USA Election 2024


Calls out the Trump campaign’s use of AI to fake her endorsement as a reason for why she went public with her actual endorsement.

Signed it “childless cat lady” in case anyone was left with any doubts.

Edit: @fooferdoggie @shadow puppet ah I see I was late to posting this, with so many posts I missed those!
I still urge you all to switch to Fox for five to ten seconds to savor the flavor.

The news cycle is going to be crazy the next 24 hours dissecting this debate and how stark the contrast is from the last one. Trump wasn’t really any better in the last debate, but he had a far superior adversary this time. I had high expectations for her, but I didn’t expect to not be bored and for her to really bring it. Like, REALLY bring it, without overdoing it.

ABC will be the scapegoats, I’m already seeing them saying they gave Harris the questions in advance. Doesn’t matter, it’s done and he lost badly.

I still urge you all to switch to Fox for five to ten seconds to savor the flavor.

The news cycle is going to be crazy the next 24 hours dissecting this debate and how stark the contrast is from the last one. Trump wasn’t really any better in the last debate, but he had a far superior adversary this time. I had high expectations for her, but I didn’t expect to not be bored and for her to really bring it. Like, REALLY bring it, without overdoing it.

ABC will be the scapegoats, I’m already seeing them saying they gave Harris the questions in advance. Doesn’t matter, it’s done and he lost badly.

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It’s like everything with Trump and the Republicans. Their losses are always everyone’s fault but their own.
CNN - first person in "undecided" focus group went for Trump, then he asked if she voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and she said "yes". In other words, she is a Trump supporter. I want to see CNN as neutral here but clearly they're not on this group.
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He visited the spin room for the first time since the 2016 primaries. He said it was his best debate yet - which is undercut by him saying it from a spin room…

I bet he lays off of calling her low-IQ after last night.

Finally, someone took the fight to him we’ve waited years to see. And she was still reserved - even though I thought she’d bait him once or twice, she did it over and over. I mentioned before the debate she had a mountain of material to work with, and work with it she did. I was impressed at her ability to bait him over and over, and all she did was tell the truth, then let him self-destruct.