What are you doing today?

I’ve not had a haircut since the pandemic started. Been cutting my own (with a bit of help from Mrs AFB ). Beard trimmer does quite a good job. Don’t think I’ll go back. That’s another £100 a year I’m saving!

Today is the last day of my 7 day AW challenge. Every time I get in front my friend goes and does some more exercise. We’ve both maxed our points, but I want to beat him on calories as well. Have done for the last 6 days. I’m at 352% of my move goal. No wonder I just weighed in this morning at my lightest ever. A nats over 11 stone. It’s nice to be slim for the first time in my life.
I've not had a haircut since maybe February of 2020? Who the hell am I going to impress down in the kitchen? Plus having some longer hair helps me forget that I'm still half bald. I last trimmed my beard June 14th, 2020.

That said, I've had about enough of both. I saw some coworkers earlier this week for the first time since this started. I got nothing but compliments. But I remember when a friend in college talked me into getting a perm. I got tons of compliments then too. Until I cut it all off. Then all the "oh, that looks good" turned into "Yeah, that's MUCH better". So I no longer trust "oh, that looks good" and just assume they're being nice.
This you?

Back when I worked in support, I used to make a point of wearing this shirt, when visiting friends (and more importantly, family of friends):


Did. Not. Work.

When I went to college we had an introductory math class a few weeks in the beginning of the first semester to basically fill in the worst gaps due to the varying quality of math classes across the different high schools we were coming from. The idea was to then get a smoother start of the "real" college math classes. One day some guy stuck his head into the classroom where my dorm buddy's math introduction was in session, and asked the professor "Peter, did they get YOU to teach the introduction class?" and the professor replied "Yeah I am going to do what I did when my mother told me to do the dishes when I was a kid. When I had broken enough glasses she stopped asking me to do it."

So you could try "fixing" their computers in a way that encourages them to ask someone else instead.
That’s another £100 a year I’m saving!
You just reminded me how much I am going to miss the price of haircuts here. For reference, 100GBP would buy 28 haircuts from my barber, with a ridiculous tip. (i.e. I normally given about double what his sign says)
Of course, now I get asked to "fix" other problems:

I was woken up being asked to go "deal with" a snek across at MIL's house (not actually in her house... this time).

Looks like it was another green pit viper, but they're apparently very hard for mere mortals to identify properly anyway, so the outcome was pretty much inevitable.

So you could try "fixing" their computers in a way that encourages them to ask someone else instead.

After years of being on call, my advice to new people is: "When I get a priority-3 or 4 ticket, I just ignore it till the next day. About half the time they'll have figured it out by then and I can just close the ticket. That said, I do not advise you do this. Answer your tickets and don't intentionally ignore them. That's bad. I'm bad. Don't be bad like I am."
For men.

The ladies pay a sort of gender tax.
Aain't that the truth. Never understood how a smaller pair of ladies pants/trousers made with less material than a gentlemans much larger size ends up costing more.

Even stupid things like socks. I have large "plates of meat", so I invariably buy men's short socks over ladies because they're like half the price sometime...!
Aain't that the truth. Never understood how a smaller pair of ladies pants/trousers made with less material than a gentlemans much larger size ends up costing more.

Even stupid things like socks. I have large "plates of meat", so I invariably buy men's short socks over ladies because they're like half the price sometime...!


I remember a former co-worker would spend on products like the first item above, even though it was virtually indistinguishable from the second. She also spent quite a bit on a pair of sandals that were clearly flip-flops that looked like somebody used the bedazzler on them.

I am acquainted with some very fashionable women who know the men’s white t-shirts are the ones to get.
That’s technically illegal here. Pricing may not be based on gender. Progress!

Basing it on length of hair on the other hand is perfectly legal…
For men.

The ladies pay a sort of gender tax.

My hairdresser works quick and cheap:) I still miss my dreadlocks, but balding has it's advantages.
That’s technically illegal here. Pricing may not be based on gender. Progress!

Basing it on length of hair on the other hand is perfectly legal…

Actually, as it happens, I have worn my hair short all of my life.

I am acquainted with some very fashionable women who know the men’s white t-shirts are the ones to get.


My mother and I had both worked that particular one out, decades ago.
Oh yeah, that's pretty slim, as long as you feel good/healthy.
Oh I do. About six years ago I was up to 16 stone 6lb. But I’ve been overweight all my adult life. Well until the last couple of years. But I only took up exercise in the autumn. Just build it up. I’m happy with my weight now.