USA Election 2024

The RWers spotted a terrible, terrible deceit by Tim Walz. He was seen embracing his dog Scout, but then in another picture, he was seen petting a completely different dog. What kind of person would cheat on his own dog?

I saw the segment about this on Jen Psaki's show last night. The MAGAs were claiming Walz was lying and being creepy by posing with another dog. It shows how ridiculous they are.
The RWers spotted a terrible, terrible deceit by Tim Walz. He was seen embracing his dog Scout, but then in another picture, he was seen petting a completely different dog. What kind of person would cheat on his own dog?

I've also heard...

He said he went for a walk, but failed to mention multiple stops along the way when he clearly wasn't walking.
He claimed to go shopping for food but came home with a silly straw. Straws aren't food.
He claims the children in his house are "his kids". So did he give birth to them? I don't think so.
He said he was going to eat dinner, but instead went to wash his hands.
So the story is he was just petting another dog at the park? If he's such a dog lover, where are the photos of him petting the other, other dogs?
He said he was leaving for work but then headed straight for the closet to grab his coat instead. We should call him Not-Knowing-Where-He's-Going-Tim!
He supports Kamala. Must suck to be his wife. You'd think he would support his own wife.
He said he was washing the car, but he also got some water on the lawn. Why lie instead of simply saying "I'm going to wash the car and water the yard a little?"
He told his children a magical fat man with poor taste in clothing snuck into their house to leave them "gifts". He then stole some cookies and left through the chimney. Clearly a lie. He's weird.
Conservatives need to realize humor isn’t their strong point, hasn’t been in a long time. Their “attacks” aren’t working because they aren’t rooted in truth, or funny. One or the other would work, but it’s a swing and a miss on both. Meanwhile, JD Vance is almost appears to be trying to live up to the monikers.
It’s being speculated that the reason Trump has been mostly golfing and not really campaigning hard is he’s going to lean hard on voter suppression and loyalists in key positions to gum it up in the legal system. He’s not counting on outright winning, so why burn all the calories (and money) campaigning?
It’s being speculated that the reason Trump has been mostly golfing and not really campaigning hard is he’s going to lean hard on voter suppression and loyalists in key positions to gum it up in the legal system. He’s not counting on outright winning, so why burn all the calories (and money) campaigning?

He’s pretty much saying it out loud, not really surprising. What, do people think he’s doing to concede graciously? Not a chance.

I’m sure his ardent supporters will be posting “it was stolen!” again, most people will just get on about their day, the greatest hits are getting old.
He’s pretty much saying it out loud, not really surprising. What, do people think he’s doing to concede graciously? Not a chance.

I’m sure his ardent supporters will be posting “it was stolen!” again, most people will just get on about their day, the greatest hits are getting old.

Along with the “lock her/him up!” chants there might be some other parallels between Trump 2024 and Clinton 2016 when we’re looking at it from the rear view mirror, a la not campaigning when you think it’s in the bag and having the final counts not close enough to even attempt another legal circus over it.
Along with the “lock her/him up!” chants there might be some other parallels between Trump 2024 and Clinton 2016 when we’re looking at it from the rear view mirror, a la not campaigning when you think it’s in the bag and having the final counts not close enough to even attempt another legal circus over it.
IDK what Trump really thinks about having the election in the bag, but MAGAs know repeating the fake electors scheme probably won't fly. Their current strategy is to gum up the works and cause massive FUD — they figure the longer they delay, the better the chance of Trump winning. Nowhere is this more evident than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists control the State Election Board, which is trying to implement new rules to sow chaos. But Governor Kemp has asked his Attorney General if he has the power to remove people from the Board, which is a welcome move.
IDK what Trump really thinks about having the election in the bag, but MAGAs know repeating the fake electors scheme probably won't fly. Their current strategy is to gum up the works and cause massive FUD — they figure the longer they delay, the better the chance of Trump winning. Nowhere is this more evident than in Georgia, where Trump loyalists control the State Election Board, which is trying to implement new rules to sow chaos. But Governor Kemp has asked his Attorney General if he has the power to remove people from the Board, which is a welcome move.

I think for Trump in the bag means he's going to win based on legal challenges and loyalists, not winning more voters over. For Hillary it meant certain voters were going to vote for her regardless and therefor didn't need to campaign in certain places. But with nowhere near the finish line both decided campaigning hard became less important.
Ok, this is loathsome (and not because it it is a link to Xwixxex, but I could not find the clip elsewhere).

Some guy whose name does not bear repeating, on a Notwork that shall not be mentioned, spoke of his opinion of Ms Harris' ability to handle the presidency. His actual words were "… she's going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her …"

His cohorts object to his wording, at which point he says that he did not mean that in a sexual way. Yeah, right, if he was not trying to suggest gang-rape, he would have used words that did not connote it. Truly ugly.

Not to mention the fact that he also insulted the Joint Chiefs by suggesting that they cannot control their urges.
Don’t care why it didn’t pass.
Oh, so you only care when a Democrat does something you don't support? Just making sure we are on the same page here because Republicans killed it.

You've never seen a bigger group of hypocritical babies. Your unwillingness at any attempt to meet on middle ground will be your downfall in November, hopefully. So sick of you partisan hacks.
It’s not about a Dem now being for something they used to be against.

But how is it no longer racist? Don’t forget how many times anyone who supported the wall was called a racist. Or stupid because walls don’t work.

Has that part changed?
It’s not about a Dem now being for something they used to be against.

But how is it no longer racist? Don’t forget how many times anyone who supported the wall was called a racist. Or stupid because walls don’t work.

Has that part changed?
It's about how you will only ever see things through a partisan lens, there is no point in trying to have a logical discussion with you. Tell you what, when you look at an issue and not which person supports it or doesn't, let me know and I'll be happy to exchange thoughts on the matter. Until then enjoy being that MAGA puppet you've always shown yourself to be.
The border is 10,317,120 feet long, of which 3,562,992 feet is survey lines (rather than rivers). What does a foot of border wall cost? I would venture at least a quarter million. If that were the case, building new wall along the surveyed length of border would run something like seven or eight hundred million (considering the short stretches where there already is wall). Building wall in Texas or along the Colorado River (which Individual-ONE advocated) would simply not be ok.

I still think wall is a bad idea and will not support Ms Harris in furtherance of this particular enterprise.