USA Election 2024

I’m disgusted when I read “no charges will be filed”.

More special treatment. I don’t doubt the person who was merely trying to do their job doesn’t want to be a swatting victim or be threatened with or face actual violence from deranged supporters for the crime of showing up to work.

It’s so obvious a photo-op and nothing more. Which I’m not against, except for when it’s done with special pleading. The Trump campaign ignores the rules because “what are they going to do? Hold him to the same standard as anyone else?”

You go to Arlington, try to film something you shouldn’t, then shove someone on duty and see if you make it home without a detour through jail.

Also, Trump’s vile spokesperson is attacking the employee - as a warning as much as an insult - and saying “we had the family’s permission” - not all of them you didn’t, and the family doesn’t make the rules for the cemetery.

Pure entitlement, people deserve to be embarassed for supporting the candidacy of this lowlife.
I’m disgusted when I read “no charges will be filed”.

More special treatment. I don’t doubt the person who was merely trying to do their job doesn’t want to be a swatting victim or be threatened with or face actual violence from deranged supporters for the crime of showing up to work.

It’s so obvious a photo-op and nothing more. Which I’m not against, except for when it’s done with special pleading. The Trump campaign ignores the rules because “what are they going to do? Hold him to the same standard as anyone else?”

You go to Arlington, try to film something you shouldn’t, then shove someone on duty and see if you make it home without a detour through jail.

Also, Trump’s vile spokesperson is attacking the employee - as a warning as much as an insult - and saying “we had the family’s permission” - not all of them you didn’t, and the family doesn’t make the rules for the cemetery.

Pure entitlement, people deserve to be embarassed for supporting the candidacy of this lowlife.

I think @Citysnaps summed it up best with this post:

I’m disgusted when I read “no charges will be filed”.

More special treatment. I don’t doubt the person who was merely trying to do their job doesn’t want to be a swatting victim or be threatened with or face actual violence from deranged supporters for the crime of showing up to work.

It’s so obvious a photo-op and nothing more. Which I’m not against, except for when it’s done with special pleading. The Trump campaign ignores the rules because “what are they going to do? Hold him to the same standard as anyone else?”

You go to Arlington, try to film something you shouldn’t, then shove someone on duty and see if you make it home without a detour through jail.

Also, Trump’s vile spokesperson is attacking the employee - as a warning as much as an insult - and saying “we had the family’s permission” - not all of them you didn’t, and the family doesn’t make the rules for the cemetery.

Pure entitlement, people deserve to be embarassed for supporting the candidacy of this lowlife.
No surprise there, but he'll have to answer to the court of public opinion on this one during an election year where those on the fence are watching every little thing. Disrespecting those who serve is a pretty big deal and just shows how he's always treated them like shit for his own gain.
This Arlington Cemetery mess should be exploited mercilessly by the Harris campaign.

This is a clear unambiguous outrage, illegal, with clear boundaries that were purposefully breached for political gain where this institution has clear rules to prevent political exploitation.

Shout it from the rooftops. This scum has NO respect for the fallen or the military.
Anyone supporting this campaign is delusional.
This Arlington Cemetery mess should be exploited mercilessly by the Harris campaign.

This is a clear black/white outrage, illegal, with clear boundaries that were purposefully breached for political gain where this institution has clear rules to prevent political exploitation.

Shout it from the rooftops. This scum has NO respect for the fallen or the military.
Anyone supporting this campaign is delusional.
If that had been Kamala Fox News would be in full outrage mode 24/7.
JD Vance is shitting the bed every day he’s on the campaign trail. This guy is definitely going to shoulder a lot of the blame if Trump loses. I wonder what it’s like to get announced as a running mate and then have the campaign immediately start tanking.
and he is so desperate to suck up to Trump he does not even know it.
All of this, JD Vance doing horribly and making bad headline every day, and Trump having a ceremony for J6 lawbreakers just days before the debate.. is Trump even trying or are they just on a death roll and not caring? It’s hard to tell. He’s doing so poorly you can’t help but wonder if talks of him just planning to steal it hold merit. Not that there’s any doubt he’d try to, but he almost seems like he’s not even trying to win.
No she doesn’t.

But if the voters can’t learn who she is through that process, will they be inclined to vote for her? Or will they wonder what she is hiding?

It’s a risk, but it’s one it seems she is willing to take.

The only place I'm hearing news about her not doing interviews is on your side. No one on our side seems to care. And your side doesn't care either. They're not going to listen. They've just been told that she's doing it wrong, so they're jumping on that. No surprise there. If the convicted criminal claimed she has hair, your side would jump all over it and try to demonize her.

There is no law, rule, common sense, etiquette, or anything else I'm aware of that dictates she do an interview. Suggesting she's hiding something is BS straight out of right-wing propaganda. She's not hiding anything. She's just not running her campaign the way they want her to run it. If they have nothing of substance to attack on, they turn to innuendo like "what's she hiding?" We've been there and done that already. Tucker kind of wore that routine into the ground.

Tell us exactly what she's hiding and why. Otherwise we're just going to think "If your guy is doing so well, why is he so obsessed with her doing an interview? What's he hiding?"
No she doesn’t.

But if the voters can’t learn who she is through that process, will they be inclined to vote for her? Or will they wonder what she is hiding?

It’s a risk, but it’s one it seems she is willing to take.
Trump will do an interview with just about anyone. Even very hostile outlets. Pretty sure the NABJ didn't give him the questions. And sure, you can say it was a train wreck, but he did it.
The number of undecideds is a small percentage of the electorate, but I agree they deserve to know what the candidates stand for and plan to do. The question is how to do this in the upside down political world we live in.

Trump: Sure, he'll sit for an interview with almost anyone, but what purpose does that serve if he constantly lies and deflects? He claims to know nothing about Project 2025, but it's the closest to a platform the Republicans have. He takes the credit for overturning Roe v Wade, but adds that's "what everyone wanted."

Harris: She did a great job introducing herself to the nation at the DNC, she and Walz have attracted massive attention at rallies and on social media, and tens of thousands of volunteers have signed up to make calls and knock on doors.

And why should Harris trust the MSM to interview her? They pick apart every statement with a fine-tooth comb and run opinion pieces like Trump Can Win on Character about a man who constantly insults our men and women in uniform, as he did the other day at Arlington National Cemetery. When Biden was running, the media jumped on every gaffe and misstep as evidence of why he was too old to be President. But Trump, whose mental and physical decline is at least as glaring, mostly gets a pass.
The number of undecideds is a small percentage of the electorate, but I agree they deserve to know what the candidates stand for and plan to do. The question is how to do this in the upside down political world we live in.

Trump: Sure, he'll sit for an interview with almost anyone, but what purpose does that serve if he constantly lies and deflects? He claims to know nothing about Project 2025, but it's the closest to a platform the Republicans have. He takes the credit for overturning Roe v Wade, but adds that's "what everyone wanted."

Harris: She did a great job introducing herself to the nation at the DNC, she and Walz have attracted massive attention at rallies and on social media, and tens of thousands of volunteers have signed up to make calls and knock on doors.

And why should Harris trust the MSM to interview her? They pick apart every statement with a fine-tooth comb and run opinion pieces like Trump Can Win on Character about a man who constantly insults our men and women in uniform, as he did the other day at Arlington National Cemetery. When Biden was running, the media jumped on every gaffe and misstep as evidence of why he was too old to be President. But Trump, whose mental and physical decline is at least as glaring, mostly gets a pass.
Maybe ask @Herdfan if there is anything Harris/Walz can do or say to change his vote from Trump, unless we've all been blind over the last few years here the answer is a resounding F no. Now, why TF do we give a rats ass about his demands of the Democratic candidates? Don't get me wrong, I understand when I see people try to make their case but it's 100% fruitless.
About all that free speech on Twitter...
From your link

… Fowler posted a thread on X, each tweet of which contained a link to his story — the warning appeared to affect the first two instances of the link but not others, for reasons unknown.

Apparently Xwixxex is still in need of coders.
I think his age and obvious cognitive decline are of concern. The Right has their head buried in the sand.

Is that what we heard over and over and over? From Fox, From our MAGA friends, and even on this board from a Trump cheerleader. Why can't they look in the mirror on this one?
Yeah, isn't being decrepit a bad thing?
and saying “we had the family’s permission” - not all of them you didn’t, and the family doesn’t make the rules for the cemetery.

It's actually not just a rule, it's a law that political campaigning is forbidden on these military cemetaries, because you'd have to get the permission from every family.
And as Farron Cousins put it, even if they had the family's permission that family doesn't have the power to change the law.
Maybe ask @Herdfan if there is anything Harris/Walz can do or say to change his vote from Trump, unless we've all been blind over the last few years here the answer is a resounding F no.

I believe one of his main arguments against Biden was that Biden was too old and mentally unfit.
Now that Biden is gone, the same points are not an issue with Trump, which proves that those arguments were BS all along.