The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

Another one for the trading card collection.


Donald Trump’s attempts to block New York Attorney General Letitia James from reigning in the Trump business empire have been dashed after a federal judge refused a request from the former president Wednesday. In part of the lawsuit, James is also asking to have a court monitor Trump’s business empire to ensure the company’s financial activities are above board. In his ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks denied Trump’s appeal, writing: “The Trump Organization has already been found guilty by a New-York jury of several counts of tax fraud. To now impede a civil Enforcement Action by the New York Attorney General would be unprecedented and contrary to the interests of the people of New York.” Then, at the bottom of his eight-page ruling, the judge added a footnote on the last page that included a warning for the businessman and his legal team. “Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s lawyers are urged to reconsider their opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss,” it read. “This litigation has all the telltale signs of being both vexatious and frivolous.” Trump was attempting to stop James getting her hands on details about a specific trust that controls some Trump businesses.
this here one is 13 months old
Why would anyone be surprised by this?
Since we don't have a post reaction emoji like this one, I'll just add it here. 🤮
Propaganda for STUPID. :sick:🤮🤮🤮

The Presidential Portrait he keeps in his safe room at Mar-a-Lago.​
He said these stupid grift cards pertain to his life and career. When was he ever a small town sheriff, an astronaut…..

It’s kinda surreal.
More expensive food for his suckers. It really provides perspective on the low end of the spectrum of just how stupid, gullible and prone to living in self serving fantasy lands, humans can be. And Donny appears desperate for money and love from those who still want to suck his appendage.
The left caricature is how Right Wing STUPID sees the world while on the right is the UGLY reality. And the left looks like they just pasted his head onto a stretched cardboard figure that does not even look human. The reality:

Let it all hang out, “I screwed you“ face

Bug in hiding face for Court appearances

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Having some fun with AI… way too much. But I’m at work so I will excuse my TDS…



Absolutely unbelievable. This guy’s defense to the Access Hollywood tape was “well, that’s how it’s been for the last million years” (in regards to being able to “grab ‘‘em” without permission).




Live Town Hall on CNN is beginning shortly. Not sure it deserves its own thread on account he'll no doubt just lie and be his usual self, which is nothing new or newsworthy. I'll see how much I can get through, I'm sure there'll be at least something worthy of a post afterwards.

*I swear, less than five minutes in - rigged election, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, stolen election, third-world country.

Ran through the greatest hits in record time.
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Very disappointed that CNN would give this insurrectionist, classified document stealer, pathological liar, sexual predator, tax cheat, insurance cheat and lifetime grifter a spotlight like this so far away from any actual voting. I won't watch but will be interested to hear if his lies are challenged.
He must have stipulated he gets to choose the audience.

This guy’s lying and ability to fabricate bullshit on the fly is uncanny.

In regards to the GA a all to find him votes…

“You asked to him find you votes…”

“I didn’t ask him to find anything.”

“We’ve heard the tape…”
I honestly couldn't watch more than a few clips on Twitter.

Thankfully, I no longer have CNN. I let it go awhile ago.
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Wow, what a waste of time. No substance, bald-faced lies…

I don’t know why I expect different. Just a liar, dumb beyond belief and yet people cheer him. The sooner I can stop trying to understand stupid, the saner I’ll become, I suppose. Just can’t understand what people see in this dolt.
I don’t know why I expect different. Just a liar, dumb beyond belief and yet people cheer him. The sooner I can stop trying to understand stupid, the saner I’ll become, I suppose. Just can’t understand what people see in this dolt.

I've heard a couple people say something along the lines of "I don't pay attention to the circus, I just like his policies". One of the people who said that to me came from a family of military veterans, cops and firefighters. Ok. The other was some random nut job on OAN or Fox I came across today actually. I've come to the conclusion that the people who post to those sites are angry flat-earthers, except instead of thinking the earth is flat for no apparent reason, they think a failed businessman, lier, cheater, etc. is a good choice to lead them. It's never going to make sense because their beliefs aren't rooted in reality. But I will give half a point to "...I just like his policies". At least it's a reason that I can comprehend even if I strongly disagree.