The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

Reuters and other news outlets are reporting that Chief Justice Roberts specified in his temporary hold that the House Ways and Means committee could file a response to his decision by November 10th (2 days after US elections). Roberts' order essentially maintains status quo, i.e. Trump does not have to turn over the tax records at this time. A spokesman for the committee stated publicly that it will file a timely response and "looks forward to an expeditious consideration" by the Court.

House Democrats have said they need Trump's tax returns to see if the IRS is properly auditing presidential returns and to assess whether new legislation is needed. Trump's lawyers have called that explanation "pretextual" and "disingenuous," saying the real aim is to unearth politically damaging information about Trump, who is considering another run for the presidency in 2024.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, sided with Congress in December 2021 and threw out the case, finding that the committee holds broad authority over a former president's tax returns.

Trump is "wrong on the law," McFadden wrote in his ruling.

"A long line of Supreme Court cases requires great deference to facially valid congressional inquiries. Even the special solicitude accorded former presidents does not alter the outcome," McFadden added.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in August also ruled against Trump, concluding that "every president takes office knowing that he will be subject to the same laws as all other citizens upon leaving office." The D.C. Circuit on Oct. 27 refused a rehearing.
saw on Fox News today: Mike Huckabee was hawking a children's book "Kid's Guide to President Trump". Not "former President Trump" but "President Trump". Oy.

Shouldn't have sat down in front of the TV at the restaurant today...
saw on Fox News today: Mike Huckabee was hawking a children's book "Kid's Guide to President Trump". Not "former President Trump" but "President Trump". Oy.

Shouldn't have sat down in front of the TV at the restaurant today...
ya saw tat while ago. so lame.
saw on Fox News today: Mike Huckabee was hawking a children's book "Kid's Guide to President Trump".
Does it describe what a bad man Trump is, that he lies constantly, that he cheated on all three of his wives, that he has a long history of fraud, that he's a sociopath and pathological narcissist, that he stole top secret documents and incited an insurrection? Somehow I think not.
TFG trying to hide his assets in a new company called Trump Organization 2?
HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! You can't make this shit up.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1588266112931667969/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1588312380135870465/
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He will be cheerlead through all of his crimes by his base. Now this clown is rumored to announce his candidacy for 2024 in the coming weeks. Are we seriously looking at another half-decade or more of this nonsense?
He will be cheerlead through all of his crimes by his base. Now this clown is rumored to announce his candidacy for 2024 in the coming weeks. Are we seriously looking at another half-decade or more of this nonsense?
that I doubt because then he will be subject to reporting all his income he gets from donations and showing how he spends it as campaign money. so he wont be able to grift.
He will be cheerlead through all of his crimes by his base. Now this clown is rumored to announce his candidacy for 2024 in the coming weeks. Are we seriously looking at another half-decade or more of this nonsense?

A little more, I suspect, given that he has loud, obnoxious crotchfruit to carry on with the shoutiness. We are rapidly descending into environmental collapse (which will still be somewhat gradual, despite our rapid descent), at which point I cannot see people actually coming together to address the problems but just more bickering and shouting. Many of the traditional ways of doing things will have to go, but that will only make his MAGAty acolytes fight harder against change. It is going to get really bad.
Trump is now suing (in Florida) the NY AG (against advice of his general counsel). Oy, vey the stupid.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1588501375280889856/

From the NYT piece cited in the CREW tweet (paywall removed):

A tirade of a lawsuit that Donald J. Trump filed on Wednesday against one of his chief antagonists, the New York attorney general, was hotly opposed by several of his longstanding legal advisers, who attempted an intervention hours before it was submitted to a court.

Those opposed to the suit told the Florida attorneys who drafted it that it was frivolous and would fail, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The loudest objection came from the general counsel of Mr. Trump’s real estate business, who warned that the Floridians might be committing malpractice.

On Thursday, a judge granted a recent request from Ms. James to stop Mr. Trump from transferring assets and to appoint a monitor to make sure that he does not.

The former president has already tried unsuccessfully to stop Ms. James’s investigation, filing a complaint in federal court in New York that was dismissed in May. The new 41-page lawsuit against Ms. James was filed in Palm Beach by Timothy W. Weber, Jeremy D. Bailie and R. Quincy Bird, members of a St. Petersburg-based law firm — and was championed by Boris Epshteyn, an in-house counsel for the former president who has become one of his most trusted advisers.

Welp. Another batch of lawyers putting themselves in jeopardy for having got sucked into providing legal services to Donald Trump. Hope they have lawyers, maybe licensed to practice in more states than just Florida. As for Boris Epshteyn, you'd think by now he's already in deep enough trouble over having tried to boost the chances of overturning the 2020 election.

Can't make any of this stuff up. Feels like it could only have been made up to begin with. One of Trump's last cards may be to plead that he was tricked into hiring incompetent counsel.
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These people are arrogant and daring the law to come after them.

Trump is doubtless furious over the NY judge granting James' request to stick a babysitter atop Trump's businesses until her civil suit is resolved. The language the judge used was pretty straightforward, to understate the case....

A Manhattan judge on Thursday gave the thumbs-up to the New York attorney general’s request for a watchdog to babysit the Trump Organization’s business dealings.

State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron said he would appoint an independent monitor to oversee former President Donald Trump’s real estate company until the resolution of state Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit. He also ruled that the Trump Organization must get court approval before selling or transferring its assets out of state.

Engoron rejected arguments from Trump’s lawyers claiming a monitor’s appointment would send a threatening message to New York’s real estate sector. Defense lawyer Chris Kise had argued that it wasn’t the attorney general’s job to “police interactions between sophisticated counterparties” and that a monitor would represent “extraordinary interference” in private enterprise by the government.

Engoron disagreed, finding that failure to grant the attorney general’s request would be a disservice to the public given the Trump Organization’s “propensity to engage in persistent fraud.”
Judge notes that Don Jr.'s flippantly professed ignorance of how his dad's businesses are run was part of why the Trump businesses will now be supervised by an independent monitor. In other words, "Open mouth, jack up legal jeopardy,"


Do Republicans think Donald Trump will just go quietly? HAH! Good luck with that.​

From USA Today: A plea to Dump Drumph, the start of the article:

Welcome to the resistance, Republicans.

After the midterm elections, the red wave that wasn’t, many of you seem to have accepted the fact that Donald Trump is a noisy albatross around your party’s neck and also … how can I put this nicely? … the worst.

It took y’all about six years to catch up, but I’m glad you’re here. So now the question is: How do you extract this inflamed molar from your party’s mouth? Especially when the molar in question appears poised to announce next Tuesday that he’s running for president again.

Midterm voters popped the Fox News bubble, now you see Trump as he is​

Watching you all try to shake loose of Trump is going to be like watching a drunk wildebeest flailing to fight off a rabid honey badger.

Once in thrall to the man from Mar-a-Lago, you Republicans have now had your Fox-News-blown bubble popped.

So it begins: We just got through the midterms, but the DeSantis-Trump rivalry has already begun

After the election wipeout, the website for conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post had the mocking headline “Trumpty Dumpty.” The Drudge Report’s page blasted the headline: “TOXIC TRUMP IN MAGA MELTDOWN.”

Poor Trump – nobody wants him coming 'round no more​

They stole the Electron!

I mean, so much negativity.
Remember folks, it's only stolen when they lose and we know this because they tell it to us before the election even takes place.

Yeah, it's really hard to stay positive about this ...