What’s on TV?

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I started watching Curb your Enthusiasm on HBOMax. That guy Larry David is the ultimate Karen before Karens were popular lol He's always complaining, thinking the world revolves around him, and the rules dont apply to him. lol

Like the episode I'm watching he's harassing some lady because he wants to use the indoor bathroom instead of the outdoor bathroom at their home. And there was another episode where he didnt wanna remove his shoes before entering someones home even though that was one of their rules for their home.

He's seriously the most entitled person.
I started watching Curb your Enthusiasm on HBOMax. That guy Larry David is the ultimate Karen before Karens were popular lol He's always complaining, thinking the world revolves around him, and the rules dont apply to him. lol

Like the episode I'm watching he's harassing some lady because he wants to use the indoor bathroom instead of the outdoor bathroom at their home. And there was another episode where he didnt wanna remove his shoes before entering someones home even though that was one of their rules for their home.

He's seriously the most entitled person.
IMO, that show would have been great if they cast Jason Alexander instead of Larry David playing himself.

It’s clear that Alexander was playing the Larry David type of character in Seinfeld, but he did so in a way that exposed some insecurities and vulnerabilities. When David plays it himself, he just comes off as an annoying jerk with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. David’s ego as a writer led him to wanting to act, but it would have been so much better with Jason Alexander.
Insomnia kicked my ass last night, so I finally started watching Succession. One episode said I. Seven episodes later with the sun coming up...!

It wasn't what I expected: much funnier and more relatable. I'll probably binge through Season 2 the rest of this weekend.
Insomnia kicked my ass last night, so I finally started watching Succession. One episode said I. Seven episodes later with the sun coming up...!

It wasn't what I expected: much funnier and more relatable. I'll probably binge through Season 2 the rest of this weekend.

I found Season 1 uneven but i liked some of it a lot. Haven't made time to binge Season 2...
Berlin 1945 (Documentary Netflix)- alternate title You Reap What You Sew. Sobering, as I think of Ukraine, although the latter is not an example of the alternate title.

Apparently I’m an old soul. Read an article earlier saying HBO’s The Gilded Age is only tracking well with the 55+ crowd. I’ve been enjoying it and am not quite in that age group yet.

But I have to admit it’s kind of a hard sell at this point in history. Economically today is being compared to the gilded age and that’s far from a compliment, and yet the show is celebrating it and at least this season there is no sign of showcasing the vast wealth inequality. Even the main black character’s family is relatively well off and racism is only mentioned in the most polite of terms and largely revolves around societal limitations. Maybe I’m asking a bit much for them to go outside this segment of society during that era, but it almost feels like an insulting missed opportunity based on current views.

For people NITK:

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Apparently I’m an old soul. Read an article earlier saying HBO’s The Gilded Age is only tracking well with the 55+ crowd. I’ve been enjoying it and am not quite in that age group yet.

But I have to admit it’s kind of a hard sell at this point in history. Economically today is being compared to the gilded age and that’s far from a compliment, and yet the show is celebrating it and at least this season there is no sign of showcasing the vast wealth inequality. Even the main black character’s family is relatively well off and racism is only mentioned in the most polite of terms and largely revolves around societal limitations. Maybe I’m asking a bit much for them to go outside this segment of society during that era, but it almost feels like an insulting missed opportunity based on current views.
Good to hear! If you look at this kind of show, Upstairs Downstairs and Downton Abbey are about a family and their hired help, and could be very dramatic within the spectrum of the story. Some social issues and cultural changes were part of the framework.

Gilded Age seems to be primarily focused on the wealthy, social structure, and two particular families, the Russels and across the street Ada, Agnes, Miriam, Peggy Scott, along with the other hired help. As limited the exposure is, I agree that you might get the impression, that black society was not rich, but comfortable as a whole in NYC, although it’s a side note, not the main subject of the story.

With only one episode left, and Mrs Russell’s struggle to be accepted into old money New York appears to be succeeding, I’m wondering what note, Season 1 will end on.
Is the video marked private, for Barry?

Yeah, weird, everywhere that video was used (AV Club, THR) which was supposedly the official HBO trailer, now shows it marked private:


Maybe it was a leaked source or something, sorry about that, see original post for fixed video :)
The Last Kingdom Season 5 (2022 Netflix)- Final season, excellent historical drama based on a series of novels regarding 9th Century England featuring Uhtred of Beddanburg and the struggle between English Kings and Danish raiders/settlers.

Uhtred of Bebbanburg vs bad Brida on a cult mission to save Danes in England from Christianity with the agenda of punishing Uhtred for betraying her.

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Altered Carbon (2018-2020)- Netflix, this should be right up my alley, 5 episodes and nope… I like the lead, Joel Kinnaman, but don’t like characters, including his, atmosphere, the story, nor production values. A billionaire pulls a terrorist out of cold storage to discover who killed him, at least his current body… (n)

I know there are those that disagree. :)
Since last October I've been binge-watching Gotham with my grandson. We've been getting together a couple of times a week to take in two or three episodes at a time. It's been a great bonding experience.

Not to mention a jumping off point to talk about all kinds of real life stuff arising from the show: Mafia hierarchy, gang wars, antiheroes, how almost an entire police force could be corrupt, good people making bad mistakes, bad people occasionally showing an iota of goodness, backstabbing (tons of that), ulterior motives (ditto), and how even at the darkest times there can be light.

Today we got together to watch the 100th, final episode in which all the characters are fully formed, ready to launch a Gotham City with Batman in it. It's a satisfying ending, and I'm glad the network let it play out to its conclusion.

I've loved having the little guy over to share our journey through Batman lore, so in celebration I got us an ice cream cake with the bat symbol and GOTHAM written on it. (My daughter on FB: "How cute is my dad?" 😄) Truly, I've been waiting five months for him to see that final, exciting, triumphant shot. It's been a helluva lot of fun.
The Last Kingdom Season 5 (2022 Netflix)- Final season, excellent historical drama based on a series of novels regarding 9th Century England featuring Uhtred of Beddanburg and the struggle between English Kings and Danish raiders/settlers.

Uhtred of Bebbanburg vs bad Brida on a cult mission to save Danes in England from Christianity with the agenda of punishing Uhtred for betraying her.

Just completed this series, thumbs up! This story is to be followed/completed with a Netflix 2hr movie 7 Kings Must Die on Netflix to be released in 2023.

Spoilers if you have not completed Season 5.
Just completed this series, thumbs up! This story is to be followed/completed with a Netflix 2hr movie 7 Kings Must Die on Netflix to be released in 2023.

Spoilers if you have not completed Season 5.
On your recommendation i just started streaming the first episode.
Apparently I’m an old soul. Read an article earlier saying HBO’s The Gilded Age is only tracking well with the 55+ crowd. I’ve been enjoying it and am not quite in that age group yet.

But I have to admit it’s kind of a hard sell at this point in history. Economically today is being compared to the gilded age and that’s far from a compliment, and yet the show is celebrating it and at least this season there is no sign of showcasing the vast wealth inequality. Even the main black character’s family is relatively well off and racism is only mentioned in the most polite of terms and largely revolves around societal limitations. Maybe I’m asking a bit much for them to go outside this segment of society during that era, but it almost feels like an insulting missed opportunity based on current views.

Easy answer: It is written by Julian Alexander Kitchener-Fellowes, Baron Fellowes of West Stafford.

You never get any engagement with genuine issues of the time.

A simple formula:
The super rich toffs float over the steaming human misery — the only time you see the proles are when they come to tug their forelocks and doff their caps as they mumble "God bless your lordship…" in rural accents.

Meanwhile the intended audience lie on their sofas gawping with zero critical thinking — goggling in awe at the empty splendiferousness of it all.

"Will you look at that our Vera?"
"Inne handsome… inshe gorgeous!"
"That dress!"
"Now why did her ladyship have to die?"
"Oh my! Tilly has finally been accepted by Society."

Downton Abbey is the prime example.

These things are fucking turds with fake gold leaf presented as works of art.
At the end of the day they are all about making sure the current establishment structure is kept solidly in place.
To quote Edmund Blackadder, "Toffs at the top, the plebs at the bottom."

I am just sorry that it seems to have floated over to the USA… Didn't you have a revolution to end this sort of thing? 😉


Aaaaand… next time, I'll tell you how I really feel about shite like this! 🤣
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Easy answer: It is written by Julian Alexander Kitchener-Fellowes, Baron Fellowes of West Stafford.

You never get any engagement with genuine issues of the time.

A simple formula:
The super rich toffs float over the steaming human misery — the only time you see the proles are when they come to tug their forelocks and doff their caps as they mumble "God bless your lordship…" in rural accents.

Meanwhile the intended audience lie on their sofas gawping with zero critical thinking — goggling in awe at the empty splendiferousness of it all.

"Will you look at that our Vera?"
"Inne handsome… inshe gorgeous!"
"That dress!"
"Now why did her ladyship have to die?"
"Oh my! Tilly has finally been accepted by Society."

Downton Abbey is the prime example.

These things are fucking turds with fake gold leaf presented as works of art.
At the end of the day they are all about making sure the current establishment structure is kept solidly in place.
To quote Edmund Blackadder, "Toffs at the top, the plebs at the bottom."

I am just sorry that it seems to have floated over to the USA… Didn't you have a revolution to end this sort of thing? 😉


Aaaaand… next time, I'll tell you how I really feel about shite like this! 🤣
Honestly I think you are being harsh at least about Downton Abbey. :) You see there is this house full Lords and Ladies and their easy living lifestyle is threatened by changing times and the fact that there is not enough money in the world to sustain such a lifestyle indefinitely without putting forth effort, and we get to see their struggles. I think the best part of this kind of story is about the help who more realistically deal with their role of a life story centered on 24/7 service, helping those poor rich folk get dressed, prepare, consume their meals and wipe their asses for them. Don’t get me wrong, I see some truths in this historical depiction/fiction about the human condition and lap it up. And no, it it very far from being a complete picture of the human condition but there are glimpses as best as a story like this can be told. :D