USA Election 2024

He visited the spin room for the first time since the 2016 primaries. He said it was his best debate yet - which is undercut by him saying it from a spin room…

I bet he lays off of calling her low-IQ after last night.

Finally, someone took the fight to him we’ve waited years to see. And she was still reserved - even though I thought she’d bait him once or twice, she did it over and over. I mentioned before the debate she had a mountain of material to work with, and work with it she did. I was impressed at her ability to bait him over and over, and all she did was tell the truth, then let him self-destruct.
It was almost embarrassing to watch him wandering around aimlessly in there.
She kick his ass up, down, and sideways. He came away as the aggrieved tiny little man that he is.
You are crediting him with being able to remember stuff. Goldfish are also orange, but they have longer memory capacity, and when it comes to memories that make him uncomfortable, that never happened.

I’m sure as such a stellar thinker Trump’ll be great for the economy and people’s pocketbooks though! I hear he’s even got a concept of a plan. It probably involves banning low flush toilets and doing something terrible to a minority population his campaign hasn’t yet targeted.

And Fox News will show stats that inflation was lower before low flush toilets and the newly hated minority group became a “problem”. And then we’ll get hear about this iron clad correlation soon and read how it’s totally normal to vote for this guy and hate low flush toilets again solely for the sake of the economy even if the minority-hating stuff might make some uncomfortable. Just a necessary sacrifice to get all that rational economic planning Trump is so clearly capable of.

Trump says Harris debate was ‘rigged,’ ABC should lose license, but ‘we did great’​

and this is the guy who thinks Putin respects him and Kim jon loves him. this is the president America needs that got his ass handed to him by a girl???
I loved the “They’re eating dogs!” When corrected, “I saw it on tv”… how very presidential of him.
Last night: Trump to Harris: “Putin would eat you for launch”, but then he became the hors d’oeuvre. 😇
In upcoming rallies, MAGA social pressure will be on to attend them AND not leave early. That'll be excruciating. Who says MAGAots don't have it hard?

Priority 1 for Trump's campaign won't be policy, rallies will be # 1.
People are all over Facebook swearing that, yes, it's true. The people of Ohio are having their pets stolen and eaten by a bunch of filthy immigrants. DON'T BELIEVE THE MEDIA!
I mentioned Fox a lot last night - there’s many great post-debate articles, but I love this one, describing the funeral mood on Fox. Last night rivaled 2012 and 2016, when the network seemed to die when Obama took Ohio early in the evening and won the race quickly, or 2020 when they called Arizona for Biden. It was like a funeral parlor.

On the other hand, they shook hands again and this is a pic that is good to see… sort of.



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Trump media stock fell 13% Wed morning. It's now at $16.3, down from a high of $65 in March.

Also, T will be able to start selling his stock September 19 - he currently owns 57% ( ~ 1.8 billion $ - pretty amazing for a company that was deep in the red from the outset and never made a profit...) - now would be a good time to dump whatever is left of your holdings...
We all know Kamala killed it. Or most of us know that. I figure if I tell someone on the other side how good she did, it will go in one ear and out the other. So I thought, if you take her out of the equation, how did her opponent do?

First of all, I saw someone easily fooled by a dumb story. I heard about the pets yesterday morning. By lunch I know it was all made up. I'm not even running for President, and I knew enough to dig in to get to the truth. Do we really want a president that easily fooled by something he saw on TV?

Next, he has buttons big enough that the average 5-year old kid could easily push them. Imagine he's sitting down with Putin. And Putin says "Come on now, world-leader to world-leader... You didn't really have that many people at your rallies, right?" He'd probably end up giving Alaska back. Do we want someone that easily rattled controlling our country? And there's soooooo many buttons to push.

Finally, I saw someone who spent most of the night on the defense and someone who let his opponent control the conversation. And when he did try to assert control over the conversation, the other person just said "Oh look, another rabbit-hole with a dollar at the bottom". He got led around like a dog on a leash. He was a participant in someone else's game.

Those don't seem like good qualities to have in a president. Of course we all know that's barely scratching the surface. But if I was up against a MAGA nut, that's how I'd approach the conversation.
Trump: "You know, she seems awfully familiar with the questions". It's almost as if she spent a week preparing for several hours a day.

Yep. It's not like they could have tossed out "What's the meaning of life" or "What's the atomic weight of carbon". There's only a handful of questions that would come her way in that situation. That's what being prepared looks like.