What’s on TV?

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Thomas Veil

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I just started Midnight Mass. A little slow to get going, and holy crap is that village depressing...but it reminds me a bit of one of those Stephen King stories where a town with dark secrets is about to experience some sort of karmic punishment. I could be wrong.


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I just started Midnight Mass. A little slow to get going, and holy crap is that village depressing...but it reminds me a bit of one of those Stephen King stories where a town with dark secrets is about to experience some sort of karmic punishment. I could be wrong.
I think it’s a fair comparison. They just don’t have much in the way of dark secrets, just a lot of religious fervor.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
Anyone watching The Morning Show? This last episode was a bit nutty. I’m having trouble liking any of the characters.


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Anyone watching The Morning Show? This last episode was a bit nutty. I’m having trouble liking any of the characters.
I have been watching it. The idea seems to be that most characters are the “win at all costs” type of personality. Then they are all jammed into a pressure cooker. I enjoyed the first season more, but this is still ok. Yes, the characters are pretty loathsome - but those kinds of personalities resemble a lot of people I’ve met in real life, so it’s interesting to me.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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I just started Midnight Mass. A little slow to get going, and holy crap is that village depressing...but it reminds me a bit of one of those Stephen King stories where a town with dark secrets is about to experience some sort of karmic punishment. I could be wrong.

Flanagan definitely channels King, Midnight Mass is packed full of references to the latter's work. It isn't totally surprising, he's worked directly with King material a few times: Doctor Sleep, Gerald's Game, and King has really praised Flanagan's non-King based work.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
On a free trial of You Tube TV, watching MLB Network: Tampa Bay at Boston heading into the 12th inning of an ALDS game 3 stuck at 4-4 with both teams now apparently trying to prove they can use their entire bullpen before anyone goes home.

There have been a few impressive outfield catches, some fun base stealing (and one effort that didn't pan out), a pair of homers for each team so far, what's not to like? At least the game started at 4pm so it's not past my bedtime yet... 🥳

Thomas Veil

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...Tampa Bay at Boston heading into the 12th inning of an ALDS game 3 stuck at 4-4 with both teams now apparently trying to prove they can use their entire bullpen before anyone goes home.
That's the fun of baseball playoffs: when they start throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
That's the fun of baseball playoffs: when they start throwing in everything but the kitchen sink.

That game was a lot of fun to watch. Boston finally won it 6-4, not without a lot of drama over a weird ground-rule double that had caromed off the shoulder of an outfielder and then went over the wall. Never seen that before... Tampa Bay probably not too happy about the runner not being allowed to score, umps said all they could award was 2 bases and the lead runner had been on first so they put him back at third and he was left on base at end of the inning. The TB manager shrugged it off with "well that's the rule..." but I had visions of how if it happened to Boston instead with that crowd so amped up in Fenway, there would have been WWIII on the field. Well the umps did look at all the video angles to make sure the outfielder didn't put the ball out of play intentionally. Heck of a game. Tampa will be gunning for the Red Sox tomorrow...


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That game was a lot of fun to watch. Boston finally won it 6-4, not without a lot of drama over a weird ground-rule double that had caromed off the shoulder of an outfielder and then went over the wall. Never seen that before... Tampa Bay probably not too happy about the runner not being allowed to score, umps said all they could award was 2 bases and the lead runner had been on first so they put him back at third and he was left on base at end of the inning. The TB manager shrugged it off with "well that's the rule..." but I had visions of how if it happened to Boston instead with that crowd so amped up in Fenway, there would have been WWIII on the field. Well the umps did look at all the video angles to make sure the outfielder didn't put the ball out of play intentionally. Heck of a game. Tampa will be gunning for the Red Sox tomorrow...
One of the really unique things about baseball - ground-rules doubles and the like. Never know what a weird bounce can do to the outcome!


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
At least on the surface, it has a bit in common with Preacher: horror/thriller genre, some implied supernatural elements, obviously the religious theme and nature of the main/one-of-the-main character.

Tonally they're actually a bit different, Preacher is a super dark comedy, it's vulgar, over-the-top action, visually absurd (and I mean all that in the most positive way :D), where Midnight Mass is a slow burn, realistically grounded, it's a drama first, while Preacher is very "comic book-y".

Fun Fact: the main character in Flanagan's movie Hush (starring/co-written by his wife, who's also a star of Midnight Mass), is an author, who's last big blockbuster novel was titled, well, yeah, you guessed it ... Midnight Mass :D

Just finished Midnight Mass (2021 Netflix)- Thumbs up horror story with some caveats- it’s slow, lots of talking, philosophizing, and Bible quoting. Some of this is intriguing and thought provoking, especially talk about living and dieing, what it means to live and die, and one character who is the Muslim Sheriff relates his sobering experience of 9-11 and forward.

Five episodes to set up, two with some quickening events. Seven episodes make it drag, talk, talk, talk. I was not expecting this ending, but was satisfied with it, despite a point, found in second spoiler. I expect some church people hated this, see spoiler. :)

Vampire Story

It is very interesting how some primary tenants of Christianity mesh so well with vampirism, drinking the blood of Christ, resurrection, life ever lasting. 🤔
Did the Head Blood Sucker survive?? 🤔
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Just finished Midnight Mass (2021 Netflix)- Thumbs up horror story with some caveats- it’s slow, lots of talking, philosophizing, and Bible quoting. Some of this is intriguing and thought provoking, especially talk about living and dieing, what it means to live and die, and one character who is the Muslim Sheriff relates his sobering experience of 9-11 and forward.

Five episodes to set up, two with some quickening events. Seven episodes make it drag, talk, talk, talk. I was not expecting this ending, but was satisfied with it, despite a point, found in second spoiler. I expect some church people hated this, see spoiler. :)

Vampire Story

It is very interesting how some primary tenants of Christianity mesh so well with vampirism, consuming the blood of Christ, resurrection, life ever lasting. 🤔
Did the Head Blood Sucker survive?? 🤔
In response to your second spoiler, see my comments in the religion thread.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
@Huntn That last question (in spoiler block #2) doesn't get answered, only by a character ruminating that is "seems unlikely".

Evil S02E13, season finale. Well, it's about goddamn time. :D


Whatwerewe talk'n about?
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The Misty Mountains
@Huntn That last question (in spoiler block #2) doesn't get answered, only by a character ruminating that is "seems unlikely".

Evil S02E13, season finale. Well, it's about goddamn time. :D
Midnight Mass Spoilers all over this post. STOP, FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION. :D

Honestly the story ended better than I was anticipating, much better than a completely downer ending. This is a big picture comment, because on the local scene, it’s a complete and utter tragedy.
  • I liked that many traditional standards of vampirism appeared in this story.
  • I really liked that when turned, the new vampires maintained some ability of being good/moral, not mindless amoral creatures, preying on others, bent on surviving at all costs, not tied to Master.
  • When the priest first came back he was already turned, yet I think I remember him stepping outside in the daytime. It was during the last half of the story, he showed his evil assistant, that his flesh burned in the sun, and they went to just midnight masses.
  • Ironically, it was people conflating their religion with vampirism that led them astray. I can easily imagine this when it comes to faith, who know how far you can go, how much distortion can cloud one’s judgement.
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It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I’m two episodes in on Scenes From a Marriage. I’m liking it, the second ep was pretty brutal but felt real.

shadow puppet

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4th padded cell on the right
I was enjoying The Lost Symbol on Peacock. But only the first (3) episodes are free and I don't want to buy a subscription to Peacock to watch the rest. I may do the $4.99 fee once the entire show has aired so I can binge the rest.


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I was enjoying The Lost Symbol on Peacock. But only the first (3) episodes are free and I don't want to buy a subscription to Peacock to watch the rest. I may do the $4.99 fee once the entire show has aired so I can binge the rest.
I pay the $10/month for Peacock and am somehow not annoyed about paying it. We love the NBC comedies and they have BSG and Dr Death was entertaining. Pretty polished streaming service out of the gate.

Thomas Veil

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Well, I finished Midnight Mass, and here's what I liked or noted:

  • Yeah, it got off to a really slow start, but boy did they make up for it in the end.
  • Characters were well written. Bev Keane, for example, gave out the wrong vibes right away, but at first she was just annoying, then detestably pious, finally going on to full-blown religious mania. (Question for the group: how many times during the movie did you want to bitch-slap that woman, or at least tell her to STFU?)
  • The Father Paul character is nicely complex. He too gives off bad vibes from the beginning, though you're darned if you can figure out why.
  • Riley reminds me a lot of El Diablo in "Suicide Squad": a haunted soul who regrets the horrible thing he did and ends up redeeming himself via self-sacrifice.
  • I wonder how differently the movie would've gone if Erin had obeyed Riley and gone to the mainland instead of turning back.
  • I like that these vampires' weaknesses are unique: they can't handle sunlight but they obviously aren't afraid of the cross.
  • Every vampire story has to have a scene where someone tries to convince someone else that there's an actual, real vampire out there without sounding crazy. This one was handled very nicely in the scene between Erin and Dr. Gunning. It felt very organic, not contrived at all.
  • Anybody else pick up on why Mildred Gunning (the doctor's mom) ran out of the church and told her daughter never to go back? I think it's because both she and Father Paul had previously suffered from dementia. Somehow that made it possible for her to sense that Father Paul was dealing with evil.
  • THE big point of the story was how easily people can, in their minds, interpret anything, almost anything at all, as "God's will". Father Paul is of course by far the biggest and worst example. Confronted by evil, he wants so badly to convince himself that what he's bringing to his congregation is a gift. That gift is eternal life and the removal of bodily corruption, although he of all people should know that is not the way it works.
  • Despite this, they found ways to make him sympathetic, not just by virtue of his enthusiasm, but by the way you find out at the end that what he really was hoping to achieve was some sort of perverse "normal" life with Mildred and Sarah Gunning.
  • I'm not sure what all the dead cats with the broken necks had to do with anything.
  • I half expected Sheriff Hassan to do what cops usually do in these movies when you try to tell them about a vampire: either laugh at them or yell at them. But the sheriff does neither, instead explaining to Erin how no one will take his word because they have never accepted him.
  • Ripping the "angel"'s wings was a genius move.
  • We never do see whether the "angel" makes it to the mainland, this leaving the story loosely open for a sequel. The return of Leeza's paralysis, however, suggests that the "angel" died, since it was the source of all the miracles.
  • The whole thing reminds me a little of "'Salem's Lot", wherein a vampire establishes a beachhead colony in a small town. The story even ends in a similar way.


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T!
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Main Camera
Well, I finished Midnight Mass, and here's what I liked or noted:

Good list / observations, I'll respond in the spoiler tag :)

  • I like that these vampires' weaknesses are unique: they can't handle sunlight but they obviously aren't afraid of the cross.

    They were very much written as having something more like a virus, weird/alien, but not having a "supernatural" angle, being light sensitive is biological weakness, a cross is spritual.
  • Every vampire story has to have a scene where someone tries to convince someone else that there's an actual, real vampire out there without sounding crazy. This one was handled very nicely in the scene between Erin and Dr. Gunning. It felt very organic, not contrived at all.

    They didn't even drop the V word (not unlike Walking Dead not using the Z word).
  • Anybody else pick up on why Mildred Gunning (the doctor's mom) ran out of the church and told her daughter never to go back? I think it's because both she and Father Paul had previously suffered from dementia. Somehow that made it possible for her to sense that Father Paul was dealing with evil.

    It was after the sermon about being an army, about using force to deliver the word of god, I think tonally and spiritually, she knew those weren't the words of the man she once knew.
  • I'm not sure what all the dead cats with the broken necks had to do with anything.

    That was the vampire chowing down, I think it was just supposed to suggest something horrific was going on.
  • We never do see whether the "angel" makes it to the mainland, this leaving the story loosely open for a sequel. The return of Leeza's paralysis, however, suggests that the "angel" died, since it was the source of all the miracles.

    A bunch of the actors are going to be in Flanagan's new show in '22, and so far, he hasn't done a sequel, so I think this story is 100% done, but even "in story" you're right on with the legs.

    The interesting thing about that scene, is THAT actually implied some kind of supernatural connection - however, the doctor also said, without being full on converted, you would naturally revert back, and the sun might even burn out the "bad blood".

    So one more time, a nice juggling of science vs. faith.
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