The "Wordle" thread

More green. Again. The color of sustainability. Well, it got the job done, that’s a win! 🥳

Wordle 252 4/6

Sometimes you just have to wonder about people. On another site (NOT MR) first a couple of people jumped into the Wordle thread there and proceeded to provide screen shots of how they'd played on a particular day (the current day for that puzzle) and what their results were.....including, of course, the actual winning word. That didn't go over well, needless to say, and several of us gently chastised them for that. One woman managed to figure out how to do the sharing of her results correctly.....but we noticed immediately that the number of the game wasn't right at all, it was some low number (14 or 15), rather than around where we are now (250's). Someone asked her about it and oh, yeah, she was playing in the archived Wordle. DUH..... She was asked to please just share the results only from the current day as the rest of us were doing. Much of the fun of this is round the group thing, that we're all playing the same puzzle on the same day and sharing our results, good or bad.

Now this same woman has cross-examined me on the way I played the game and why I did this and that and not this or that or some other approach.... I politely responded that this IS just a game and I take it lightly and enjoy playing it for a few minutes each day and that's it. I'm not out to win any prizes, IMHO it really isn't appropriate for anyone to cross-examine or critique someone else on how they happen to play the game and the results that they get. It's just a game!

Some days I'm going to do really well, other days, not quite so well but still get the winning word in the end, and on some rare occasions may just bomb out altogether, but, hey, that's fine with me. I enjoy playing it and am not trying to impress anyone. It's just a game.....
Wordle 252 4/6


My P was all over the board :LOL:

Pos 1, nope, 4, nada, maybe 5? Bzzzt, wrong.
Got to hang out with some long-lost yellow friends today. Nice!

Wordle 253 4/6

First time I have played…
Well, hopefully I'll get better at it.

There's a few thing I've noted that have helped me. The words tend to be pretty common (a few outliers here and there), they're AFAIK, never plurals versions of 4 letter words (ex: gears), there are occasionally repeated letters, and that's not really indicated, i.e., if you have an A in the wrong position and it's yellow, that might still mean you've got two As in the solution. There was a recent word with only 3 unique letters :) I try to make every guess introduce as many new letters as possible while using proper position and moving valid but wrong position letters.

The biggest thing is recognizing the possible (or impossible) letter patterns, like for example, if you've got this (where V = Vowel and C = Consonant and * = placeholder)

* V * * * that's probably a word with this pattern, * V * V *, if you've got a vowel in position 3, * * V * *, that's probably indicative of either a vowel combo like AU, EA, etc., or, a consonant prefix/suffix, like a CR, NG, TH or CH, and those are informed by the vowels you've eliminated, if you only have A in play, in position 3 (with E,I,O,U eliminated), or only a single vowel in position 2 or 4, probably means a dupe vowel.
There's a few thing I've noted that have helped me. The words tend to be pretty common (a few outliers here and there), they're AFAIK, never plurals versions of 4 letter words (ex: gears), there are occasionally repeated letters, and that's not really indicated, i.e., if you have an A in the wrong position and it's yellow, that might still mean you've got two As in the solution. There was a recent word with only 3 unique letters :) I try to make every guess introduce as many new letters as possible while using proper position and moving valid but wrong position letters.

The biggest thing is recognizing the possible (or impossible) letter patterns, like for example, if you've got this (where V = Vowel and C = Consonant and * = placeholder)

* V * * * that's probably a word with this pattern, * V * V *, if you've got a vowel in position 3, * * V * *, that's probably indicative of either a vowel combo like AU, EA, etc., or, a consonant prefix/suffix, like a CR, NG, TH or CH, and those are informed by the vowels you've eliminated, if you only have A in play, in position 3 (with E,I,O,U eliminated), or only a single vowel in position 2 or 4, probably means a dupe vowel.
It was interesting how it worked.
The first line I just put in a word.
Second line I started getting it.
When I got to 5th line it was… "of course! It's obvious!" 🤣

Trying again tomorrow…

Edit: Luckily only one word per day.
Don’t know why this one got me. I started just trying random words to eliminate more letters. I almost gave up then I saw it
Wordle 253 6/6

So it is a 4-day today?

Wordle 254 4/6


My 3rd guess was very fortunate in that it pretty much provided the solve (my 4th guess). I moved a vowel to pos 3, then assumed a CCVCC pattern :)