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OMGOMGOMG! That season ending to Silo! Are the rest of you totally confused?

So when Juliette got over the hill, did it look like a maze of silos spread out across the parched landscape? Was the parched landscape being piped into her helmet? What is the city in the distance? And more importantly, since the bodies of the previous sheriff and his wife were a hologram - where did they go?
NOT confused. Loved every nanosecond! Her moment of "Oh my God. We never stood a chance!" down to knowing right where to place the old sheriff's badge. No wonder all the others "cleaned" but she didn't. Like Bernard said, "she knows".

To answer your spoiler questions: It was a maze of several other silos. Hers being #18 of many.


She was being fed the lush green landscape in her visor. IT was the lie! IMO why everyone else "cleaned". The cleaners wanted everyone watching to see the beautiful landscape but it was a lie. The bodies were not a hologram. The fake lush green landscape was covering her from seeing reality: the bodies in the toxic, barren landscape. This was the series ending's big twist. I also think this is why she fell. Have to watch again but think she tripped over a body part near the tree. She then figured out the lie she was being fed through her visor and left the sheriff's badge on his body.

It's going to be a long wait to 2024. May dive into the books.
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OMGOMGOMG! That season ending to Silo! Are the rest of you totally confused?

So when Juliette got over the hill, did it look like a maze of silos spread out across the parched landscape? Was the parched landscape being piped into her helmet? What is the city in the distance? And more importantly, since the bodies of the previous sheriff and his wife were a hologram - where did they go?

The verdant landscape has to be the illusion. The view of the verdant landscape was identical, down to the flock of birds flying in formation to the recording on the drive. Holston succumbed to something, and I would wonder if animals could survive, why did Holston succumb after removing his helmet? Also, the verdant landscape distorts as she puts the badge where Holston’s body would be, so them not showing in the helmet is the lie. Finally, the verdant landscape has a somewhat over-saturated, unreal look to it. From what was shown, it does look like those sent to clean are the ones getting the illusion, not the residents of the silo. A somewhat twisted form of mercy, perhaps?

There was the shot of the folks from mechanical bringing up tape for Juliette’s suit. Is this the real difference between Holston and Juliette? Bernard also makes a couple interesting comments as he watches her outside:

1) That it will “soon be over”, suggesting he at least believes that the outside is still toxic. Doesn’t seem like something he’d say if he knew that the footage on the drive was real? Considering he has key 18 and it was drive 18, and he was head of IT and the ”janitors”, I would be surprised if he didn’t know what was on the drive. He certainly saw the footage when Juliette tried to broadcast it.
2) As she places the badge on Holston, he says “she knows”. He then runs to the server room, after which her suit stops showing her the landscape. This suggests that he not only knows what she is seeing in the helmet, but also that she isn’t believing what she sees, which further suggests what she is seeing is false.

It absolutely looks like a bunch of silos to me. Yes.

My take here is that while those in power are certainly “ends justify the means” types, but they are also believers in what they are doing. The season spent so much time rubbing our noses in the conspiracy, I never stopped to think that perhaps they were also being truthful. i.e. the conspiracy was real in trying to keep people docile and compliant, but also done in the belief that it was necessary to ride out what was outside. Last thing you’d want if the outside was toxic is everyone demanding to go out based on an illusion given to those who go out to clean, so Bernard would be just as insistent about getting the drive back either way.

It's going to be a long wait to 2024. May dive into the books.

I downloaded them to my Kindle already…
The verdant landscape has to be the illusion. The view of the verdant landscape was identical, down to the flock of birds flying in formation to the recording on the drive.

There was the shot of the folks from mechanical bringing up tape for Juliette’s suit. Is this the real difference between Holston and Juliette? Bernard also makes a couple interesting comments as he watches her outside:

1) That it will “soon be over”, suggesting he at least believes that the outside is still toxic. Doesn’t seem like something he’d say if he knew that the footage on the drive was real? Considering he has key 18 and it was drive 18, and he was head of IT and the ”janitors”, I would be surprised if he didn’t know what was on the drive. He certainly saw the footage when Juliette tried to broadcast it.
2) As she places the badge on Holston, he says “she knows”. He then runs to the server room, after which her suit stops showing her the landscape. This suggests that he not only knows what she is seeing in the helmet, but also that she isn’t believing what she sees, which further suggests what she is seeing is false.

It absolutely looks like a bunch of silos to me. Yes.

I downloaded them to my Kindle already…
Not sure if you read my spoiler above, but you're saying much of my take as well.

Bernard knew. He most definitely knew what was real and not. Thankfully, Juliette got the good tape for her suit. This, IMO, is what saved her and gave her a chance to survive. But she won't have much time.
There was the shot of the folks from mechanical bringing up tape for Juliette’s suit. Is this the real difference between Holston and Juliette? Bernard also makes a couple interesting comments as he watches her outside:

Bernard knew. He most definitely knew what was real and not. Thankfully, Juliette got the good tape for her suit. This, IMO, is what saved her and gave her a chance to survive. But she won't have much time.

This! The tape made the difference. Always has, and that’s why Juliette originally got in such deep shit for stealing the tape.

I want to know now what it is that Sims does. He said several times to different people (and the mayor shushed him) that they don’t know what he does.
This! The tape made the difference. Always has, and that’s why Juliette originally got in such deep shit for stealing the tape.

I want to know now what it is that Sims does. He said several times to different people (and the mayor shushed him) that they don’t know what he does.

Sadly, I was a bit distracted in the moments where they were showing/discussing the tape in the final episode, so I only barely caught on they swapped it out.

Sims was saying that to folks who didn’t know what was really behind the Janitor door. So ultimately, what Benard and Sims represent is the shadow government of the silo. Sims effectively being the “enforcer” at the moment. It is a bit ironic, since by the end of the season it seems like an awful lot of people have a pretty good idea what he is and does, and that he’s the one pulling Judicial’s chain and not the other way around.

For me the question now is: what communication exists between the silos if any?

I’ve read up through Holston’s cleaning in Wool now, and it’s interesting how the show manages to hold onto the secret of the suit’s visor. In the book, the reader is given the information in the first act as Holston realizes the helmet has a screen embedded in it after he takes it off, and sees the real landscape. It is a change, but an interesting one, because it leaves the mystery of not knowing if Bernard is being truthful or not up until the big reveal at the end of the season. It also leaves Holston and Allison’s fate up in the air for the whole season. Small changes leading up to large differences in pacing, payoff, and so on. Neat. I’m looking forward to seeing what else is different to be honest. Good adaptations in my mind are not word-for-word faithful, but rather faithful to the tone, themes, and characters.

One reason I am not a fan of Lynch’s Dune, despite watching it a lot as a kid. Once I read the book and saw a very different story about Paul feeling trapped by his abilities, rather than empowered by it, and ultimately being a bit of a coward as the later books flesh out… it’s kinda hard to enjoy it being distorted into a power fantasy / white savior trope.

Bernard knew. He most definitely knew what was real and not. Thankfully, Juliette got the good tape for her suit. This, IMO, is what saved her and gave her a chance to survive. But she won't have much time.

Oh, I agree but I didn’t want to just outright say it. More lay the evidence on the table for Alli.
I'm ok with Silo but I find it (shocking original thought ahead) too closterphobic. I don't know how long it's run has been but I'll watch an episode or 2 then completely forget about it, later see another episode available in my Up Next and then roll the dice in my head and more times than not the dice land on look for something else to watch. It's not quite hate watch material for me, but it's not exactly something I get excited about.

I feel like lately I've been on this kick of trying to force myself to watch shows others are raving about partially helped by the fact I can't find anything I actually want to watch.
Re: Silo
I love the entire cast. They and the dystopian universe, keep me returning for more.

I'm so sad it's over. I'm having trouble getting into anything else right now.
We're up to season 4 of a series called Suits. It's about a Manhattan corporate law firm engaging in various internal and external law firm/legal activities. It's funny and decent entertainment. Realistic? Eh, probably not. But still an entertaining watch having funny characters.
Only partway through but season 2 of The Bear is 🔥. One of the episodes inspired us to book a trip to Copenhagen.
We're up to season 4 of a series called Suits. It's about a Manhattan corporate law firm engaging in various internal and external law firm/legal activities. It's funny and decent entertainment. Realistic? Eh, probably not. But still an entertaining watch having funny characters.
It may not have influenced you to watch the series, since you didn’t mention her, but I bet some people gave it a try because Meghan Markle was in it.
It may not have influenced you to watch the series, since you didn’t mention her, but I bet some people gave it a try because Meghan Markle was in it.

That was news to me. Halfway through the first episode I was asking my wife, "Isn't that Meghan Markel?" She wasn't sure, either (until we looked her up). It took me a few episodes to get into Suits, at first thinking it was kind of dumb and superficial. But I got hooked after the first season. I really like the Louis Litt character.
I've lost track of this thread. Here's here a little bit of catchup...

  • Better Call Saul - I still have 3-4 episodes to go till the end. It's been great. But if I'm being honest, the comments about it being better than Breaking Bad leave me completely bemothered*.
  • Silo - I thought it was fantastic.
  • Ted Lasso - I loved it start to finish. I know some think it went off the rails, but I enjoyed the direction they took the show.
  • Foundation - I enjoyed the first season. I'm way more excited about the second season. The Cleon story has grabbed me.

* Bemothered - I came across a video this week of old medieval words that are no longer in use, but should be brought back. Bemothered means confused or perplexed. I happened to like that word, so I've been working it into conversations all week. 😂 I was also a fan of 'russin' which is the meal between supper and dinner and 'doomsman' which means judge.
Since I have Max for this month, started The Tourist, an Australian/BBC show about a guy we see driving through the Outback, being harassed by a large truck, ends up with amnesia (I won’t say how) and discovers someone besides the truck which he does not remember is trying to kill him. It’s only 6, 1 hour episodes, so far so good. :)

Since I have Max for this month, started The Tourist, an Australian/BBC show about a guy we see driving through the Outback, being harassed by a large truck, ends up with amnesia (I won’t say how) and discovers someone besides the truck which he does not remember is trying to kill him. It’s only 6, 1 hour episodes, so far so good. :)

Just finished, 👍🏼
We are keeping tabs on the new season of Foundation, but it's turned into a bit of a hot mess. A very pretty mess, but a mess.

I was expecting something more in the vein of storytelling of His Dark Materials, Chernobyl or Succession. A character drama set across multiple time periods, rather than something trying to mimic Star Wars. That said, I still think the best addition is Dawn/Day/Dusk. No better way to show the stagnation of the empire than the quite literal genetic stagnation of its leadership, and:
resistance from Dusk as Day attempts to break the stagnation in Season 2
We are keeping tabs on the new season of Foundation, but it's turned into a bit of a hot mess. A very pretty mess, but a mess.
Thanks for the spoiler tag. I haven’t started the new season yet. I’ve gotten spoiled, and will save a few episodes so I can binge, and not worry about when it’s next on. I’m doing the same with Only Murders in the Building.


If you haven’t caught it, try Full Circle on Max. You can binge the entire limited series at once. Extremely good.
Tokyo Vice (2022-) I like the scenes of Tokyo as I used to run around there, but the story is not clicking for me. A young American has gone to University in Japan and wants to become a crime reporter for a Japanese newspaper. He runs into some cultural challenges while investigating some crime. :)

Tokyo Vice (2022-) I like the scenes of Tokyo as I used to run around there, but the story is not clicking for me. A young American has gone to University in Japan and wants to become a crime reporter for a Japanese newspaper. He runs into some cultural challenges while investigating some crime. :)

This did not click for me. :(


We just started Lincoln Lawyer TV series. This looks very promising, I was immediately comfortable with the story, I like court room dramas, the lead actor, and LA as a setting. I keep asking, is he living in Bosch’s house? ;)
Anyone watching The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart? I don't want to spoil anything so will just say episode 6 was intense.