This until enough Americans have had enough and put an end to it. To be clear, I am not advocating violence, but an overwhelming rejection of the putrescence that represents the GOP politics today.

There is talk of the GOP splitting, but I won’t hold my breath for that.

My fingers are crossed that we see Trump indited before 2022 and the primary source of this malfeasance is removed from political considerstion.

Joe Walsh brought up a good semi-comforting point about perception on his show. More and more people are leaving the Republican party because of Trump and Trumpism. So while the Republicans appear to be going Trumpy they are also representing a lot less people. “Half the country” for either party has been a lie for a long time, but now even more so. The GOP is shrinking rapidly.
There is talk today of the GOP splitting. I won’t hold my breath for that, but let the Trumpettes stand alone and see how many elections they win. The problem with this rational is that we could still see a sizable groups picking Corrupt Trumpism over any Democrat/liberal.
Joe Walsh brought up a good semi-comforting point about perception on his show. More and more people are leaving the Republican party because of Trump and Trumpism. So while the Republicans appear to be going Trumpy they are also representing a lot less people. “Half the country” for either party has been a lie for a long time, but now even more so. The GOP is shrinking rapidly.
And one thing is very important to note. The 2020 election was essentially lost by he democrats on the level of the house, got tied on the level of the Senate, so the only clear and overwhelming Dem victory was the presidency (this is why it's so ridiculous to contest a presidential election results, but not that of the congress). Meaning, many devout Republicans still voted republican but not Trump, indicating that they wanted to get rid of him too. So this present GOP pledge for Trump may insanely backfire on a house and senate level as those who cross voted in 2020 may abandon the GOP on these levels too. WHile 2022 is worrisome for the Dems who may lose the congress as a whole, I just don't see the Trumpists re-energize without trump being a candidate. So I think 2022 is really on the Dems to lose by their constituents being complacent.
And one thing is very important to note. The 2020 election was essentially lost by he democrats on the level of the house, got tied on the level of the Senate, so the only clear and overwhelming Dem victory was the presidency (this is why it's so ridiculous to contest a presidential election results, but not that of the congress). Meaning, many devout Republicans still voted republican but not Trump, indicating that they wanted to get rid of him too. So this present GOP pledge for Trump may insanely backfire on a house and senate level as those who cross voted in 2020 may abandon the GOP on these levels too. WHile 2022 is worrisome for the Dems who may lose the congress as a whole, I just don't see the Trumpists re-energize without trump being a candidate. So I think 2022 is really on the Dems to lose by their constituents being complacent.

One of my concerns is Democrats only have a razor thin majority in Congress and at least 2 house members who seem to want to join with Republicans in obstructing everything, their only platform aside from Trump is God. If the people see Congress as getting nothing done again then that’s only going to make Trump’s message stronger. To many he’s still seen as an outsider and have the belief that only an outsider can get things done.

One of my big concerns is there is still a housing shortage, construction costs are way up, and what do you think it going to happen when the eviction moratorium ends? Housing chaos.

On top of that there’s the article I posted saying we need to let in more immigrants because of overall population growth concerns. Unlike newborns who come into this country with housing already provided by the parents (usually), more immigrants need more new housing. That’s just going to compound the housing crisis, never mind the people who just don’t want them here for other reasons.
Posted from the other place replying to a PRSI winner:
I honestly think you have this backwards. Trump happened because the GOP leadership was a trainwreck who was not doing what the voters wanted. They elected him for no other reason than he listened to them and echoed their concerns. Did he fix every issue they had, of course not. But he did keep a lot of promises.
I'll question the judgement of anyone who argues that Trump was a net positive. He was a fucking 4 year train wreck for anyone who cherishes the United States as the founding fathers intended it to be.

Trump is a sociopathic lying bag of shit . Maybe the Koolaid addicts think he did some wonderful things for them, but name them if you dare. What did he do for America except trash it for his personal gain?

The Don's total concern as he worked to dismantle the Federal Govt, was enriching himself, firing competence and replacing it with crooked lackeys, and turning DC into his own personal stream of revenue. In 200 years, this nation came as close to the destruction of it's ideals, the rules of law, equal rights, democracy all headed for the dumpster under his putrid watch.

And even with him lurking in the shadows, the GOP sycophants are still working hard to push his corrupt agenda. Christ, the election was stolen from him, and there was no insurrection on 6 Jan 2021. No it was the news media who created the false narratives to dishonor his Lordship. :oops:
Posted from the other place replying to a PRSI winner:

I'll question the judgement of anyone who argues that Trump was a net positive. He was a fucking 4 year train wreck for anyone who cherishes the United States as the founding fathers intended it to be.

Trump is a sociopathic lying bag of shit . Maybe the Koolaid addicts think he did some wonderful things for them, but name them if you dare. What did he do for America except trash it for his personal gain?

The Don's total concern as he worked to dismantle the Federal Govt, was enriching himself, firing competence and replacing it with crooked lackeys, and turning DC into his own personal stream of revenue. In 200 years, this nation came as close to the destruction of it's ideals, the rules of law, equal rights, democracy all headed for the dumpster under his putrid watch.

And even with him lurking in the shadows, the GOP sycophants are still working hard to push his corrupt agenda. Christ, the election was stolen from him, and there was no insurrection on 6 Jan 2021. No it was the news media who created the false narratives to dishonor his Lordship. :oops:
The complete lack of critical thinking ability is leading these sheep to think Trump actually did something for them when it comes to policies. He attempted a number of xenophobic executive orders, most of which were neutered or outright killed because they were unconstitutional.

But if you ignore the policies, Trump did something VERY big for these folks. He made racism, xenophobia, and misogyny seem ok. Because if the president is spouting such things every day, it’s ok for them to do it too. They should admit as much.
The complete lack of critical thinking ability is leading these sheep to think Trump actually did something for them when it comes to policies. He attempted a number of xenophobic executive orders, most of which were neutered or outright killed because they were unconstitutional.

But if you ignore the policies, Trump did something VERY big for these folks. He made racism, xenophobia, and misogyny seem ok. Because if the president is spouting such things every day, it’s ok for them to do it too. They should admit as much.
Yes Donny Delinquent made racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and immorality politically correct to the losers who never wanted to give that stuff up In the first place. Most alarming is having watched the GOP change it stripes to accommodate their pack of losers. If you all recall the GOP has been on Russia’s case as the hawks they have historically been, until...


Butt more like:
...then they just averted their eyes while toasting His Lowness. 👀
Yes Donny Delinquent made racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and immorality politically correct to the losers who never wanted to give that stuff up In the first place. Most alarming is having watched the GOP change it stripes to accommodate their pack of losers. If you all recall the GOP has been on Russia’s case as the hawks they have historically been, until...

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Butt more like:
View attachment 5131
...then they just averted their eyes while toasting His Lowness. 👀
As soon as he lost the election, these “very fine people” started complaining about cancel culture because they knew they were going to be called out for hate speech once again.
Oh no! Biden cancelled God!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1390468604190154752/

Reminds me of this quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

“Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.

The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist,'" says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.”

Oh no! Biden cancelled God!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1390468604190154752/

Reminds me of this quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
The version I "heard" or "read" somewhere on Facebook from some hurt guy...

"Biden asked God to wear a mask, and God was like 👀"
Oh no! Biden cancelled God!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1390468604190154752/

Reminds me of this quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
What’s the deal about the Babel fish? I’m too lazy today to research it, actually have to attack a clogged bath tub drain. :)

Franklin Graham is not his father’s son, philosophically. He’s a ****ing idiot.

As far as no one else to pray to but God, this is poppycock. As long as God insists on hiding in the realm of faith, there are as many entities as you can think of to pray to and there is nothing to be said to counter it. Why you might ask? IT’s FAITH! This in a nutshell is the essence of religious fervor. It’s illogical, it’s the equivalent to arguing against the purple dragon living in my garage. Personally, if I choose something to venerate, I like some form of Mother Earth.
Ah, the Babel fish. Here is an excerpt from just before the quote I posted earlier that should explain it:

"The Babel fish is small, yellow, leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier, but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.

And there has been an online translation website called babel fish for many years... probably surpassed by Google translate a long time ago.
Not really part of the 'r' agenda, but more of the mindset.

Starting with if we really needed Space Force, to who was put in charge.

via Twitter
A Space Force lieutenant colonel was removed from his command after criticizing the United States military on a conservative podcast

According to a US Defense Department official, “Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command of the 11th Space Warning Squadron, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, May 14, due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.”

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393929992824926210/

The 'r' take on this

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393757845158604801/

A different take

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393923724152381441/

The take I like

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1393949021849354241/

I guess outright leaving the country wasn't working out, so a lateral move was decided

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395536341149143041/
Considering how blue coastal counties tend to be, this could majorly backfire when the real estate value is transiently driven down in greater Idaho's coast, followed by a blue influx for lower taxes:D
Considering how blue coastal counties tend to be, this could majorly backfire when the real estate value is transiently driven down in greater Idaho's coast, followed by a blue influx for lower taxes:D
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I look at these seas of red and can only wonder about the average intelligence of these Trump morons who picked a corrupt shit to tear down DC. But it’s not only about stupidity, but it’s really about selfishness, embracing corruption, gullibility, shooting one’s self in the foot or the head, anti-democracy. Oh, I just answered my own question. :unsure:

When you are a bottom dweller chicken vesting yourself in a big bad wolf as likely to eat you as do something that benefits you, especially when you imagine benefit , I have to believe we are dealing with a goup of anarchists, who are hostile to the idea of democracy and Federal authority, and vesting themselves in a destructive shit is a way to counter such authority they view as foreign (far away in DC) even though they are represented. 🔥
'R's, please let this "cancel culture" thing go. You aren't good at it, and it makes you look like the "snowflakes" you supposedly so hate.

And NOT bright

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395524167781527552/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395721018707046410/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395740097354547203/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395757655432572931/
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'R's, please let this "cancel culture" thing go. You aren't good at it, and it makes you look like the "snowflakes" you supposedly so hate.

And NOT bright

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395524167781527552/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395721018707046410/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395740097354547203/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1395757655432572931/
Worth a "cynical or stupid" analysis.
"He earned bachelor's degrees in Philosophy and History from the University of Florida in 2012 and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law in 2017.[2]"

My verdict: cynical. He just thinks his constituents are THIS dumb.
I look at these seas of red and can only wonder about the average intelligence of these Trump morons who picked a corrupt shit to tear down DC. But it’s not only about stupidity, but it’s really about selfishness, embracing corruption, gullibility, shooting one’s self in the foot or the head, anti-democracy. Oh, I just answered my own question. :unsure:

When you are a bottom dweller chicken vesting yourself in a big bad wolf as likely to eat you as do something that benefits you, especially when you imagine benefit , I have to believe we are dealing with a goup of anarchists, who are hostile to the idea of democracy and Federal authority, and vesting themselves in a destructive shit is a way to counter such authority they view as foreign (far away in DC) even though they are represented. 🔥

The self-perceived bad-assery is one factor, but being inexperienced and uneducated about the world outside the USA also adds to this. This is a 2010 map showing passports per capita. Suggesting, than in the bible belt 60-80% of people never (or at least not in the last 10 years) left the USA.


BTW, Idaho's low taxes and low income will def draw in the california folks to the coasts. :D I'm quite certain that Greater Idaho would become blue within a decade:D