And because of this, he took a cognitive test.
Yeah, we know. His doctors have never seen anyone that goddamn healthy and smart in their lives, they asked if they could run tests on him and his self-proclaimed “big brain”.

The man is a total dolt and has to be the certifiably dumbest man to ever hold public office. He probably is firing on all cylinders though, which on its best of days is like a toy train gone off the plastic tracks. So it makes no difference, really.
I get why Biden is an easy target, he IS very old and flubs a lot. You think he may not be calling the shots. That’s based on nothing, but let’s take that at face value. The other GOP god is Ronald Reagan, whose decline was actively kept from the public, but other than Trump, that’s their other idol. Do you guys actually listen to any of Biden’s speeches where he’s perfectly sharp and cogent, joshing with reporters and staff, biking, getting around in public, or do you just watch the highlight reels on Fox? I can tell you I was grossly fascinated with Trump and every speech was a highlight reel. The man uses hyperbole, incessant bragging and lying in lieu of any substance and without exposing knowledge of basically anything.
Concerns for Biden’s mental state would ring a lot more sincere if not it coming mostly from the party who elect people like MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, etc. I would match their current mental faculties against any member of the dems - including Biden. (I’ll grant you Feinstein, but that’s it!)
Anyways, I have to wait until Wednesday for this criminal con to get arrested? I was hoping he’d be right about something and get his mugshot plastered over the world on Tuesday!
/end Monday rant.