What are you doing today?

Had an early (for me) morning, went to immigration and got the yearly stamp to prove Im still a filthy foreigner.
A bit of exercise, a bit of gardening a bit of rain. Does seem to be the story of my weeks holiday. How terribly exciting!
Across the street is a house that's been under-renovation for the last year, and so the feral cats have set up shop. This means we've got a few adolescent cats trying to eke out an existence in the neighborhood. And, this also means that my wife is feeding them, and I'm hoping we can get them into humane traps, so we can get them spayed/neutered and get their shots as part of a county-level program.

Last night, a coyote was looping through the neighborhood, and happened on our clan of cats, and so he gave out his best—"Come're there's food" yips.

So, I went out there, and yelled at him. My neighbor who was outside trying to clean out his car—he's got a car-sick toddler— thinks this is hilarious, because I scolded the coyote like a bad dog.
I won't hear it! Baseball is all grace and cleverness and daring and... yeah sometimes scoreless after 14 innings can be a drag, OK... :)

I used to go to the college games and do homework in the stands. It was great. I'd get a little sun, get through the reading, and eat a hot-dog. I also like scoring games, using a system my uncle taught me.
Got to hang out a bit with an old friend for the first time in like forever. His wife had left with the kids to visit her parents (and their pool) for a couple of days. Everybody wins!

Managed to order an AirTag 4 pack, 30% off. Now watching England-Denmark. Busy day. But good. Weather aside (hey, it is what it is).
a nice accidental ride to Powell butte in PORTLAND OR. I meant to go to this mount tabor and I missed one turn (I guess I was on auto pilot to the bike path) then I forgot to turn again to get back on track so we decided to go up Powell butte. we took the smoother path but till roots and a few turns made it hards on the tandem. but we managed and made it to the top.
Day two of my holiday. Weather is rubbish. Already thinking I’d be better off at work.
You still holidaying in the UK? You should know by now surely that holiday weather in the UK is for shite...

I still remember the number of times the week before I'd go away it would he hot sunny weather, only for it to turn into a torrential downpour for the 7 days I was on holiday only to return when it brightened up again...
Reminded yesterday as to why I hate our developers. Ticket comes in on ZenDesk for "We need a Sql Server database of 10GB"

Er, OK, some details would be helpful like where, name, permissions, what's going to connect etc.

Jesus, would it kill people to think for a moment before creating these things?

I love my job...I love my job...
I’ve just completed my final plans for my trip next week. Saved myself over $1,000 when I discovered that I can easily take the train between each of my destinations in Florida! And there is nothing I prefer to taking the train. With the money I saved by taking the train I decided to get a fancy hotel my first night in Tampa so that my daughter doesn’t have to worry about me the following day. She’ll still pick me up at the airport when I arrive, but we’ll spend the evening downtown. I’m really getting excited!
You still holidaying in the UK? You should know by now surely that holiday weather in the UK is for shite...

I still remember the number of times the week before I'd go away it would he hot sunny weather, only for it to turn into a torrential downpour for the 7 days I was on holiday only to return when it brightened up again...
Its actually turned out better than forecast. But with Covid there is no option for travel (that I would consider)
I used to go to the college games and do homework in the stands. It was great. I'd get a little sun, get through the reading, and eat a hot-dog. I also like scoring games, using a system my uncle taught me.

Yeah, I love baseball, it's like going to park for a non-sporting event, you know, just to hang out, eat, drink, maybe hit up the batting cages ... oh there's a game going? OK, sure, I'll watch for a while :D

I've seen the Pirates play quite a few times, in fact, much of my pro sports experiences are in Pittsburgh.
As a 10 year old I was very fortunate to attend many games at Jarry Park in Montreal during the first season of the Expos. My grandfather worked for the main owner so I was able to sit in the first row behind Montreal's dugout. Wonderful view and as I was within hearing range of all the players going to and from the batters box and the field, I was introduced to a great deal of colourful language.

Those were simpler times. I had a morning paper route in the suburbs and delivered to one of the teams pitchers. He lived in a simple 3 bedroom row house like I did. I attended games for a number of years but things were never the same after the team relocated to the cold sterile cement Olympic Stadium.
You still holidaying in the UK? You should know by now surely that holiday weather in the UK is for shite...

I still remember the number of times the week before I'd go away it would he hot sunny weather, only for it to turn into a torrential downpour for the 7 days I was on holiday only to return when it brightened up again...

Silly happy sigh.

Now, that is one of my favourite adjectives for such things; somehow, it is more graphically emphatic in its descriptive power than "shit" can ever quite manage to be.
Reminded yesterday as to why I hate our developers. Ticket comes in on ZenDesk for "We need a Sql Server database of 10GB"

Er, OK, some details would be helpful like where, name, permissions, what's going to connect etc.

Jesus, would it kill people to think for a moment before creating these things?

I love my job...I love my job...

As a developer, don't think the problem is confined to you. I get "the site is slow". How slow? Slower than what? It looks fine to me. Slow since when? Or "The member can't see their claims". Ok, which member and which claims?

For my own mental sanity, I've long since come to the conclusion that they know no more about my job than I do about theirs. I've had to ask some dumb questions in my time, so I just send something super nice asking for more details. It almost always goes very well.

Now the buttheads at the Help Desk on the other hand SHOULD know better. I know because we've told them over and over what information we need in the ticket. THEY should be asking the questions we've told them to ask and get those details in the ticket. They should know better. And most of them do. All except for "Sally". "Sally" has been with the help desk for years. 'Sally" is useless. "Sally" is still around and no one knows why because there have been many complaints about "Sally" over the years, yet she's still putting in "The site is slow". And "Sally" is NOT easy on the eyes, so it's certainly not that!

I feel your pain. 😁
As a developer, don't think the problem is confined to you. I get "the site is slow". How slow? Slower than what? It looks fine to me. Slow since when? Or "The member can't see their claims". Ok, which member and which claims?

For my own mental sanity, I've long since come to the conclusion that they know no more about my job than I do about theirs. I've had to ask some dumb questions in my time, so I just send something super nice asking for more details. It almost always goes very well.

Now the buttheads at the Help Desk on the other hand SHOULD know better. I know because we've told them over and over what information we need in the ticket. THEY should be asking the questions we've told them to ask and get those details in the ticket. They should know better. And most of them do. All except for "Sally". "Sally" has been with the help desk for years. 'Sally" is useless. "Sally" is still around and no one knows why because there have been many complaints about "Sally" over the years, yet she's still putting in "The site is slow". And "Sally" is NOT easy on the eyes, so it's certainly not that!

I feel your pain. 😁

One of our other Developers had never even heard of ZenDesk and how we use it (it's only been in production for 8 months now!) When I pointed out we've spoken about it enough times in our all hands staff meetings we have bi-weekly he responded with "I tend to zone out of those".

So I mentioned that comment to our shared VP today - "this is what happens when people think they don't need to care about the business," was his response followed with "Yeah, let me speak to him about that."

He's also going to speak to the other dev about that ticket I mentioned yesterday thankfully...

I suppose I ask for too much: Having worn Management, Development, security, sys admin and Data hats during my ~35 year career I guess I try to think of everything before speaking and be cognizant of other folks needs. Folk today probably specialize in one small area and so just don't understand...?