What are you doing today?

Finished painting and assemblying the IKEA stuff.

There were no classical hole-problems, though I have a spare screw without a free hole to fit in.

Screw looking for a free hole! :)
Exercise (pre breakfast cross trainer session)
Exercise (lunchtime walk)
Exercise (evening walk + run)

Now chilling before I go to bed.
Update version of CMS… works fine on local dev.
Deploy to staging… everything looks good.
Deploy to live… looking great!
A couple hours later - Public Affairs needs to update the calendar for a rain cancellation, and that one screen doesn’t work (everything else does)…
Assume the update broke it, and waste a lot of time with useless solutions based on that premise….
Finally realize it was a simple typo in a config file that you never noticed before… exposed because of cleared cache when you installed the update…
Yay, what a fun day 🥵
Went out for dinner with two classmates last night. We ate sushi until we were ready to burst. Sessions all day today and tomorrow which is why I’m a little scarce in the forums right now.
Went out for dinner with two classmates last night. We ate sushi until we were ready to burst. Sessions all day today and tomorrow which is why I’m a little scarce in the forums right now.

Sushi sounds great... work, on the other hand... should be outlawed in midsummer. I'm just loafing around today.
Sushi sounds great... work, on the other hand... should be outlawed in midsummer. I'm just loafing around today.
I’d hardly call it work for most of us. Definitely not work for me.

After our sessions yesterday, a friend and I went back to the hotel and sat in the pool for a while just talking. The kind of thing one might have been doing all along if it weren’t a totally virtual program. It’s been really nice connecting with classmates.

Last day of sessions today. Bid for an upgrade on my train for tomorrow and got it. I figured an extra $115 was worth the price for a roomette for a 7 hour ride.

We closed this place down in NYC with this group of Japanese business-visitors, must've eaten 100 pieces - got the staff involved, they locked up, I think we knocked off 20 bottles of Saki. :LOL:

A bunch of us took over a dim sum place once in the city, friend of a colleague part-owned the place so they were tolerant of us (and a gigundo tip helped). Anyway their normal close of business was around 10 or 11pm, but we wandered out of there to try to catch taxis home sometime around 2am. We could have rolled home if it had been all downhill. They must have had to open early next to start replenishing their menu options. If we left anything unsampled it was only an oversight.
So, the 'tree straps' (meant for a hammock actually) arrived, so I started work on putting up the shade sails "properly" over the area that used to be shaded until Treepocalypse a few weeks ago. Got the original one mostly back up on new mounting points, two new, smaller ones to add to it tomorrow.

Also finally looked at why one of the dining chairs is squeaky/wobbly. I'm not a woodworker, but this seems broken to me.
It also seems to me (actual woodworkers or DIYers feel free to correct me), putting a pocket hole screw through the floating tenon along the length of the tenon's grain, seems like a really stupid fucking idea.

Anyway. So I guess I get to try and learn how to make a chair by fixing this fucking broken one.

First class rail. Yessir. I watched some tv, had a great breakfast and lunch, took a nap…and never left my roomette! There’s even a toilette and sink in the room!View attachment 7211View attachment 7212
I do enjoy rail travel. Your space looks pretty comfortable!

I can't for the life of me work out what is in the bowl but it looks interesting, hope you enjoyed/are enjoying it!