What are you doing today?

Lost on penalties. Gutted.

And what is especially disappointing is how Gareth Southgate - drawing on his own experience as a player - had coached and drilled the team (in 2018) so well, that penalties didn't stress them - in fact, they won a couple of penalty shoot outs - but it appears that this lesson may have to be learned all over again.

Having said that, while England - and it was an exceptionally impressive achievement to reach the final of an international competition - played extremely well in the first half, overall, Italy were the better team.
Since we're rainbow EV warriors now ... we watched the Formula E in NYC, just amazing, so, well, odd with the stunning performance, and nearly no noise.
Oh, we ordered some new blinds, these lightly patterned, roman style shades, got one (of 4) in yesterday so hung it up, looks amazing, the new bedroom design is exceeding my expectations.
we went on a nice mountain bike ride on our tandem I had a route all mapped out. well it Wass a 20 mile ride to the top. doing down the map had us go on a fire road. it was Fine for awhile then it got way to tricky for a tandem. so we walked it down the rest of the way a bit crazy but not too bad. so the map took us to another tail going down but it was for hiking. so stupid me figured we would walk the tandem down. well it was ok for a bit but it got worse and worse. but it seemed going back up with be impossible. we had 2 foot drops with roots we had to get the tandem down my wife was having a real fun time of it. someone coming up told us there were steep stains and it was like great. people coming down realized we were having issues and when we got to a really bad part right before those steep stairs. I don't think we could have gotten down them on our own. it was work for us too guys to carry the tandem down and to go around the turns till we got to the road.
we got to cross the St johns bridge and it was a fantastic view.
But this is the thing I used a app thats made to map bike rides and it chose that path even though it is a walking path. When I checked it on google choosing that path from where we were at the top to the bridge google chose that path too.; so it was a lesson for sure. that path would have been pretty hard for my wife without the bike. it was more work then riding. so we got across the bridge found a Chinese restaurant as we were a bit wobbly after getting down that trail. we had a whole battery left so we road the 15 miles back on full assist so we did not have to work too hard. luckily there was a 711 close so we both could get an energy drink after 4 dishes at the Chinese place. ti was pretty good too. 42 miles several miles of walking and over 2000 feet of climbing. I did not get pics f the worst of the trail took all my attention to get down it. you can see the stairs they were so steep and one section we had to lift the bike up high to get it around the corner.

^^^ Wow you guys sure do end up with some adventures since getting that tandem. Glad you could get some help with those stairs, they look wicked.
^^^ Wow you guys sure do end up with some adventures since getting that tandem. Glad you could get some help with those stairs, they look wicked.
ya this was a bit much. but we go everywhere we have gone mountain biking before but even the ride road that was rated for bikes had too many spots we could not manage. I did not get a picture as we got one the bridges highest point it was really cool.
Lost on penalties. Gutted.

Same, feel like shit today to be honest which I didn’t think I would. Weird how uplifting it’s been watching England in recent weeks and more than I realised.

Been staying away from news articles today as it appears to be full on negativity. Need to avoid the football thread on MR too which is usually so civil. We just aren’t popular I think so head down and get on with my work lol.
Not having had the full on drama on watching England climb up the ranks only to hash their dreams dashed on the rocky shores of Penalties, I'm doing just fine.

Another day, another reminder how hard it is for any part of the UK to be champions on the word's sports stage.
Same, feel like shit today to be honest which I didn’t think I would. Weird how uplifting it’s been watching England in recent weeks and more than I realised.

Been staying away from news articles today as it appears to be full on negativity. Need to avoid the football thread on MR too which is usually so civil. We just aren’t popular I think so head down and get on with my work lol.
I watched BTW, it was heartbreaking but also what a game England put up, something everyone over there should be quite proud of IMO.
Same, feel like shit today to be honest which I didn’t think I would. Weird how uplifting it’s been watching England in recent weeks and more than I realised.

Been staying away from news articles today as it appears to be full on negativity. Need to avoid the football thread on MR too which is usually so civil. We just aren’t popular I think so head down and get on with my work lol.
Not just gutted about the result. I’m also missing live football every night! Yes all the non football talk about racism etc is getting on my wick. Some people are idiots. That has nothing to do with football. But it’s such a shame all the good feeling has been eroded by the selfish actions of a few keyboard warrior (cowards).
My experience is usually:

I have about 8 of the same Ikea unit that goes under a table top to form a desk. I reckon I could assemble them blindfolded in the dark!

Had a shitty day at work. Some arsehole decided to use his monthly management report to do a lot of finger pointing. Unfortunately mostly in my direction. Little twerp. He'll regret that when I pull him up on his many shortcomings and mistakes at tomorrow's meeting. Wound me right up.
I have about 8 of the same Ikea unit that goes under a table top to form a desk. I reckon I could assemble them blindfolded in the dark!

Honestly, some Ikea stuff is outstanding for the price, we have a few things around here that have been solid. Hahaha, before they shipped (or we had a local-ish store), I was semi-obsessed at hitting one up in PA, on the way back home. We did, got a bunch of stuff, including these two huge rugs - and we were in my Lexus GS - where they didn't really fit. So we stuck them out the rear windows, like outriggers - the punchline: it was < 30°, in fact, it snowed, hahaha, we wound up stopping at a hotel, lugged them into the room.

Had a shitty day at work. Some arsehole decided to use his monthly management report to do a lot of finger pointing. Unfortunately mostly in my direction. Little twerp. He'll regret that when I pull him up on his many shortcomings and mistakes at tomorrow's meeting. Wound me right up.

I was hoping to hear you went all Fight Club on his ass :D

I have a funny "Don't yell at that guy" story from my months in SV ... OK, short version, "Look, I know you're catching serious shit from <manager>, and we'll work it out with you, but just a word of warning, I would NOT go off like this at that guy", "Him?", "Yeah, seriously, it would end badly ..." :ROFLMAO:
Honestly, some Ikea stuff is outstanding for the price, we have a few things around here that have been solid. Hahaha, before they shipped (or we had a local-ish store), I was semi-obsessed at hitting one up in PA, on the way back home. We did, got a bunch of stuff, including these two huge rugs - and we were in my Lexus GS - where they didn't really fit. So we stuck them out the rear windows, like outriggers - the punchline: it was < 30°, in fact, it snowed, hahaha, we wound up stopping at a hotel, lugged them into the room.

I was hoping to hear you went all Fight Club on his ass :D

I have a funny "Don't yell at that guy" story from my months in SV ... OK, short version, "Look, I know you're catching serious shit from <manager>, and we'll work it out with you, but just a word of warning, I would NOT go off like this at that guy", "Him?", "Yeah, seriously, it would end badly ..." :ROFLMAO:
My days of settling scores with my fists are long behind me. But don't worry, I'll give him a thorough tongue lashing at the meeting tomorrow, before I show him why we can't but the stock he wants as his business model makes about as much sense as a chocolate teapot. Also I'll bring the excel data to back my POV up! He couldn't if he tried. If there is one thing our boss likes its a well put together spreadsheet.
Made it to Tampa and spent a lovely evening with my daughter. In a few hours I will be boarding a train to West Palm Beach. I’m so excited! I have to find out what the neighborhood is like and whether it‘s ok to walk since it’s only a ten minute walk from here.
Finished painting and assemblying the IKEA stuff.

There were no classical hole-problems, though I have a spare screw without a free hole to fit in.

Screw looking for a free hole! :)