I honestly don’t know all the details of this case but I agree it’s pretty low on the totem pole of possible prosecutions. For me the only real thing that stands out is that (some) evangelical Christians have decided a man who had an affair with a porn star and then paid her to STFU about it should continue to be their leader. All the other cases may not fall under Christian values, but this particular case shows them as the top shelf hypocrites that they are.
Trump supporters know he has committed crimes over his lifetime but they just don’t care because they either think those crimes are just part of being a successful business man or if the crime serves their agenda they think it shouldn’t be a crime. The fact that so many believe these indictments will increase the chances of Trump winning the Republican nomination and the Presidency is sickening.
Not gonna matter. His promiscuity has been known for decades. There’s plenty of concrete evidence for that.
I don’t think it has to do with his success, or alleged success. While I think it’s pretty clear he’s not a great businessman, he has been more successful than most everyone in the world. Ignoring his business career and inheritance, somehow he manages to find himself elected to the White House. If anything he is a phenomenal marketer, I think that’s tough to deny. And perhaps he’s the luckiest man alive. It’s almost crazy how many lucky breaks this guy gets. Truly.
I think the Evangelicals were in the position where the two political machines spit out Trump and Clinton. Given the choice between the two, he is the lesser of two evils. And one that will pander to their desires, even if he clearly doesn’t live to Christian standards one would expect they’d demand. I think another thing is he’s willing to say things that other politicians won’t and can’t do in such a commanding manner.
I think we can recognize many democrat politicians are also disingenuous (as well as most republicans politicians) and hypocritical in their own ways- compared to the image and platform they display. Many promises to enact change, but when push comes to shove they refuse to do anything even when they have the power to do so. I’m still waiting for meaningful reductions in Rx drug prices or enacting stricter laws (or a ban) on Congressional stock trading. And I wonder how the republicans are coming on their alternative to the ACA. That said, Trump is certainly a very extreme example, “like you’ve never seen before” to use his words.
I think most of us can relate in some fashion. Most presidential elections, especially in recent times, comes down to the lesser of two evils. Not who most of the public genuinely actually want elected, aside from fervent supporters who get most of the attention. I’m talking about most everyday people not super into following politics. It’s not surprising that nearly half the country doesn’t even vote and those that do tend to place their vote based on party loyalty than the candidates.That most don’t feel represented. Etc.
Certainly some evangelicals have now been sucked into some sort of cult of personality. But I suspect many of them are supporting Trump because they believe he is the R candidate they think can win. There might also be some fear that if Trump doesn’t win the primary, he will run as an independent and squander any right wing chance of success.
That said, it is still early and a lot can happen between now and the primaries. Desantis clearly looks like the other major contender to Trump. He is his own can of worms. Hard to tell who would be worse.