USA Election 2024

That's part of it, but I also think the media companies benefit when the race is characterized as neck-and-neck and when they show Trump being outrageous. It generates more page views and attracts more eyeballs for their platforms.
One of these things is the larger part of it. I am not sure which.
Personal opinion, but since it is recorded, it will be useless.

You don’t get to edit your decisions as President.

What’s she afraid of?
Now that deserves a vulgar, derisive response that would have gotten modded on MR.
Now that deserves a vulgar, derisive response that would have gotten modded on MR.
Fire away. I can take it. 😉 But from reading your posts for a couple of years, that isn’t really you. 😊

Not sure why this comment has created this reaction. Wonder if there is too much truth to it.

Oh well, the debate will be live.
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You are just regurgitating glurge. Try to post semi-original thoughts.
To be fair they've been going low for so long they're finally getting kicked in the teeth and I'm sure it tastes like a shit sandwich. If all they have on Kamala is her unwillingness to do an interview they way they expect her to, then she's clearly doing everything right.
I presume we'll see you if she tanks for some reason, and you'll be strangely silent if she performs well?

Harris / Walz - Bad for the rock throwing business since July 2024
You've never seen him more quiet than when Trump starts to tank. The faux outrage has set in though so stand back, he's got talking points hot of the Fox News press.
Damn man, this guy has toal Jeb Bush vibes. I know they ask for it but at some point I do start feeling bad for them when they tank this hard.

business tends to do better under Republicans
IMHO, that is open for discussion.
Just because you have lower taxes and maybe a few less regs doesn't mean you do better. If the economy (for the common man) tanks, non-financial businesses don't usually do so well, and running roughshod over others or the environment isn't really a long term winner either.
The overall economic pattern over the last few decades (don't take my word for it, not my area! - check out the usually excellent oped pieces by true economists in the NYT etc) has been more that democratic administations painfully clean up the mess of the predecessor, and but then get voted out for the next round.
Remember the Clinton boom in his second round - massive budget SURPLUSES, with economists warning not to pay down the debt TOO FAST (!).
Not to mention the orange mess compared to what Biden was able to do.
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Damn man, this guy has toal Jeb Bush vibes. I know they ask for it but at some point I do start feeling bad for them when they tank this hard.

I didn't know that Vance was in the fishbowl as well at events. I don't think anyone wants to stop the gift that keeps on giving.
I didn't know that Vance was in the fishbowl as well at events. I don't think anyone wants to stop the gift that keeps on giving.
Seems like it's probably best that we do what we can to ensure the protection of all of them, there's a lot of anger out there right now.
Damn man, this guy has toal Jeb Bush vibes. I know they ask for it but at some point I do start feeling bad for them when they tank this hard.


Just so its less of a bloodbath between VP choices, Walz needs to make more “white guy” statements that will incense the right, and the more nonsensical the better. “I use white guy toilet paper.” “I sleep on the white guy side of the bed,”

Then the right-wing media can lose their shit with “He just can’t stop denigrating white people! He’s the most racist candidate in our country’s history!”
You are just regurgitating glurge. Try to post semi-original thoughts.

You're right, it isn't original. But it isn't just the RW media talking about it either.

Just yesterday Chuck Todd of NBC said this:

Let me start with the first big mistake of the Harris campaign since she took over as the Democratic nominee. They have now raised the stakes for her first sitdown interview. More words and phrases will get scrutinized simply because the campaign and the candidate are behaving as if doing these interviews is about as interesting to them as visiting the dentist’s office. (you have to scroll down to see what Todd wrote)

The BBC:

But with Mr Walz in tow, the decision to make this a joint appearance may also fuel growing criticism that after escaping the rigours of a months-long presidential primary, she is now dodging the scrutiny that comes with a solo interview.

The National Review:

More than a month after she announced her presidential candidacy, Kamala Harris has finally agreed to do a sit-down interview with Dana Bash on Thursday night. She will be appearing with her running mate Tim Walz at her side — an odd move that seems designed to shield her from tougher questioning,

Aj Jazeera:

To be sure, Harris has spoken on several key issues that polls suggest matter to American voters, in campaign rallies and policy speeches. But without the cross-questioning that an interview allows, the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee’s positions on critical subjects remain ambiguous.

USA Today:

It will finally come Thursday night when Harris is scheduled to be interviewed by Dana Bash on CNN. But that's already off to a bad start, because her running mate, Minn. Gov. Tim Walz, will be participating in the joint interview.

I can keep going. But not a single one of those sources is FoxNews or even close to being considered RW. So people are talking about.
But none of these outlets are driving her narrative, they're critical and can (and will) air their grievances but for the first time in a long time the people are the most vocal, not the media and I have to say it's refreshing.

How do you know your candidate is winning? When they're leading and the media is unable to bring them down. How long that will last is a fair question but so far it's working out. She has an excellent ground game and doesn't appear to be taking anything for granted the way Hillary did in 2016.
What could Kamala possibly say that could compete with a random sentence from a random Trump interview?

Any other politician is boring compared to a guy who’s a hot dumpster truck fire every time he speaks. This interview will mean nothing and will satisfy nobody. She won’t say anything new she hasn’t said on the trail, and the right will never be like “oh she answered the questions, we’re good now”.

Is she a felon? Wake me up when that happens.
for the first time in a long time the people are the most vocal, not the media and I have to say it's refreshing

Lamentably, a lot of the dialog precipitates out of media content (I refer you to comments HF made some moments ago). Or worse, Blaze-like sources. It would be nice if the media was powerless to foment and nurture division, but we have a ways to go yet.
You're right, it isn't original. But it isn't just the RW media talking about it either.

Just yesterday Chuck Todd of NBC said this: (you have to scroll down to see what Todd wrote)

The BBC:

The National Review:

Aj Jazeera:

USA Today:

I can keep going. But not a single one of those sources is FoxNews or even close to being considered RW. So people are talking about.
Exactly what are you trying to say? You first stated it's your opinion, but now you are somehow trying to rub our noses in a Fox News sound byte? What reaction are you trying to get out of a bunch of left to center folks that absolutely abhorrer your choice for president?

Can you admit that Trump doesn't have interviews (live or otherwise) that the questions are not agreed upon prior to the interview. Even if he agrees to a tough question, you know damn well you do not get an answer or anything resembling an answer.